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40,000 Zuchinies huh. I wonder how many downvotes that makes.


If we have to think about a dystopian world we might as well use a more creative term, remeniscent of ice-cream. :P


Um….a buttload? :P


I choose to believe that the bolder vanillas who know the term call Epics "rum raisins." Because no one likes rum raisin ice cream. :P 

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I thought the term was unfamiliar!  I just thought I'd somehow not noticed it when reading the books. I don't know why, but it seems to fit in well with the rest of the Reckonerverse terminology. 

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Not sure what kind of person fears zucchini or how making people sick connects to that fear, but I wouldn't object. :P

Still wouldn't be the weirdest weakness I've come up with :P

One of the characters Voidgaze has dealt with was weak to birthday cakes.

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Not sure what kind of person fears zucchini or how making people sick connects to that fear, but I wouldn't object. :P

What if someone tried to drown them in 40,000 zucchini? :P


Still wouldn't be the weirdest weakness I've come up with :P

One of the characters Voidgaze has dealt with was weak to birthday cakes.

One of my Epics has a similar weakness. :mellow:

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What if someone tried to drown them in 40,000 zucchini? :P


One of my Epics has a similar weakness. :mellow:

Suddenly everyone in Portland decided to throw a birthday party in the hopes that it was Nighthound.  :ph34r:

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All right. Here's the updated, and hopefully final, forms of the Girls. I did leave the whole "they feel remorse and guilt" bit in there, but I'd like to note that they only felt such things right around the time after their Rendings. As time progressed and they used their powers more, the corruption pushed the remorse out of their minds. The negative feelings associated with the event, however, have somewhat remained, such as blaming each other for it. The only "positive" emotion that is really left is Blossom's aversion to using her lightning powers. Everyone seems fine with that, but if you haven't voiced your opinion yet and really think they shouldn't have those feelings let me know before tomorrow when I plan on setting these profiles in stone (by posting them in the profiles thread and making a debut post).



Epic Name: Blossom

Age: 24



Elemental Breath: Blossom has the ability to breath ice and fire from her mouth. She has control over the distance the breath travels, the shape of the breath as it leaves her lips, and the force of the breath. Each of those parameters has limits, though. Through research she discovered the limitations; max distance is 20ft, “max” shape is the cone that extends from her mouth, and the max force being the equivalent of a grenade (mostly only important when breathing fire).


Lightning Bolts: Blossom has the ability to shoot lightning bolts from her hands. Max range, like her breath power, is 20ft. She doesn’t like using this power very much.


Flight: Blossom has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of pink light flows from behind her for about 10ft. She’s researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Butchering her hair: Blossom takes great pride in her hair, and her greatest fear is having it butchered. This means that her hair would need to be cut horribly, from uneven lengths for different portions, to having a section shaved off. When Blossom is having a particularly bad hair day her powers slightly diminish, though this is rectified when she re-does her hair. Due to this she always has a brush on her person, and cuts her own hair.



Blossom avoids combat when possible, and really dislikes using her lightning power. Like Euphoria, she prefers to work behind the scenes, having an apt for strategy. Blossom is often jealous of Euphoria and the treatment she gets, but understands the necessity behind such circumstances, though she has her doubts about who would perform the job better. Blossom adores her sisters, Bubbles and Buttercup, but she struggles with no longer being their
“leader” like she was during their childhood. She currently supports Corvallis by being the head of PR and Advertising, though she supports Euphoria and Rainmaker in other fields whenever necessary.



Blossom has long orange hair, kept straight at all times, and falls to her mid-back. She usually wears a red, form fitting suit dress with matching open-toed high heels and red coach sunglasses. Over dressing is never an issue, as she likes to say.



Blossom was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Blossom has always had an interest in learning. She attended college and graduated with two degrees, one in engineering and the other in business.  Whenever Blossom finds herself with free time, she’s reading. As such, when growing up she was often labeled a nerd, a classification she resented due to her father enforcing the importance of knowledge.


During their Rending, the girls went on a killing spree like most Epics. Slaughtering fair portions of their home city, their Rending concluded in their own home when Blossom accidentally killed Professor Utonium with her lightning bolts. To this day she hates using that power, though she’s mostly moved on from the guilt.



