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I'm still waiting to hear which character is closer to being Twi's author avatar--Funtimes or Koschei. If I had to guess I'd say Funtimes, but who knows what she does when she's away from her computer... :o:P

I don't have a dozen or so slaves I coerced into my service by slitting and healing their throats, officer. You can't come in without a warrant. :P

Funtimes IS like me in some ways--mostly in the backstory sense, though the parallels are by no means perfect. But I'm far, far quieter and far, far shyer than she is. Though I have been known to say "Great googly moogly" on occasion. :ph34r:

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I don't have a dozen or so slaves I coerced into my service by slitting and healing their throats, officer. You can't come in without a warrant. :P

Funtimes IS like me in some ways--mostly in the backstory sense, though the parallels are by no means perfect. But I'm far, far quieter and far, far shyer than she is. Though I have been known to say "Great googly moogly" on occasion. :ph34r:


Your status as a liebrarian doesn't help me to believe that claim. :ph34r::P


The two of you seem to share a sense of humor, though that's to be expected. Have you met any of your boyfriends rescuing them from deranged gambler serial killers? :P

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Your status as a liebrarian doesn't help me to believe that claim. :ph34r::P

The two of you seem to share a sense of humor, though that's to be expected. Have you met any of your boyfriends rescuing them from deranged gambler serial killers? :P

That's profiling. :P

No, can't say I have. Then again, I haven't met very many deranged gambler serial killers, so who knows what the future holds? :ph34r:

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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That's profiling. :P

No, can't say I have. Then again, I haven't met very many deranged gambler serial killers, so who knows what the future holds? :ph34r:


It's not profiling. It's acting with the understanding that you post more " :ph34r:" smilies than anyone else on the board, and that this behavior could be considered... suspicious. :ph34r:


Great. Now you're in for a bunch of guys pretending to be held captive by serial killers to gain your attention. :P

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None of my characters fit me--mostly because they're all huge jerks, and I'm only a little jerk. :P They all have little parts of me, though: Reader has my sarcasm turned evil, BusDriver my inner First World Problems complainer :P, Mommy my caring side but enhanced a lot, and Timeport...um, I like dinosaurs. ;)

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That's the high epic coming out in her, haha.  I was thinking Rainmaker could do some lightening flashes in the distance to create thunder, and one of those could cause the explosion?  Why would a lot of people die?  Does Converter go on a killing spree every time she resurrects?  We could have her appear at the gathering, but we should probably talk out some of the details.  

Yes she does. She goes through a rendering, then goes back to normal-ish behaviour, and then, as she gets bored of a place, she starts acting epicy, but before long she gets killed because of her own carelessness.

Pm me about it.

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It's not profiling. It's acting with the understanding that you post more " :ph34r:" smilies than anyone else on the board, and that this behavior could be considered... suspicious. :ph34r:

Great. Now you're in for a bunch of guys pretending to be held captive by serial killers to gain your attention. :P

No harm in noticing details, I suppose. :ph34r:

"Man, that's the third one this week! And why are they all gamblers? You'd think, with all the deranged serial killers kidnapping sweet, somewhat geeky guys, they'd have a few different hobbies, but no. They're all gamblers."

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No harm in noticing details, I suppose. :ph34r:

"Man, that's the third one this week! And why are they all gamblers? You'd think, with all the deranged serial killers kidnapping sweet, somewhat geeky guys, they'd have a few different hobbies, but no. They're all gamblers."


Maybe I should start counting how many ninja smilies you use in a day. :ph34r:


And the first thing the guys do when you rescue them is ask for a Tenth Doctor costume, as if you have one just lying around. :P

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Maybe I should start counting how many ninja smilies you use in a day. :ph34r:

And the first thing the guys do when you rescue them is ask for a Tenth Doctor costume, as if you have one just lying around. :P

:ph34r: How many is that?

Sometime in Week 4...

"Oh, great. You're touching my butt. Let me guess: You like to gamble."

*laughs* "Aren't you the smart one."

"You're going to kidnap that guy in the Hufflepuff shirt wearing the Elder Wand necklace, aren't you?"

"What? No!"

"And then you're going to take him away to a torchlit basement and strap him to a table, but I'll save him just in time to make you really mad."

