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I might be able to get up two Chase posts today, including the one I already did, what do you guys think?

We used to do that sometimes, before we spent all our time posting comics and jokes instead :P

Sounds good to me though.



Should I put up a post for Arsenal, or shall we give Shiny Sparkle a chance to get guns pointed at her?

Given what we've seen of Arsenal's personality I doubt it would take much more than her appearance for SS to get guns pointed at her, so...


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Working on a RM post now.  Loved Cornucopia :).  I'm assuming based on your post that she doesn't know about Euphoria yet.  Let me know if I have that wrong though!

No that's right, wasn't sure if the messenger would be trusted with the details but she wouldn't ask for the reason from him anyway she'd just sigh and go along with it.

My inspiration was if Lucentia kept her whining to the inside of her head :P

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I saw and adjusted.  I think it worked well!


On an unrelated note, what do you guys think about time jumps?  I was thinking that including a few in Corvallis could help move the plot forward (especially since Iconoclast is going to need to time to save up on ghouls).  I'm thinking we could just wait for opportune point between scenes and then jump forward a few days.  What do you guys think?

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I saw and adjusted.  I think it worked well!


On an unrelated note, what do you guys think about time jumps?  I was thinking that including a few in Corvallis could help move the plot forward (especially since Iconoclast is going to need to time to save up on ghouls).  I'm thinking we could just wait for opportune point between scenes and then jump forward a few days.  What do you guys think?


Well if we do that we might want to come up with a tentative RP timeline, so we can keep up with what date each city is on. I'm pretty sure it's been established that we're at the beginning of September right now, but beyond that we have no idea.


What I'm saying is that if the rest of the RP is on September 4th, we'll have to make a special note if Corvallis jumps ahead to September 8th.

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Well if we do that we might want to come up with a tentative RP timeline, so we can keep up with what date each city is on. I'm pretty sure it's been established that we're at the beginning of September right now, but beyond that we have no idea.

What I'm saying is that if the rest of the RP is on September 4th, we'll have to make a special note if Corvallis jumps ahead to September 8th.

Would we coordinate the skips with other timelines? Because it might not be a bad idea to do a few short skips with the CorpseMaker war, but that wouldn't be as feasible in The Dalles.

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Well, Kobold, having reread through your Deathwish posts, I can officially say he is a terrible, terrible person.  And Florist hates him more than I do.   :D


Mission accomplished. B):P My design process for Deathwish was basically "Captain Hammer + my sleaziest uncle." :P

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I suddenly feel very sorry for you that you dated a Deathwish. :mellow:

Well, he didn't have superpowers, and there was no evil star urging him toward super villainy. He was just a narcissistic chull. Of course, in the three years since we split, his band STILL hasn't gotten a recording deal and all of 80 people liked the mean breakup songs he wrote about me (at least on Facebook)....so yeah, I'm not sorry he's out if my life at all. :P

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Well if we do that we might want to come up with a tentative RP timeline, so we can keep up with what date each city is on. I'm pretty sure it's been established that we're at the beginning of September right now, but beyond that we have no idea.


What I'm saying is that if the rest of the RP is on September 4th, we'll have to make a special note if Corvallis jumps ahead to September 8th.


That might be a good idea anyways, since I'm not entirely sure how the timelines match up anyways (Like, for example, the Corvallis thread is starting in the evening, so I'm not sure when that is compared to the Dalles, Astoria, or Portland). 


Also, on a slightly related note, how long after Calamity is this RP taking place again?  The books took place ten years later, right?  When was Oregon destroyed in relation to the books? 


It was great! 


We need to have the Queens quell the riots first, though. After that, maybe? I think we already set up for there being a lot of time skips in this thread, with those beginning time skips. But that's not a bad thing. 


That's what I was intending.  When I said a "convenient time" I definitely meant after the riot was quelled. 


Though, if Iconoclast gets involved with the riots, war might just start right there... 