Epic Name: Bubbles

Age: 24



Force Field Creation: Bubbles has the ability to create force fields of various sizes, though they are all spherically shaped. Due to her name and the fact that they are spherical, the force fields that Bubbles creates are generally known as bubbles. Bubbles has the ability to, upon creating the bubbles, decide what can and cannot diffuse through the force fields. She cannot resize a bubble, and instead must lower the force field and then erect a new one, and her bubbles are always centered around her. There is a maximum limit to the bubbles she can create, however. Bubbles is incapable of making force fields when the sum of her bubbles’ radii reaches 9mi. If she tries to make a new bubble after reaching that point, any previous bubbles disappear.


This power also serves as a prime invincibility, for if Bubbles is in immediate danger a bubble will erect around her. This occurs without her having to think about it, and will occur even if she has no knowledge of the threat.


Flight: Bubbles has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of light blue light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Pitch Black Dark: Bubbles is afraid of the dark. Her powers are still fully useable at levels of darkness like outside at night with the stars and the moon. On a new moon, however, it would be dark enough outside to begin messing with her powers. As it proceeds to get darker from there, her powers work less and less. Objects will begin to be able to move through her bubbles, with smaller objects gaining the ability first, and larger ones later. If she is surrounded by pitch black darkness her powers will not work at all. It is for this reason she keeps a pocket flashlight in her hoodie, always handy just in case.



Bubbles is one of the key Queens within Corvallis. Her job is to erect a bubble at her max size from the center of the city, Oregon State University, meaning that a 9mi radius bubble is constantly around Corvallis. This bubble allows air, water, light, and sound to pass through. Bubbles, once a day at a scheduled time, lowers the bubble to allow people to leave or enter Corvallis, and shortly after erects a new one. Due to this bubble being her maximum size, Bubbles is constantly guarded and her safety is a prime concern amongst Rainmaker’s underlings, including Bubbles herself. This constant protection annoys Bubbles at times, but her life isn’t completely governed by the need for her protection, and she is often allowed to wander Corvallis itself, so long as she is within a short flight away from OSU’s campus.



Bubbles likes to be comfortable. She keeps her shoulder length blonde hair in a ponytail, and loves wearing a blue hoody and either pajama pants or jeans. She finds multicolored socks to be cute, often mismatching them, and wears her favorite pair of converse any time she’s not at home.



Bubbles was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Growing up, Bubbles was a very popular girl and liked everything cute. She struggled with learning the value of money, buying everything cute that she could. This love of cute lead Bubbles to become an artist, often making caricatures or fan art.


The loss of her father after her Rending hit Bubbles the hardest. She fell into a mild depression that she struggled to come out of. She is now back to her chipper old self, after having used her powers extensively.



Epic Name: Buttercup

Age: 24



Super Strength: Even though her muscles have not increased in size, Buttercup has supernatural strength. She is capable of throwing cars with ease and punches harder than her sister Blossom could measure.


Healing Factor: Buttercup has a natural healing facter, healing from wounds much faster than the normal human. Bruises and scratches disappear almost instantly, and broken bones mend themselves in minutes. In fact, the only wounds Buttercup cannot heal from are the complete severing of limbs and appendages, the piercing of her heart or brain, and explosions that engulf her whole body. She still feels pain, however, though her natural high pain tolerance does help in this regard. She is also capable of drowning and suffocating from lack of air.


Flight: Buttercup has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of green light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Standing on a Frozen Body of Water: Buttercup is deathly terrified of standing atop frozen bodies of water. Lakes, ponds, rivers, any body of water that is frozen over. The thickness of the ice does not matter. When the girls were younger, Buttercup convinced the other two to ice skate on a lake because she wanted to play hockey (though Blossom and Bubbles wound up pretending to be figure skaters rather than play with Buttercup). Needless to say, the ice broke and Blossom and Bubbles fell in and nearly died. Buttercup never forgave herself, and had chronic nightmares for years. To this day she cannot get herself to stand on frozen bodies of water.


NOTE: Buttercup is unaware that this is her weakness.



