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I just thought of a great story line, to annoy readers and such ;) EDIT- Probs make a good game

Story starts with Bill. Bill's day starts off normal, then everything seems to go in his favor, he wins lotteries, get free things etc etc

Then Bill realises that everything is in his head, and turns out some extra-dimensional being is controlling him

Once Bill tries to break free, his "dream" world is shattered and he descends into the depths of his own mind. The extra-dimensional being toys with him,returning to Bill memories of his real life. Bill finds out he was (is?) a really bad man.

He then is forced to face his deepest memories and secrets, and faces his innate fears, desires and past crimes, mistakes. He has to face the seven deadly sins, God, Satan etc etc until he is at peace with himself and gains the power to retake his own life and expell the extra-dimensional being.

Then he wakes up to find that everyone is "hooked up" to these beings and discovers a group of people similar to him who have reclaimed their bodies and become immune to the extra dimensional being. Then the real story starts :) 

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I want to write some Reverse Falls fanfic. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a Gravity Falls AU where everybody's positions are swapped. (The Pines twins are evil, Gideon and Pacifica are the protagonists, etc.) RiaFire on DeviantArt has my favorite headcanon for this.

In writing their character descriptions, I feel like I nailed Dipper and Pacifica. I'm having some trouble with Gideon, but I think I can get through that. The character who's really hard for me is Mabel. She's just too sweet and happy for me to make her evil! Also, in most of the Headcanons I've seen, she's really twisted. I want to stick with the TV rating the original Gravity Falls had. (Barely getting away with TVY7)

Anyone got ideas for me to get past this block? ((I'm sort of looking at you @TwiLyghtSansSparkles :ph34r:))

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20 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

I want to write some Reverse Falls fanfic. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a Gravity Falls AU where everybody's positions are swapped. (The Pines twins are evil, Gideon and Pacifica are the protagonists, etc.) RiaFire on DeviantArt has my favorite headcanon for this.

In writing their character descriptions, I feel like I nailed Dipper and Pacifica. I'm having some trouble with Gideon, but I think I can get through that. The character who's really hard for me is Mabel. She's just too sweet and happy for me to make her evil! Also, in most of the Headcanons I've seen, she's really twisted. I want to stick with the TV rating the original Gravity Falls had. (Barely getting away with TVY7)

Anyone got ideas for me to get past this block? ((I'm sort of looking at you @TwiLyghtSansSparkles :ph34r:))

I have a solution. 

I'm not sure how many words I'll need to describe it, so I'll post it when I get home from work. But know that I have something. :ph34r:

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On 6.07.2016 at 0:27 PM, Darkness Ascendant said:

I just thought of a great story line, to annoy readers and such ;) EDIT- Probs make a good game

Story starts with Bill. Bill's day starts off normal, then everything seems to go in his favor, he wins lotteries, get free things etc etc

Then Bill realises that everything is in his head, and turns out some extra-dimensional being is controlling him

Once Bill tries to break free, his "dream" world is shattered and he descends into the depths of his own mind. The extra-dimensional being toys with him,returning to Bill memories of his real life. Bill finds out he was (is?) a really bad man.

He then is forced to face his deepest memories and secrets, and faces his innate fears, desires and past crimes, mistakes. He has to face the seven deadly sins, God, Satan etc etc until he is at peace with himself and gains the power to retake his own life and expell the extra-dimensional being.

Then he wakes up to find that everyone is "hooked up" to these beings and discovers a group of people similar to him who have reclaimed their bodies and become immune to the extra dimensional being. Then the real story starts :) 

There was a short story by Arthur C. Clarke about a man whose mind was invaded by a spectator from the future who lived through numerous lives to get entertainment. You may want to read that (I can't remember the title, but the spectator was named Omega).

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@The Honor Spren: Okay, I'm on break. Solution in spoiler, as it relies heavily on plot points from the finale. 

While a true dark!Mabel is possible, I think that if you don't want to go twisted, your best bet would be to twist her slightly into the sort of Mabel that Dipper couldn't rescue from Bill's prison. 

In that episode, we see a Mabel who is so afraid of growing up and losing Dipper that she would take a world created by Bill over the real one. Canon Mabel was swayed by her brother's declaration of support, but a Reverse Falls Mabel wouldn't be. She might even choose Dippy Fresh over the real Dipper. Why is up to you--is she too selfish? Too afraid? Having too much fun warping reality? Whatever her motive, this Mabel is too enchanted with her own daydreams to live in a horror-filled reality. And in Reverse Falls, this escapist mindset should be taken to its logical, unsettling conclusion. What this conclusion looks like is up to you. 

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I'm looking for some realistic ideas on how technology could've developed differently if the United States weren't a single, powerful nation, but instead was divided into several countries following the Civil War. Since the United States played a big role in the industrial revolution, I figure it would have some kind of impact on the technology we have today. Aside from just slowing down technological progress in general, any suggestions for what might be different about the nature of technology if you remove the United States, and potentially WWII, as factors? I'm looking for something other than Steampunk or zeppelins. They don't seem like the most logical extrapolations to me, not to mention they're awfully cliched in alternate universe fiction. Any suggestions?

