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Don't worry. I'm only partly exploded. :blink::P


Er... I mean, Kobold! I'm so glad you're safe and will be able to continue gaining rep faster than Neverthere is gaining crushs on horrific homicidal monsters.  :ph34r: 


Edited by Voidus
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Mailliw and Kobold, sorry, I've been busy.  I will get a Florist post up this weekend, and maybe a farewell Aura and Event Horizon as well.

It's alright. I actually can't remember if Freq or Impact is up in that scene.

Is there anyone else I'm holding up?

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Er... I mean, Kobold! I'm so glad you're safe and will be able to continue gaining rep faster than Neverthere is gaining crushs on horrific homicidal monsters.  :ph34r:  :P

This is because I promised you Vondra in my will, isn't it? :P

And also Numnums. :mellow:

I wish I had two upvotes to give to this. :mellow::lol:

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Don't worry guys, I survived the head-explosion. I just had to resurrect after 5 minutes see a doctor. :ph34r::P

This is because I promised you Vondra in my will, isn't it? :P

I wish I had two upvotes to give to this. :mellow::lol:

Agreed. :lol:

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This is because I promised you Vondra in my will, isn't it? :P

I wish I had two upvotes to give to this. :mellow::lol:

It might be.  :ph34r: 

Ask yourself, who is best equipped to show off the full baddchullery of Vondra by pitting him against a leagion of Epics? :P

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The chip hat is still in the closet where Funtimes left him. May I ask why the knowledge might be helpful? :ph34r:

I was just writing Wraith's reaction to the fight, and by cause doesn't know either side, but thinks that one of them must be part of funtimes's alliance, but cause they're in the museum, so he decides to side with the unicyclist, because he reminds him of funtimes. The hat would have just been another reason to side with the unicylist.

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...can't argue with that logic. :P

Then again, Impact just joined up with Frequency, Neverthere is potentially going to date Timeport, at this rate if I did get Vondra he'd probably go back in time and date Koschei somehow  :unsure:

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I agree. Iconoclast would arguably be the most powerful Epic in Portland, or at least in the upper tier. And his modus operandi ensures that he'd utterly annihilate all current plot lines.

Posted the FUNTIMES list on the Events board, by the way. Thanks for helping me put it together!


Hmmm that is true, although Lightwards is a necromancer with an army of zombies, isn't he?

Regardless, I don't want to mess up any plot lines haha


What he really needs is his own city to terrorize. Not a town like Dallesport, but a city like Salem.


oooh an entire CITY would be cool....


Exactly. He's the kind of character who'd bend the overreaching RP-arc around himself. Which isn't at all a bad thing--I think a campaign with him at its center would be awesome--but it does mean we'll have a hard time incorporating him into The Dalles, much less Portland.


As for Dallesport: am I the only one freaking out about the fact that we're legitimately considering an RP thread that's not set in Oregon? :mellow:


I'm just chuffed that you guys are even considering starting an RP for him :3

But I agree, his far-reaching effects mean that you can't ignore him at all. If he is in town, ghouls and chaos spread pretty quickly too.


Holy sparkplugs, I didn't even think of that. :o I don't know if Iconoplast would be willing to work with Lightwards, but it'd be an interesting (not to mention terrifying) alliance.


Questions removed. :ph34r:


If we keep this up, "What Happened in Australia" might actually happen. :P



He would work with Ligthwards in two circumstances, 1)a very short-term thing when faced with a powerful common enemy, or 2)if Lightwards gave up this whole "building an empire" thing and agreed to simply cause chaos with him. 

Connie hates empires and order, he won't be able to restrain himself from attacking Lightwards and his allies if they maintain any sort of Empire (like of Light, for instance). Not suggesting they actually DO stop empire-building, of course, but Connie is picky and anti-social :P haha


I do like the idea though.


What happened in australia? How about yes! Can I make an Epic that runs my home town haha? :P



Which is another argument for giving Iconoclast his own city. Put him in an existing thread, and like you said, he'd bend the entire arc around himself. Put him in his own thread, and you allow him to be the center of it, thus making alliances with other characters more interesting. If he's the center of his own thread, it would make it all the more plausible that Lightwards would hear of him and seek him out as an ally. 



I doubt we'd go that far. :P But I've already been worldbuilding for the places Funtimes will visit in her backstory—Wasilla, Barrow, Deadhorse, Coldfoot, Vancouver, Seattle, and an almost-ghost town in Wyoming called Lost Springs. :mellow:


Like I said, I'm cool with waiting :) So chuffed haha


On your frustrations Kobold I think they're perfectly reasonable, I get geoblocked from stuff online alot and it's really frustrating that just because I live in Australia (Also known as: The country that waits longer and pays more for everything than everyone else) I have to wait, sometimes for weeks to get new content.