Buttercup’s powers have allowed her to become the perfect security guard. It was due to this that she was appointed Queen of Security in Corvallis. She takes her job very seriously, and is often protecting Bubbles or Euphoria in person.



Buttercup loves mobility. She keeps her black hair cut short and wears a black and green track suit and tennis shoes when not in her security gear. She always has an earpiece in her ear open to the channels that her team uses.



Buttercup was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Buttercup was a tomboy when growing up, loving sports and working out whenever she could. She trained in martial arts her whole life, and had opened a dojo of her own before gaining powers.


Buttercup really enjoys her new life as a Queen of Corvallis. She treats her job as though it were the most important one, something she truly believes. She does, however, tend to prioritize her sisters’ safety over the rest of Corvallis.

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All right. Here's the updated, and hopefully final, forms of the Girls. I did leave the whole "they feel remorse and guilt" bit in there, but I'd like to note that they only felt such things right around the time after their Rendings. As time progressed and they used their powers more, the corruption pushed the remorse out of their minds. The negative feelings associated with the event, however, have somewhat remained, such as blaming each other for it. The only "positive" emotion that is really left is Blossom's aversion to using her lightning powers. Everyone seems fine with that, but if you haven't voiced your opinion yet and really think they shouldn't have those feelings let me know before tomorrow when I plan on setting these profiles in stone (by posting them in the profiles thread and making a debut post).



Epic Name: Blossom

Age: 24



Elemental Breath: Blossom has the ability to breath ice and fire from her mouth. She has control over the distance the breath travels, the shape of the breath as it leaves her lips, and the force of the breath. Each of those parameters has limits, though. Through research she discovered the limitations; max distance is 20ft, “max” shape is the cone that extends from her mouth, and the max force being the equivalent of a grenade (mostly only important when breathing fire).


Lightning Bolts: Blossom has the ability to shoot lightning bolts from her hands. Max range, like her breath power, is 20ft. She doesn’t like using this power very much.


Flight: Blossom has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of pink light flows from behind her for about 10ft. She’s researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Butchering her hair: Blossom takes great pride in her hair, and her greatest fear is having it butchered. This means that her hair would need to be cut horribly, from uneven lengths for different portions, to having a section shaved off. When Blossom is having a particularly bad hair day her powers slightly diminish, though this is rectified when she re-does her hair. Due to this she always has a brush on her person, and cuts her own hair.



Blossom avoids combat when possible, and really dislikes using her lightning power. Like Euphoria, she prefers to work behind the scenes, having an apt for strategy. Blossom is often jealous of Euphoria and the treatment she gets, but understands the necessity behind such circumstances, though she has her doubts about who would perform the job better. Blossom adores her sisters, Bubbles and Buttercup, but she struggles with no longer being their

“leader” like she was during their childhood. She currently supports Corvallis by being the head of PR and Advertising, though she supports Euphoria and Rainmaker in other fields whenever necessary.



Blossom has long orange hair, kept straight at all times, and falls to her mid-back. She usually wears a red, form fitting suit dress with matching open-toed high heels and red coach sunglasses. Over dressing is never an issue, as she likes to say.



Blossom was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Blossom has always had an interest in learning. She attended college and graduated with two degrees, one in engineering and the other in business.  Whenever Blossom finds herself with free time, she’s reading. As such, when growing up she was often labeled a nerd, a classification she resented due to her father enforcing the importance of knowledge.


During their Rending, the girls went on a killing spree like most Epics. Slaughtering fair portions of their home city, their Rending concluded in their own home when Blossom accidentally killed Professor Utonium with her lightning bolts. To this day she hates using that power, though she’s mostly moved on from the guilt.



Epic Name: Bubbles

Age: 24



Force Field Creation: Bubbles has the ability to create force fields of various sizes, though they are all spherically shaped. Due to her name and the fact that they are spherical, the force fields that Bubbles creates are generally known as bubbles. Bubbles has the ability to, upon creating the bubbles, decide what can and cannot diffuse through the force fields. She cannot resize a bubble, and instead must lower the force field and then erect a new one, and her bubbles are always centered around her. There is a maximum limit to the bubbles she can create, however. Bubbles is incapable of making force fields when the sum of her bubbles’ radii reaches 9mi. If she tries to make a new bubble after reaching that point, any previous bubbles disappear.