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3 minutes ago, Lindel said:

I'm looking for some realistic ideas on how technology could've developed differently if the United States weren't a single, powerful nation, but instead was divided into several countries following the Civil War. Since the United States played a big role in the industrial revolution, I figure it would have some kind of impact on the technology we have today. Aside from just slowing down technological progress in general, any suggestions for what might be different about the nature of technology if you remove the United States, and potentially WWII, as factors? I'm looking for something other than Steampunk or zeppelins. They don't seem like the most logical extrapolations to me, not to mention they're awfully cliched in alternate universe fiction. Any suggestions?

Well, the thing is that these alternate technology progresses usually are caused by some kind of discovery. Steampunk usually originates because the discovery of steam engines (and those should be reeeeaally efficient) and the fact that there is no gasoline. Dieselpunk is discovery of diesel engines and no electricity. Magicpunk - magic engines. Et cetera, et cetera.

If you want to go realistic and not just slowed down progress (as there are none of the things invented during WWII), you have to get really clever. Industrial revolution could be changed, but the Britain played important role in that, along with France and Belgium (and probably other countries). So the industrial revolution would go probably similarly to how it really went.

There is no major turning point (like the discoveries which start prefix-punks) in the States not uniting; I mean, it could slow down the progress, but it wouldn't spin the technology in a whole different direction.

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4 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Well, the thing is that these alternate technology progresses usually are caused by some kind of discovery. Steampunk usually originates because the discovery of steam engines (and those should be reeeeaally efficient) and the fact that there is no gasoline. Dieselpunk is discovery of diesel engines and no electricity. Magicpunk - magic engines. Et cetera, et cetera.

If you want to go realistic and not just slowed down progress (as there are none of the things invented during WWII), you have to get really clever. Industrial revolution could be changed, but the Britain played important role in that, along with France and Belgium (and probably other countries). So the industrial revolution would go probably similarly to how it really went.

There is no major turning point (like the discoveries which start prefix-punks) in the States not uniting; I mean, it could slow down the progress, but it wouldn't spin the technology in a whole different direction.

Fair enough. There were some major discoveries that happened in the US, but I suppose the assumption is that they would've happened somewhere else? I just figure that the timing, location, and precise nature of these discoveries and innovations would change things up, but I haven't decided how.

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Right now I'm developing powerset for character who chose name "Angle". I'm still not sure about limitations or how his powers are going to work, but the basic idea is that everything misses him. He could walk through battlefield unscathed. He could walk highspeed road and somehow every vehicle will go around him.

I have to decide the basic mechanism - does he bend reality? Warp space? Maybe he induces some kind of neurological error so that people can't target him properly (I'd rather not go with that as I want him to be able to avoid shrapnels and other things which does not involve humans). But Bending Reality is kind of too OP; on the other hand, I can't figure out how to use Angle's ability offensively - if I go with warping space that's ripping people apart without any effort and how do you stop somebody like that? (The main reason why Repulsors exist is that I set hard limits for telekinesis so that standard telekinesists don't go ripping people apart)

The inspiration was when @TwiLyghtSansSparkles misspeled "Angel" in one of her posts about the show and I took it from there.

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Have you read the Webcomic "Gunnerkrigg Court"?  There's a character there whose explicit superpower is "to create order where there was none." (Demonstrated in his first appearance by flinging a deck of normal playing cards over his shoulder and having them all land in a neat stack, ordered by suit and value) Perhaps Angle's powerset could work similarly.   

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21 hours ago, Landis963 said:

Have you read the Webcomic "Gunnerkrigg Court"?  There's a character there whose explicit superpower is "to create order where there was none." (Demonstrated in his first appearance by flinging a deck of normal playing cards over his shoulder and having them all land in a neat stack, ordered by suit and value) Perhaps Angle's powerset could work similarly.   

I haven't, but I'm meaning to.

I had a late-night trip to the kitchen and as I was walking back and forth while eating an apple, I figured out most of the Angle.

Put in spoiler to avoid wall of text about my worldbuilding:


He can create a space where he can alter angles. The mechanism which fuels this magic would be reality bending. The thing is, (much like with telekinesis) reality-bending is reaaally nerfed and according to my Law of Detail it begins to be useful only when limited to such ability. And it's draining the user rather fast, so Angle's powers are confined to three abilities:

  1. Field around him which alters the angle of anything coming at him. Mostly passive, automatically targeting anything coming into the field.
  2. Active ability to alter angles - can be used at distance
  3. Basically a Shardblade - a sword with edges made of distorted space. Edges are constantly altering space so the sword is literally impossibly sharp. That one is really draining, since there are two edges which are working non-stop. The first and second ability are usually used briefly (as the first one is auto-aiming and using up power only when needed). The sword is basically the second ability applied permanently to the weapon.

