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Vondra's more paranoid about the Epics in his service than he lets on. He strives to know as much about their lives and limitations as he can, so I imagine he regularly has Autumn come to his office to report on the psychological going-ons of the City Guard.

With that being the case, could I get either an invite to the current Scribber conversation or a copy of the info? scootangel.png

And Autumn isn't as paranoid, but more concerned with keeping them as human as possible. Those who come through her office she sees as the ones who are trying hardest to put their lives back together (since most Epics don't have or want a support network) so her updates would contain everything Vondra wants to know, but also little humanizing details about them. She doesn't trust them, but she wants to, and she wants to see them freed of whatever is corrupting them, so her reports would reflect that.

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 What isn't Reader's fault? :ph34r::P Honestly though, with everything Reader does to antagonize those around him, regardless of status or power, he's a major destabilizing force within the Dalles. I would be surprised if he doesn't play some part in its eventual destruction. 

If current plans stay as they are, then  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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As some of you might have astutely noticed, I did not post this weekend.  That was because I am really busy getting ready for my backpacking trip.  If a post is needed, I can try to get one up tomorrow, otherwise, I won't be online until the 13th.

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And Autumn isn't as paranoid, but more concerned with keeping them as human as possible. Those who come through her office she sees as the ones who are trying hardest to put their lives back together (since most Epics don't have or want a support network) so her updates would contain everything Vondra wants to know, but also little humanizing details about them. She doesn't trust them, but she wants to, and she wants to see them freed of whatever is corrupting them, so her reports would reflect that.


Autumn's still a kind and pleasant person. Vondra's a good man, but he's drifted far more to the Crazy Prepared and occasionally Well-Intentioned Extremist tropes.


Also, I want to see one of Autumn and Vondra's report sessions at some point. A scene like that with the two of them could really illustrate their respective characterizations. Especially Autumn's, with the specific details she chooses to bring up.

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Autumn's still a kind and pleasant person. Vondra's a good man, but he's drifted far more to the Crazy Prepared and occasionally Well-Intentioned Extremist tropes.

Also, I want to see one of Autumn and Vondra's report sessions at some point. A scene like that with the two of them could really illustrate their respective characterizations. Especially Autumn's, with the specific details she chooses to bring up.

I agree. We ought to arrange one sometime. :ph34r:

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I agree. We ought to arrange one sometime. :ph34r:


After the panda/Frequency invasion, perhaps. :ph34r:



With or without a certain obsessed sparkly teleporter? :P


I can say this for certain right now: Vondra is not going to like Shiny Sparkle. At all. :mellow:

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Now I'm picturing Autumn saying a quick goodbye to Shiny Sparkle before one of her briefing sessions with Vondra….only to have Shiny Sparkle wait inside the office, tapping her foot the entire time. :P

*fixed :P I don't see her letting Autumn go in without her,

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I can say this for certain right now: Vondra is not going to like Shiny Sparkle. At all. :mellow:


I can see why, and none of them have to do with being judgmental. :mellow: A sparkly teleporter who drops into town during an invasion and promptly flirts with the woman in charge of determining which Epics stay and which ones go? He's got every right to be suspicious. 


*fixed :P I don't see her letting Autumn go in without her,



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I can see why, and none of them have to do with being judgmental. :mellow: A sparkly teleporter who drops into town during an invasion and promptly flirts with the woman in charge of determining which Epics stay and which ones go? He's got every right to be suspicious. 


Even convincing him that Shiny's genuinely infatuated with Autumn wouldn't make his opinion any softer; the lack of consent in their relationship would be enough for him to order a prompt assassination of Shiny through any means he can manage. He harbors a furious hatred for Epics who use their powers as a means of defying the law, and especially for Epics who view vanillas as slaves or pets. He doesn't let Deathwish have his pick of the women in town, and he certainly won't let Shiny do so either.