This power also serves as a prime invincibility, for if Bubbles is in immediate danger a bubble will erect around her. This occurs without her having to think about it, and will occur even if she has no knowledge of the threat.


Flight: Bubbles has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of light blue light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Pitch Black Dark: Bubbles is afraid of the dark. Her powers are still fully useable at levels of darkness like outside at night with the stars and the moon. On a new moon, however, it would be dark enough outside to begin messing with her powers. As it proceeds to get darker from there, her powers work less and less. Objects will begin to be able to move through her bubbles, with smaller objects gaining the ability first, and larger ones later. If she is surrounded by pitch black darkness her powers will not work at all. It is for this reason she keeps a pocket flashlight in her hoodie, always handy just in case.



Bubbles is one of the key Queens within Corvallis. Her job is to erect a bubble at her max size from the center of the city, Oregon State University, meaning that a 9mi radius bubble is constantly around Corvallis. This bubble allows air, water, light, and sound to pass through. Bubbles, once a day at a scheduled time, lowers the bubble to allow people to leave or enter Corvallis, and shortly after erects a new one. Due to this bubble being her maximum size, Bubbles is constantly guarded and her safety is a prime concern amongst Rainmaker’s underlings, including Bubbles herself. This constant protection annoys Bubbles at times, but her life isn’t completely governed by the need for her protection, and she is often allowed to wander Corvallis itself, so long as she is within a short flight away from OSU’s campus.



Bubbles likes to be comfortable. She keeps her shoulder length blonde hair in a ponytail, and loves wearing a blue hoody and either pajama pants or jeans. She finds multicolored socks to be cute, often mismatching them, and wears her favorite pair of converse any time she’s not at home.



Bubbles was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Growing up, Bubbles was a very popular girl and liked everything cute. She struggled with learning the value of money, buying everything cute that she could. This love of cute lead Bubbles to become an artist, often making caricatures or fan art.


The loss of her father after her Rending hit Bubbles the hardest. She fell into a mild depression that she struggled to come out of. She is now back to her chipper old self, after having used her powers extensively.



Epic Name: Buttercup

Age: 24



Super Strength: Even though her muscles have not increased in size, Buttercup has supernatural strength. She is capable of throwing cars with ease and punches harder than her sister Blossom could measure.


Healing Factor: Buttercup has a natural healing facter, healing from wounds much faster than the normal human. Bruises and scratches disappear almost instantly, and broken bones mend themselves in minutes. In fact, the only wounds Buttercup cannot heal from are the complete severing of limbs and appendages, the piercing of her heart or brain, and explosions that engulf her whole body. She still feels pain, however, though her natural high pain tolerance does help in this regard. She is also capable of drowning and suffocating from lack of air.


Flight: Buttercup has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of green light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Standing on a Frozen Body of Water: Buttercup is deathly terrified of standing atop frozen bodies of water. Lakes, ponds, rivers, any body of water that is frozen over. The thickness of the ice does not matter. When the girls were younger, Buttercup convinced the other two to ice skate on a lake because she wanted to play hockey (though Blossom and Bubbles wound up pretending to be figure skaters rather than play with Buttercup). Needless to say, the ice broke and Blossom and Bubbles fell in and nearly died. Buttercup never forgave herself, and had chronic nightmares for years. To this day she cannot get herself to stand on frozen bodies of water.


NOTE: Buttercup is unaware that this is her weakness.



Buttercup’s powers have allowed her to become the perfect security guard. It was due to this that she was appointed Queen of Security in Corvallis. She takes her job very seriously, and is often protecting Bubbles or Euphoria in person.



Buttercup loves mobility. She keeps her black hair cut short and wears a black and green track suit and tennis shoes when not in her security gear. She always has an earpiece in her ear open to the channels that her team uses.



Buttercup was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Buttercup was a tomboy when growing up, loving sports and working out whenever she could. She trained in martial arts her whole life, and had opened a dojo of her own before gaining powers.


Buttercup really enjoys her new life as a Queen of Corvallis. She treats her job as though it were the most important one, something she truly believes. She does, however, tend to prioritize her sisters’ safety over the rest of Corvallis.