On Brandon's instructions though I think it was more a reference to reposting it on a publicly accessible place, I wouldn't think PMing it to one friend because he couldn't subscribe would be a problem. But then I'd rather we had to go by sometimes over the top rules and not share it at all than nobody getting it.


tell me about it...  <_<  australia gets boned sometimes hahaha


I don't have the willpower to stay off. :P (They're yours whenever you want 'em on the WHOOC thread. :ph34r:)




I'm going to seriously throw an Internet party when you (Liam) and mail-mi (Danielle) change your names back. :mellow:


that's weird, my name is also Liam  :blink:

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. It can wait. ;)



Would anyone care to help a dim-witted and easily confused kobold out by listing the characters currently in the clinic? Reader, Autumn, Edgerunner, MV, and I think Elsa are all I can name off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm missing someone, and will feel stupid for not remembering once I've been reminded. :mellow:

Probably to obvious given that they entered together but there's also Baxter. :ph34r:


"In Which Timeport Unknowingly Decides to Join Lightwards After the CorpseMaker War." :P

To quote myself:

Ant then he joined Lightwards' empire and replaced Koschei as Nighthounds BFF of nightmares. :P







Neverthere x Time--


Neverthere x Timepor--


Nope, I can't even finish typing it out.  :mellow:

What? Oh, you mean Timeport X Neverthere X Nighthound. :wacko:


I was just writing Wraith's reaction to the fight, and by cause doesn't know either side, but thinks that one of them must be part of funtimes's alliance, but cause they're in the museum, so he decides to side with the unicyclist, because he reminds him of funtimes. The hat would have just been another reason to side with the unicylist.

:mellow: Sure go and extra fuel the uncivil war. :unsure: So, could you refresh my memory into what he can actually turn?


Then again, Impact just joined up with Frequency, Neverthere is potentially going to date Timeport, at this rate if I did get Vondra he'd probably go back in time and date Koschei somehow  :unsure:

Can you imagine what I would do with Sunburst and Sam? :unsure:

Edited by Edgedancer
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I don't want Kobold to die. You know why?

Nobody wants Backtrack. Especially not me.


He's not for everyone, but I find him strangely entertaining to write. :ph34r:



He would work with Ligthwards in two circumstances, 1)a very short-term thing when faced with a powerful common enemy, or 2)if Lightwards gave up this whole "building an empire" thing and agreed to simply cause chaos with him. 

Connie hates empires and order, he won't be able to restrain himself from attacking Lightwards and his allies if they maintain any sort of Empire (like of Light, for instance). Not suggesting they actually DO stop empire-building, of course, but Connie is picky and anti-social :P haha


I do like the idea though.


Hmm. That would be a problem. Lightwards is very committed to the idea of order--his ultimate goal, you see, is to unite every living thing on the planet and/or universe under the mind of a single individual, himself. He and Iconoclast would come to blows pretty quickly, unless they found a very compelling reason to fight together.



Can you imagine what I would do with Sunburst and Sam? :unsure:


Find super-adorable ships for them to rival Algaze?

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Wraith can turn into smoke and back. When he turns back to normal and if he is in a tight space, say a bottle, he would break the bottle. That also applies to humans if they breath him in.

You'd think that the preassure or glass shards would still hurt him.


He's not for everyone, but I find him strangely entertaining to write. :ph34r:




Hmm. That would be a problem. Lightwards is very committed to the idea of order--his ultimate goal, you see, is to unite every living thing on the planet and/or universe under the mind of a single individual, himself. He and Iconoclast would come to blows pretty quickly, unless they found a very compelling reason to fight together.




Find super-adorable ships for them to rival Algaze?

I wouldn't want Backtrack to not exsist, because that would mean his suffering doesn't exsist either. :P


They wouldn't have to join up for Lightwards to gain from it though. Lightwards could gather ghoul-zombies (double undead :P ) from simply fighting him.


The amount of trust you have in me is astoundishing. :ph34r:


Rep Vampirism is something you must find within yourself.


Though it's primarily ponies.

I don't think vampirism fits, after all Twi is the only vampire here. :P

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You'd think that the preassure or glass shards would still hurt him.

I wouldn't want Backtrack to not exsist, because that would mean his suffering doesn't exsist either. :P

They wouldn't have to join up for Lightwards to gain from it though. Lightwards could gather ghoul-zombies (double undead :P ) from simply fighting him.

The amount of trust you have in me is astoundishing. :ph34r:

I don't think vampirism fits, after all Twi is the only vampire here. :P

A sparkly rainbow one, apparently. :P

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You'd think that the preassure or glass shards would still hurt him.


I wouldn't want Backtrack to not exsist, because that would mean his suffering doesn't exsist either. :P


They wouldn't have to join up for Lightwards to gain from it though. Lightwards could gather ghoul-zombies (double undead :P ) from simply fighting him.


The amount of trust you have in me is astoundishing. :ph34r:


I don't think vampirism fits, after all Twi is the only vampire here. :P

That is true. After all, Lightwards isn't allied with Toymaker but he still benefits from her existence.

A sparkly rainbow one, apparently. :P

And I am your Chief Aide. Which makes me... a secondhand rainbow vampire, maybe?

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