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Even convincing him that Shiny's genuinely infatuated with Autumn wouldn't make his opinion any softer; the lack of consent in their relationship would be enough for him to order a prompt assassination of Shiny through any means he can manage. He harbors a furious hatred for Epics who use their powers as a means of defying the law, and especially for Epics who view vanillas as slaves or pets. He doesn't let Deathwish have his pick of the women in town, and he certainly won't let Shiny do so either.


Autumn would oppose immediate assassination for sure. Shiny might've taken her by surprise, and she would've definitely preferred to have been asked on a date instead of having it sprung on her, but she'll want to give Shiny the benefit of the doubt before they take any action against her. That said, if Vondra mandates they "take it slow" or keep their relationship "strictly professional" or something like that, Autumn wouldn't object. 

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Autumn would oppose immediate assassination for sure. Shiny might've taken her by surprise, and she would've definitely preferred to have been asked on a date instead of having it sprung on her, but she'll want to give Shiny the benefit of the doubt before they take any action against her. That said, if Vondra mandates they "take it slow" or keep their relationship "strictly professional" or something like that, Autumn wouldn't object. 


Vondra's a blunt kind of man; he'll ask point-blank, preferably out of Shiny's range of hearing, whether Autumn has any interest in being romantically involved with Shiny Sparkle.


If she says yes, he'll privately doubt her sincerity but will not press the issue--though still mandating that they take the relationship slow, and possibly even that they share separate quarters for the time being.


If she says no--even a weak, dodging-the-question kind of no--he will order that the relationship cease immediately, and will make sure that Shiny's informed that attempting to force the issue will result in him giving the order to terminate her on sight to all members of the City Guard.


Vondra isn't one to make compromises with Epics. Which admittedly may be what results in the fall of The Dalles, but it's part of his personality nonetheless.

Edited by Kobold King
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I'm honestly impressed he has managed to keep control so long.

how does he get Epics to serve him? Most seem to hate the very idea of vanillas daring to contradict any Epics, let alone be equals or command them.

He took power by killing every Epic that didn't agree to work for the City Guard, and he's just as hard on vanilla criminals. And he has contingency plans to assassinate wayward Epics in his employ, so combine that with the fact the City Guard definitely rewards Epics who play by the rules, and I don't think it's implausible that he's stayed in power.

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He took power by killing every Epic that didn't agree to work for the City Guard, and he's just as hard on vanilla criminals. And he has contingency plans to assassinate wayward Epics in his employ, so combine that with the fact the City Guard definitely rewards Epics who play by the rules, and I don't think it's implausible that he's stayed in power.

Yep. It's been hard, but he's managed to stay in power so far through paranoia and use of bountiful overkill against any Epic that threatens the establishment. The fact that Koschei probably killed off a lot of the Epics that once lived in The Dalles likely helps the situation.

That said, Blackhoof's right that he can't keep this up forever. I think The Dalles' current situation of being flooded with new Epics all at once is where the cracks in Vondra's methodology will begin to show.

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What are the limits on her energy absorption abilities? Because if she can absorb all the energy of a nuclear power plant and release it in one go, that could easily make her more powerful than Obliteration.

Would that be ok if she was? If not, I can tone her powers down a bit.

On her backstory, I can add in that she saw Calamity in the morning before she went to work. Only thing that would be different would be that she would know she was an epic, but that really wouldn't change her actions that much.

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Would that be ok if she was? If not, I can tone her powers down a bit.

On her backstory, I can add in that she saw Calamity in the morning before she went to work. Only thing that would be different would be that she would know she was an epic, but that really wouldn't change her actions that much.


Unless we started a city where all the Epics were at Obliteration's level, she would be too OP. (And I don't see a city like that working in our current setting, because there'd be nothing stopping those Epics from taking over the entire state.) 


Why not just have her get her powers in proximity to the nuclear plant and go on her Rending there? 