Seems good to me. One little thing that plays to your advantage and I'm only pointing out because I'm not sure how common knowledge it is.

Great scale uses of power, like Nightwielder's eternal night, are immune to weaknesses. Meaning that the bubble around the town probably wouldn't drop even if her weakness gets triggered. Everything else would still fail though.

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Aaaaand Team Paladin is finally back!


And I destroyed Madras. As an afterthought, you know. I figure that if we're going to destroy Oregon I actually ought to get started a little bit on the actual destroying part.


Does this make me the first person to have a totally destroyed Oregonian city on-screen? :D

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So Taylor Swift's latest album, 1989, came out post calamity... interesting... :ph34r:


Thanks for the timeline, this is VERY helpful.  In terms of time jumps, I'm not necessarily set on having one, I was just exploring the possibility.  We'll just have to see how things go though. 


The "special mission" shouldn't mess up anything.  The timing of it is pretty flexible :).


So did Frozen, yet everyone seems to know who Elsa is. :P

If it won't mess things up, then sure, Edge. Coma, would the mission work better first or after? I think I'll get Hypno's first post up today.



This is Oregon, here even the Moderators bow to our rules. B)


*is also banned*


Where our members shatter rep records and too the charts and Admins serve our GM. :P;)

*probably joining you*  

They never work with Epics--maybe the ray is produced by an Epic named Deus Ex? :P






I only just realized it's a wholly fanon term. :mellow:

Yeah...there's a reason I've never used it in the RP before.

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All right. Here's the updated, and hopefully final, forms of the Girls. I did leave the whole "they feel remorse and guilt" bit in there, but I'd like to note that they only felt such things right around the time after their Rendings. As time progressed and they used their powers more, the corruption pushed the remorse out of their minds. The negative feelings associated with the event, however, have somewhat remained, such as blaming each other for it. The only "positive" emotion that is really left is Blossom's aversion to using her lightning powers. Everyone seems fine with that, but if you haven't voiced your opinion yet and really think they shouldn't have those feelings let me know before tomorrow when I plan on setting these profiles in stone (by posting them in the profiles thread and making a debut post).



Epic Name: Blossom

Age: 24



Elemental Breath: Blossom has the ability to breath ice and fire from her mouth. She has control over the distance the breath travels, the shape of the breath as it leaves her lips, and the force of the breath. Each of those parameters has limits, though. Through research she discovered the limitations; max distance is 20ft, “max” shape is the cone that extends from her mouth, and the max force being the equivalent of a grenade (mostly only important when breathing fire).


Lightning Bolts: Blossom has the ability to shoot lightning bolts from her hands. Max range, like her breath power, is 20ft. She doesn’t like using this power very much.


Flight: Blossom has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of pink light flows from behind her for about 10ft. She’s researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Butchering her hair: Blossom takes great pride in her hair, and her greatest fear is having it butchered. This means that her hair would need to be cut horribly, from uneven lengths for different portions, to having a section shaved off. When Blossom is having a particularly bad hair day her powers slightly diminish, though this is rectified when she re-does her hair. Due to this she always has a brush on her person, and cuts her own hair.



Blossom avoids combat when possible, and really dislikes using her lightning power. Like Euphoria, she prefers to work behind the scenes, having an apt for strategy. Blossom is often jealous of Euphoria and the treatment she gets, but understands the necessity behind such circumstances, though she has her doubts about who would perform the job better. Blossom adores her sisters, Bubbles and Buttercup, but she struggles with no longer being their

“leader” like she was during their childhood. She currently supports Corvallis by being the head of PR and Advertising, though she supports Euphoria and Rainmaker in other fields whenever necessary.



Blossom has long orange hair, kept straight at all times, and falls to her mid-back. She usually wears a red, form fitting suit dress with matching open-toed high heels and red coach sunglasses. Over dressing is never an issue, as she likes to say.



Blossom was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Blossom has always had an interest in learning. She attended college and graduated with two degrees, one in engineering and the other in business.  Whenever Blossom finds herself with free time, she’s reading. As such, when growing up she was often labeled a nerd, a classification she resented due to her father enforcing the importance of knowledge.