Angle uses his sword (I have to think of some mathematic pun to name the sword) like Vasher uses Nightblood - rarely, briefly and when he really needs to. I think that I'll have to weaken Angle's Alteration (think Allomantic pewter) to even the field. That way in duels he is slower and weaker than most of the opponents, but on the other hand it's really hard to hit him and he has a Shardblade. But since he's slower, most of the opponents will be able to avoid the sword and even if he slices them, they still have superior regeneration to him.

So it would be a contest who runs out of power first - Angle with sword draining him and field draining him to protect him or opponent makes enough mistakes to spend all his energy on healing.

I think this can work. (Although I have to admit that at first I imagined specifically that Angle won't actively deflect projectiles but that they will always move at their trajectories; his ability would make those trajectories missing him. But that would require ability to mess with probability and I don't want that.)

I noticed that since I started writing things down and sharing them here I have ideas more frequently. The more you think about things, the more ideas you have. Weird.

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Just now, Landis963 said:

What is your language, out of curiosity? 


I added a limitation to Angle's powers: he can only alter acute angles. So he can add only up to 90 degrees (but not 90). That way he cannot reflect things back at the opponents. Hm... or maybe up to 45 degrees in both directions? That way his full field of ability would be 90 degrees. He could deflect things 45 degrees in any direction.

A fine balance between good ability and being OP.

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Sometime before 1940, Spokane had a black policeman named Walter Lawson. 

Unfortunately, that's all this book said about him. So that's all I know. 

Must learn more. :ph34r:

The one time where having a name that sounds like something didn't end with a villain origin.:ph34r:

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I'm no writer, and I definitely will not be writing anything about this, but I had a cool idea for a world.

So you have this planet (or possibly moon) that's like Europa, the moon of Jupiter. It's got a solid crust of ice but a shallow ocean underneath, which is kept warm by geothermal/ tidal forces. There's a race of people that have naturally buoyant bodies, so they mostly live on the inside of the ice crust, upsidedown from 'normal.' They tie rocks or heavy weights to themselves to ascend to the rocky core of the world for farming and gathering natural resources. Nothing grows on solid ice, so it all has to be done on the 'ceiling' of the world. 

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I found out that "vector" comes from latin "vehere". "Vehere" would work as a nice name for a sword.

But then when I was going through geometry pages on wikipedia I think I found it: "Secant". How does it work in English? What are the connotations?

Because in Polish it's "sieczna" and shares a root with verb "siekać" which means "to cut". It's a pretty nice connected name.

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7 hours ago, Oversleep said:

I found out that "vector" comes from latin "vehere". "Vehere" would work as a nice name for a sword.

But then when I was going through geometry pages on wikipedia I think I found it: "Secant". How does it work in English? What are the connotations?

Because in Polish it's "sieczna" and shares a root with verb "siekać" which means "to cut". It's a pretty nice connected name.

sieczna. I spent three minutes trying to compute how to spell that word. Even though it was right in front of me...I somehow couldn't place the "c" in the right spot. :/ I really like your idea so far. Vehere could be a good name for your sword. Give us some info on it as well as how it was made, where, how etc etc and then you will find it alot easier to name it

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10 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

sieczna. I spent three minutes trying to compute how to spell that word. Even though it was right in front of me...I somehow couldn't place the "c" in the right spot. :/ I really like your idea so far. Vehere could be a good name for your sword. Give us some info on it as well as how it was made, where, how etc etc and then you will find it alot easier to name it

"cz" is a single sound :) ("ch" in "check") "si" is like a one and half sound.

You can listen to somebody saying that word here: http://pl.forvo.com/word/sieczna/#pl (Click the "play" triangle)

Well, the thing with weapons is that they're basically carved out of the mage's power. Once mage figures out the key action, which is changing default aura to the wanted one. If you were to take a sample of the aura of a corrosive mage and tried to apply it to something, it would act like a super acid. Fire mage's aura would burn things and so on.

After that crucial step any spell, any magic performed by that mage would be elemental. For example, a spell to throw a fireball isn't going to differ much from a spell to throw a ice ball. Each mage after changing aura has a long time of programming their power ahead of them. Usually they make some protective parts, which range from partial armor on the joints (legs, arms) to full body armor. Weapon is done similarly - it's their concentrated power. Most of the time. Some apply various tricks. Like Angle's sword which doesn't simply warp angles in the space around it, but instead its edges are made to be infinitely close to zero angle.

Actually that's where the name Soulsmiths comes from: they forge their own souls into weapons. Hence, blaksmiths of souls.

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1 hour ago, Morzathoth said:

I had a thought while waiting for the train.

"Rubbing sticks or rocks together creates fire, fabric and skin makes static electricity... friction... feels like there is a magic system hiding in this..."

A surge of inspiration, so to say. Something to lift your spirits.

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A piece of general advice: invest in post-its. When I have an idea, I write it down on it and stick it on the windowsill. (IMPORTANT: Make the note so that it would be understandable. I had some very headscratching post-its in the beginning and I didn't know what to make out of them.)

Later I can make a quick look through written things and that way my subconsciousness can work on it. When I figure something out and write it down (in the doc with ideas or here) I throw out the related post-it.

It works pretty well.

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