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Whoa!  While it's time consuming reading through pages of posts, this kind of activity is not a bad thing to come back to after Easter with the inlaws :)


I could probably run Corvallis, or at least get it going.  Come next September (or even late August), I might need to share the responsibility with someone else if it becomes too much for me, but that's a bridge we can cross when we come to it.  Thanks for the votes guys, I know I haven't been here long, but I'm really getting into the story we have going here!


Anyways, so I'm pretty much prepared for my Thursday Final, and my next two days will mostly be spent preparing for my Wednesday Final. I have an essay to work on Friday, and another final Monday, but I'm hoping to get up bios for Rainmaker and Euphoria (with refined and defined powersets) up sometime over the weekend, along with a list of epics currently planning to enter the Corvallis plot line.  After the 15th, and even moreso after the 20th, I should have way more time to really get things going, but I hope to at least get things started with an opening post or two this weekend. 


Speaking of an opening post for the Corvallis thread, I think I'd go with an attempted assasination of Euphoria by a High Epic NPC with a PI.  That way, I can introduce Euphoria's character before she disappears, and show off some of Rainmaker's abilities when she defeats the NPC. 


My idea for the NPC was a  pretty standard super-speed/pre-cog/damage-impervious-skin combo, but let me know if you guys have any cooler ideas.  I also need two epic bodyguards for Euphoria who can be killed by the assassin in the action, so if anyone (*cough Voidus *cough) has any ideas for their powers that would also be very helpful. 


Anyways, I am super excited for Corvallis.  If you want your character to be among the Queens of Corvallis, I think I'd like to have all of them decided on by the time the RP begins, to avoid continuity issues.  Other than that, I think we can slot new characters in both as residents and as newcomers as the story progresses.  Does that sound good? 


I think that's everything for now.  While I'm studying the next two days I should be able to keep up the action here, and if things go well, I might even be able to post early :).  Thanks for your patience everyone, and let me know if you have any new ideas to help flesh out Corvallis!

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That could work. Also, what of she couldn't release all of her stored up energy at once, except when she died. That way she could store a lot of energy up, but could expend it all at one time, leveling cities in one go.

EDIT this was in response to twi's post.

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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That would certainly make her weaker than Obliteration in the sense that she has less control than he does.



Whoa!  While it's time consuming reading through pages of posts, this kind of activity is not a bad thing to come back to after Easter with the inlaws :)


I could probably run Corvallis, or at least get it going.  Come next September (or even late August), I might need to share the responsibility with someone else if it becomes too much for me, but that's a bridge we can cross when we come to it.  Thanks for the votes guys, I know I haven't been here long, but I'm really getting into the story we have going here!


Anyways, so I'm pretty much prepared for my Thursday Final, and my next two days will mostly be spent preparing for my Wednesday Final. I have an essay to work on Friday, and another final Monday, but I'm hoping to get up bios for Rainmaker and Euphoria (with refined and defined powersets) up sometime over the weekend, along with a list of epics currently planning to enter the Corvallis plot line.  After the 15th, and even moreso after the 20th, I should have way more time to really get things going, but I hope to at least get things started with an opening post or two this weekend. 


Speaking of an opening post for the Corvallis thread, I think I'd go with an attempted assasination of Euphoria by a High Epic NPC with a PI.  That way, I can introduce Euphoria's character before she disappears, and show off some of Rainmaker's abilities when she defeats the NPC. 


My idea for the NPC was a  pretty standard super-speed/pre-cog/damage-impervious-skin combo, but let me know if you guys have any cooler ideas.  I also need two epic bodyguards for Euphoria who can be killed by the assassin in the action, so if anyone (*cough Voidus *cough) has any ideas for their powers that would also be very helpful. 


Anyways, I am super excited for Corvallis.  If you want your character to be among the Queens of Corvallis, I think I'd like to have all of them decided on by the time the RP begins, to avoid continuity issues.  Other than that, I think we can slot new characters in both as residents and as newcomers as the story progresses.  Does that sound good? 