During their Rending, the girls went on a killing spree like most Epics. Slaughtering fair portions of their home city, their Rending concluded in their own home when Blossom accidentally killed Professor Utonium with her lightning bolts. To this day she hates using that power, though she’s mostly moved on from the guilt.



Epic Name: Bubbles

Age: 24



Force Field Creation: Bubbles has the ability to create force fields of various sizes, though they are all spherically shaped. Due to her name and the fact that they are spherical, the force fields that Bubbles creates are generally known as bubbles. Bubbles has the ability to, upon creating the bubbles, decide what can and cannot diffuse through the force fields. She cannot resize a bubble, and instead must lower the force field and then erect a new one, and her bubbles are always centered around her. There is a maximum limit to the bubbles she can create, however. Bubbles is incapable of making force fields when the sum of her bubbles’ radii reaches 9mi. If she tries to make a new bubble after reaching that point, any previous bubbles disappear.


This power also serves as a prime invincibility, for if Bubbles is in immediate danger a bubble will erect around her. This occurs without her having to think about it, and will occur even if she has no knowledge of the threat.


Flight: Bubbles has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of light blue light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Pitch Black Dark: Bubbles is afraid of the dark. Her powers are still fully useable at levels of darkness like outside at night with the stars and the moon. On a new moon, however, it would be dark enough outside to begin messing with her powers. As it proceeds to get darker from there, her powers work less and less. Objects will begin to be able to move through her bubbles, with smaller objects gaining the ability first, and larger ones later. If she is surrounded by pitch black darkness her powers will not work at all. It is for this reason she keeps a pocket flashlight in her hoodie, always handy just in case.



Bubbles is one of the key Queens within Corvallis. Her job is to erect a bubble at her max size from the center of the city, Oregon State University, meaning that a 9mi radius bubble is constantly around Corvallis. This bubble allows air, water, light, and sound to pass through. Bubbles, once a day at a scheduled time, lowers the bubble to allow people to leave or enter Corvallis, and shortly after erects a new one. Due to this bubble being her maximum size, Bubbles is constantly guarded and her safety is a prime concern amongst Rainmaker’s underlings, including Bubbles herself. This constant protection annoys Bubbles at times, but her life isn’t completely governed by the need for her protection, and she is often allowed to wander Corvallis itself, so long as she is within a short flight away from OSU’s campus.



Bubbles likes to be comfortable. She keeps her shoulder length blonde hair in a ponytail, and loves wearing a blue hoody and either pajama pants or jeans. She finds multicolored socks to be cute, often mismatching them, and wears her favorite pair of converse any time she’s not at home.



Bubbles was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Growing up, Bubbles was a very popular girl and liked everything cute. She struggled with learning the value of money, buying everything cute that she could. This love of cute lead Bubbles to become an artist, often making caricatures or fan art.


The loss of her father after her Rending hit Bubbles the hardest. She fell into a mild depression that she struggled to come out of. She is now back to her chipper old self, after having used her powers extensively.



Epic Name: Buttercup

Age: 24



Super Strength: Even though her muscles have not increased in size, Buttercup has supernatural strength. She is capable of throwing cars with ease and punches harder than her sister Blossom could measure.


Healing Factor: Buttercup has a natural healing facter, healing from wounds much faster than the normal human. Bruises and scratches disappear almost instantly, and broken bones mend themselves in minutes. In fact, the only wounds Buttercup cannot heal from are the complete severing of limbs and appendages, the piercing of her heart or brain, and explosions that engulf her whole body. She still feels pain, however, though her natural high pain tolerance does help in this regard. She is also capable of drowning and suffocating from lack of air.


Flight: Buttercup has the ability to fly, with perfect control of her body in 3-D space. When flying at speeds greater than 10mph, a trail of green light flows from behind her for about 10ft. Blossom researched into this light, and has had few conclusive results; she has no other light based powers, the light does not change color or luminosity at different speeds, and the color seems to be based off of her favorite color as a child.



Please only read this if you are capable of keeping your knowledge of her weakness out of the hands of your characters.