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Well, he didn't have superpowers, and there was no evil star urging him toward super villainy. He was just a narcissistic chull. Of course, in the three years since we split, his band STILL hasn't gotten a recording deal and all of 80 people liked the mean breakup songs he wrote about me (at least on Facebook)....so yeah, I'm not sorry he's out if my life at all. :P


Be that as it may. I'm still ticked off on your behalf that there's a person in the world who's written mean songs about you. <_< As far as I'm concerned, any song about Danielle SansSparkles that is not about her genius-level creativity, fun-loving nature, or adoration of pugs isn't worthy of the subject material.



Also, on a slightly related note, how long after Calamity is this RP taking place again?  The books took place ten years later, right?  When was Oregon destroyed in relation to the books? 


The RP takes place two years before Steelheart. We don't know when in the official timeline Oregon's destruction took place.

Edited by Kobold King
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Be that as it may. I'm still ticked off on your behalf that there's a person in the world who's written mean songs about you. <_< As far as I'm concerned, any song about Danielle SansSparkles that is not about her genius-level creativity, fun-loving nature, or adoration of pugs isn't worthy of the subject material.


The RP takes place two years before Steelheart. We don't know when in the official timeline Oregon's destruction took place.

That made me smile so much. Thank you. ^_^

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That made me smile so much. Thank you. ^_^


I had no idea you felt that way about timeline clarifications--


Oh. Don't mention it. :)



Backtrack post is up. I call it "In Which We Learn That Being Teleported Into Buildings Has Its Drawbacks." :P

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I'd be up for that. Depending on how that Converter retrival squad goes.



Sounds good to me. Let me know when you want to do it.

All right, simple solutions are simple. I'm going to alter the girls so that Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are their codenames. In addition, Buttercup's weakness will be iceskating, given the same backstory. I'll re-adjust Bubbles's weakness to solve Voidus's issue with it, but I want to say that just because a fear is childish does not mean someone can't have it. I am afraid of Wasps. Kobold is afraid of spiders. Though I will admit that wasps are not my greatest fear, they very well could be were I not so afraid of my parents dying (which itself could be viewed a childish fear). Though her fear is childish, that does not mean it isn't true.


As for the girls feeling guilt or remorse, Phaedrus isn't the only one we see. What about Megan? With two of our major Epic characters exhibiting "positive" feelings towards vanillas, is it so hard to believe there can't be others? Do you all really think that both Limelight and Firefight are unique, that they are the only two, and that they both just so happened to run into David during their lives? Particularly when you consider the fact that Megan was actively using her powers during all of Steelheart?


If the consensus is still that the girls shouldn't feel guilt or remorse about it then I'll simply remove such feelings from the profiles, there's no reason to argue. I just don't understand your points of view.


About the guilt, we've already broken canon enough(see Flashpoint and Edgerunner for two examples) that I think some guilt isn't a big deal. I say keep the characters as you imagine them.  

Working on a RM post now.  Loved Cornucopia :).  I'm assuming based on your post that she doesn't know about Euphoria yet.  Let me know if I have that wrong though!


Would Rainmaker use Hypno's Hypnotization power  to help keep the populace prone to her suggestions? I figured that that would be a rational idea after Euphoria was taken. while not as effective as hers, his power will help. Granted, he can only Command 10 at a time, but his Hypnosis is broader than that.

Also, how come Rainmaker used messengers instead of mobiles?

That might be a good idea anyways, since I'm not entirely sure how the timelines match up anyways (Like, for example, the Corvallis thread is starting in the evening, so I'm not sure when that is compared to the Dalles, Astoria, or Portland). 


Also, on a slightly related note, how long after Calamity is this RP taking place again?  The books took place ten years later, right?  When was Oregon destroyed in relation to the books? 

It's currently late evening/early night in Portland and I think it's early evening in the Dalles. Astoria is about the same. The sun just went down, but Lightwrought brightened the sky.