I think that's everything for now.  While I'm studying the next two days I should be able to keep up the action here, and if things go well, I might even be able to post early :).  Thanks for your patience everyone, and let me know if you have any new ideas to help flesh out Corvallis!


Idea for High Epic:

Name: The Iron Ogre

Primary Power: Can turn into a giant, bestial, iron-skinned humanoid at will, very reminiscent of the Hulk, but made out of iron. Incredibly strong and essentially invincible in this form (the iron is much stronger than normal iron, and has full flexibility). Cannot transform if he is calm, he has to be feeling a strong negative emotion of some sort.

Secondary: Can shoot lasers from his eyes, but only in iron ogre form. (because why not?)



Maybe he is defeated by Euphoria hitting him with happiness, that overwhelms his anger and he calms down, if only for a few seconds, and transforms back into human form. Then he quickly gets taken down before he can realise what happened.



Ideas for epic bodyguards:

Name: Mammoth
Primary: Super strength
Secondary: Increased density, endurance, and toughness (like Puenos in Firefight, not invincible but very hard to damage).


Name: Firefly

Primary: Can create glowing balls of sparks that do several things- explode, glow powerfully, heal, cut, burn, pull things down and lift things.
Secondary: Minor precognition: can tell several seconds in advance if danger is incoming, but not from where, and not in what form. Constantly tingling in a fight, so only useful for a few seconds of advance warning of a threat.

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 With his weakness being what it is though, he has the potential for a really powerful redemption arc, if the right circumstances come up. I didn't really want to throw it out the window this early, but...


Very true, although it would take a lot more than just Edgerunner and Deathwish to take him down. He could give the whole Guard working together a run for their money, and even though they'd for sure put him down eventually, they probably wouldn't do so without casualties.

Oh yes, how we crush our plans. I remember the time when there was a redemption arc for Nighthound. (No one believed that, did they. :P )


I'm pretty sure that Shiny Sparkle and MV together could kill him pretty easily. Shiny Sparkle causes explosions, Frostfire has to absorb the energy and release it to keep himself uninjured. Then MV simply transfers the energy back to him, by force bubble, and eventually they will have gathered so much energy that he can't keep up anymore.

 What isn't Reader's fault? :ph34r::P Honestly though, with everything Reader does to antagonize those around him, regardless of status or power, he's a major destabilizing force within the Dalles. I would be surprised if he doesn't play some part in its eventual destruction.

Oh the irony. ;)


Now I'm picturing Autumn saying a quick goodbye to Shiny Sparkle before one of her briefing sessions with Vondra….only to have Shiny Sparkle wait outside the office, tapping her foot the entire time. :P

*fixed :P I don't see her letting Autumn go in without her,

I think she would be less tapping her foot and more sleeping, while using Autumn's lap as a pillow. :P


Even convincing him that Shiny's genuinely infatuated with Autumn wouldn't make his opinion any softer; the lack of consent in their relationship would be enough for him to order a prompt assassination of Shiny through any means he can manage. He harbors a furious hatred for Epics who use their powers as a means of defying the law, and especially for Epics who view vanillas as slaves or pets. He doesn't let Deathwish have his pick of the women in town, and he certainly won't let Shiny do so either.

To be fair, Shiny Sparkle is still under the assumption that she does have Autumn's consent. :mellow:


Whoa!  While it's time consuming reading through pages of posts, this kind of activity is not a bad thing to come back to after Easter with the inlaws :)


I could probably run Corvallis, or at least get it going.  Come next September (or even late August), I might need to share the responsibility with someone else if it becomes too much for me, but that's a bridge we can cross when we come to it.  Thanks for the votes guys, I know I haven't been here long, but I'm really getting into the story we have going here!