Standing on a Frozen Body of Water: Buttercup is deathly terrified of standing atop frozen bodies of water. Lakes, ponds, rivers, any body of water that is frozen over. The thickness of the ice does not matter. When the girls were younger, Buttercup convinced the other two to ice skate on a lake because she wanted to play hockey (though Blossom and Bubbles wound up pretending to be figure skaters rather than play with Buttercup). Needless to say, the ice broke and Blossom and Bubbles fell in and nearly died. Buttercup never forgave herself, and had chronic nightmares for years. To this day she cannot get herself to stand on frozen bodies of water.


NOTE: Buttercup is unaware that this is her weakness.



Buttercup’s powers have allowed her to become the perfect security guard. It was due to this that she was appointed Queen of Security in Corvallis. She takes her job very seriously, and is often protecting Bubbles or Euphoria in person.



Buttercup loves mobility. She keeps her black hair cut short and wears a black and green track suit and tennis shoes when not in her security gear. She always has an earpiece in her ear open to the channels that her team uses.



Buttercup was one of three children that resulted from an accident. Her father, a man often known as Professor Utonium, had reached stability in his professional life, but was unable to find success in his love life. Having always wanted to raise a child, he made the decision to hire an agency to find a woman willing to birth him one. The agency made a mistake, however, and sent Utonium’s deposits to three women rather than one. Being the kind hearted soul that he was, Utonium, upon learning of the mistake and the three pregnancies, decided to keep all three children.


Buttercup was a tomboy when growing up, loving sports and working out whenever she could. She trained in martial arts her whole life, and had opened a dojo of her own before gaining powers.


Buttercup really enjoys her new life as a Queen of Corvallis. She treats her job as though it were the most important one, something she truly believes. She does, however, tend to prioritize her sisters’ safety over the rest of Corvallis.


They look great, can't wait for them to join!


Hey Comatose, I was wondering if it would be ok if Converter appeared while the Queens were frying vanillas?  There's bound to be an explosion of some sort.


I think that will be a suitable time.  I'll include an explosion in the post :).


In other news, I'm done my Legal Ethics essay, which means I'm a single exam away from being done with my second year of law school!  In other news, I technically started my summer job today, so I should probably be getting ready for that, but I plan to do a Rainmaker post once I clean up my house a bit and give my eyes a break from the computer screen.  Blaze, if you want the girls to go first, go right ahead! 


Once everyone is there, and the discussion gets going, what would you guys say about utilizing a time jump to bypass the rest of the conversation, once we have an idea of what is happening in the next scene, and skip right to the demonstration? 



If it won't mess things up, then sure, Edge. Coma, would the mission work better first or after? I think I'll get Hypno's first post up today.


The Hypnotist's mission will be happening after the demonstration,  so if the chain of events goes like this: (1) Queens Meeting, (2) Demonstration, (3) Converter appears during demonstration, then the mission can happen after, I think.  Rainmaker will wait for a while after the Queens go about their business before coming to get him, since she wants to keep it a secret. 

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They look great, can't wait for them to join!



I think that will be a suitable time.  I'll include an explosion in the post :).


In other news, I'm done my Legal Ethics essay, which means I'm a single exam away from being done with my second year of law school!  In other news, I technically started my summer job today, so I should probably be getting ready for that, but I plan to do a Rainmaker post once I clean up my house a bit and give my eyes a break from the computer screen.  Blaze, if you want the girls to go first, go right ahead! 



Ok, I'll be writing the pre death part of her post now.

*Cackles with glee*

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Need a character? Why not Obliteration? :ph34r:

I get the feeling this could become our own version of the Why Not Zoidberg? meme.

Need a chef? Why not Obliteration?

Need a male model? Why not Obliteration?

Need a kindergarten teacher? Um....I really think you should go with someone else. Anyone else.

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I get the feeling this could become our own version of the Why Not Zoidberg? meme.

Need a chef? Why not Obliteration?

Need a male model? Why not Obliteration?

Need a kindergarten teacher? Um....I really think you should go with someone else. Anyone else.


Need an editor? Why not Obliteration?

Need a clown for your little sister's birthday? Why not... find... somebody else entirely. :mellow:


(I was actually going to try captioning an image of him to make my post more like the meme. But I'm too lazy at the moment. :P)

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