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Also, how come Rainmaker used messengers instead of mobiles?

It's currently late evening/early night in Portland and I think it's early evening in the Dalles. Astoria is about the same. The sun just went down, but Lightwrought brightened the sky.


Let's just say Rainmaker likes using Vanillas for everything, even if its not the most efficient way of doing things, haha. 


 Would Rainmaker use Hypno's Hypnotization power  to help keep the populace prone to her suggestions? I figured that that would be a rational idea after Euphoria was taken. while not as effective as hers, his power will help. Granted, he can only Command 10 at a time, but his Hypnosis is broader than that.


She definitely will, but likely not right away.  She'll do her thing with the Queen's first. 


Also, she may have another top secret job for the hypnotist...

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Let's just say Rainmaker likes using Vanillas for everything, even if its not the most efficient way of doing things, haha. 


She definitely will, but likely not right away.  She'll do her thing with the Queen's first. 


Also, she may have another top secret job for the hypnotist...

Ah, I see. Just demonstrating her superiority. That's what I thought it might be.

I just figured that he could be in the crowd, hypnotizing a large group of the regulars, so that anything Rainmaker ordered, they'd be more likely to obey.

Do I get to know what that job is? ;)

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I had no idea you felt that way about timeline clarifications--

Oh. Don't mention it. :)

Backtrack post is up. I call it "In Which We Learn That Being Teleported Into Buildings Has Its Drawbacks." :P

I love me some timeline clarifications. You should've seen me the day my high school history book revised their Civil War timeline for accuracy. :P

Also, nine upvotes on Funtimes' first flashback? I feel loved....and also worried the rest will disappoint. I mean, I'm not writing it to be a disappointment, but still. :unsure:

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Ah, I see. Just demonstrating her superiority. That's what I thought it might be.

I just figured that he could be in the crowd, hypnotizing a large group of the regulars, so that anything Rainmaker ordered, they'd be more likely to obey.

Do I get to know what that job is? ;)


I'll let Rainmaker tell the Hypnotist what it is.  If you are curious, there's a hint in one of Rainmaker's posts :)

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I love me some timeline clarifications. You should've seen me the day my high school history book revised their Civil War timeline for accuracy. :P

Also, nine upvotes on Funtimes' first flashback? I feel loved....and also worried the rest will disappoint. I mean, I'm not writing it to be a disappointment, but still. :unsure:


Do you keep the revised timeline framed on your wall, by any chance? :P


Being a person with behind-the-scenes knowledge of what's coming, I don't think you'll be disappointing anyone. :) And don't be discouraged if you don't score as many upvotes. I'm still convinced that Lightsong's monkey is in charge of those--my most highly ranked post is one of Backtrack crying his way into the Mesozoic Era, while some of Lightwards' posts that I felt deserved far more recognition only got two or three green arrows. :P

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Just a question, How does Hypno's powers work on Epics?


The same as on regular people, except that I believe that most Epics have a very strong will and a purpose and so would be harder,like any person of that mindset, for him to affect. In Corvallis, precious few Vanillas would have that will, but most Epics would. And if he tried to Command any of the Queens, he knows Rainmaker would have his head.  

I'll let Rainmaker tell the Hypnotist what it is.  If you are curious, there's a hint in one of Rainmaker's posts :)

Can it please not be in the intro post? While that was awesome, it's super long to go reread. :P but consider me looking for it now.

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Do you keep the revised timeline framed on your wall, by any chance? :P

Being a person with behind-the-scenes knowledge of what's coming, I don't think you'll be disappointing anyone. :) And don't be discouraged if you don't score as many upvotes. I'm still convinced that Lightsong's monkey is in charge of those--my most highly ranked post is one of Backtrack crying his way into the Mesozoic Era, while some of Lightwards' posts that I felt deserved far more recognition only got two or three green arrows. :P


It's probably a good thing Lightsong's monkey doesn't have more power. Imagine what he'd do with a seat on the Senate! :P

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