Anyways, so I'm pretty much prepared for my Thursday Final, and my next two days will mostly be spent preparing for my Wednesday Final. I have an essay to work on Friday, and another final Monday, but I'm hoping to get up bios for Rainmaker and Euphoria (with refined and defined powersets) up sometime over the weekend, along with a list of epics currently planning to enter the Corvallis plot line.  After the 15th, and even moreso after the 20th, I should have way more time to really get things going, but I hope to at least get things started with an opening post or two this weekend. 


Speaking of an opening post for the Corvallis thread, I think I'd go with an attempted assasination of Euphoria by a High Epic NPC with a PI.  That way, I can introduce Euphoria's character before she disappears, and show off some of Rainmaker's abilities when she defeats the NPC. 


My idea for the NPC was a  pretty standard super-speed/pre-cog/damage-impervious-skin combo, but let me know if you guys have any cooler ideas.  I also need two epic bodyguards for Euphoria who can be killed by the assassin in the action, so if anyone (*cough Voidus *cough) has any ideas for their powers that would also be very helpful. 


Anyways, I am super excited for Corvallis.  If you want your character to be among the Queens of Corvallis, I think I'd like to have all of them decided on by the time the RP begins, to avoid continuity issues.  Other than that, I think we can slot new characters in both as residents and as newcomers as the story progresses.  Does that sound good? 


I think that's everything for now.  While I'm studying the next two days I should be able to keep up the action here, and if things go well, I might even be able to post early :).  Thanks for your patience everyone, and let me know if you have any new ideas to help flesh out Corvallis!

I know, it has become my morning ritual. :lol:


From my experience the workload drastically decreases after you got a weakness out of everyone.


Should resist temptation... Kenshin is starring at me. Have you seen that stare?


It's so hard not to join. :P

That could work. Also, what of she couldn't release all of her stored up energy at once, except when she died. That way she could store a lot of energy up, but could expend it all at one time, leveling cities in one go.

EDIT this was in response to twi's post.

Given that death is a slap on the wrists for her, i don't see how that is much of a restriction.

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Oh yes, how we crush our plans. I remember the time when there was a redemption arc for Nighthound. (No one believed that, did they. :P )


I'm pretty sure that Shiny Sparkle and MV together could kill him pretty easily. Shiny Sparkle causes explosions, Frostfire has to absorb the energy and release it to keep himself uninjured. Then MV simply transfers the energy back to him, by force bubble, and eventually they will have gathered so much energy that he can't keep up anymore.

Oh the irony. ;)


I think she would be less tapping her foot and more sleeping, while using Autumn's lap as a pillow. :P

Nighthound can never be redeemed, even after dying thousands of time, undergoing severe trauma and 10,000 years to rework his personality he'd still be a Slontze. :P

MV's not at the level where she could do stuff like that spontaneously, I could put it in as an accidental instinctual kind of thing but she's not very practiced at the myriad awesome ways she could use her powers, since she had Impact as a limitless momentum source she hasn't experimented much but that should be changing soonish now that Impacts gone for the foreseeable future. :ph34r: 


Tsundere!MV is very upset that Shinysparkle's relationship has already progressed to the legendary lap pillow and she still hasn't even tried on Backtrack's glasses :P

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Nighthound can never be redeemed, even after dying thousands of time, undergoing severe trauma and 10,000 years to rework his personality he'd still be a Slontze. :P

MV's not at the level where she could do stuff like that spontaneously, I could put it in as an accidental instinctual kind of thing but she's not very practiced at the myriad awesome ways she could use her powers, since she had Impact as a limitless momentum source she hasn't experimented much but that should be changing soonish now that Impacts gone for the foreseeable future. :ph34r: 


Tsundere!MV is very upset that Shinysparkle's relationship has already progressed to the legendary lap pillow and she still hasn't even tried on Backtrack's glasses :P

Porshion could redeem Nighthound and a lot of other Epics, by earasing the time after they have been corrupted. :ph34r:


Time for a training montage. B)


Being nothing but dere for Autumn, Shiny Sparkle progresses their relationship as fast as she's allowed. :P

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