"You've got to stop with these baseless accusations before I--"

"You know, how about I save you both the trouble and ask Mr. Hufflepuff out for coffee."

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:ph34r: How many is that?

Sometime in Week 4...

"Oh, great. You're touching my butt. Let me guess: You like to gamble."

*laughs* "Aren't you the smart one."

"You're going to kidnap that guy in the Hufflepuff shirt wearing the Elder Wand necklace, aren't you?"

"What? No!"

"And then you're going to take him away to a torchlit basement and strap him to a table, but I'll save him just in time to make you really mad."

"You've got to stop with these baseless accusations before I--"

"You know, how about I save you both the trouble and ask Mr. Hufflepuff out for coffee."


Two, if I decide to count ninja smilies in the quote boxes of your posts. :ph34r:



"But... but... I worked so hard on my infuriated Epic voice. Can't you at least call me a meanieface? :( "

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Two, if I decide to count ninja smilies in the quote boxes of your posts. :ph34r:

"But... but... I worked so hard on my infuriated Epic voice. Can't you at least call me a meanieface? :( "

Now that's just reaching. :ph34r::P

"...you know, I would, but it just doesn't fit you. Not many guys would pretend to be a deranged serial killer with supernatural powers just to give their friend an excuse to ask a girl out for coffee. So, no, I'm not calling you a meanieface. Sorry?"

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Now that's just reaching. :ph34r::P

"...you know, I would, but it just doesn't fit you. Not many guys would pretend to be a deranged serial killer with supernatural powers just to give their friend an excuse to ask a girl out for coffee. So, no, I'm not calling you a meanieface. Sorry?"


Gosh darn it. I ran into the quota. It's a lot like running into a wall, but more painful. <_<



"Sigh. I understand. Maybe... maybe someday we could get together and hate each other? It'd be my treat."

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Since no one responded, I'll ask again: anybody object to me taking a (or the) riot leader? I was thinking he could bring up the morale of the people after the executions, using them as martyrs.



plotline? I like it. :D


Most of my characters have some aspect or another of mine, but I wouldn't say that any of them are really my self-insert characters. 


Get excited for a Edgerunner/Frostfire collab guys. I'm quite enjoying how it's turning out.

Edited by Mailliw73
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plotline? I like it. :D

Most of my characters have some aspect or another of mine, but I wouldn't say that any of them are really my self-insert characters.

Get excited for a Edgerunner/Frostfire collab guys. I'm quite enjoying how it's turning out.

Yes indeed. ;) Thanks! :D

Oooohhh! Will they or won't they? :P

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plotline? I like it. :D

Most of my characters have some aspect or another of mine, but I wouldn't say that any of them are really my self-insert characters.

Get excited for a Edgerunner/Frostfire collab guys. I'm quite enjoying how it's turning out.

We WILL fit the entire Cosmere into this RP if it's the last thing we do! :P

Is it going where I think it's going? :ph34r:

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We WILL fit the entire Cosmere into this RP if it's the last thing we do! :P

Is it going where I think it's going? :ph34r:


You'll have to wait and find out. :P  :ph34r:(But it's starting out great. There will come a pivotal moment though that everything will hang on.)

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Yes she does. She goes through a rendering, then goes back to normal-ish behaviour, and then, as she gets bored of a place, she starts acting epicy, but before long she gets killed because of her own carelessness.

Pm me about it.

there is precedent for this sort of thing with Megan- she is more corrupt and more powerful after coming back to life.

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I don't know if you guys listen to them, but Anberlin is one of my favorite bands. They have a song for almost every occasion. Anyway, today I was wondering, Is there an Anberlin song for every major character in this RP? 


Here's one I did for Vondra, using the lyrics to The Resistance and a very rudimentary photo editing program, just to see how they'd turn out. 



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I don't know if you guys listen to them, but Anberlin is one of my favorite bands. They have a song for almost every occasion. Anyway, today I was wondering, Is there an Anberlin song for every major character in this RP? 


Here's one I did for Vondra, using the lyrics to 

 and a very rudimentary photo editing program, just to see how they'd turn out. 



I like it, but may I recommend a gray or other colored font? The red is hard to read on the sides.

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Maybe I've already done so. Maybe we ALL have but we've all been keeping it a secret. pinkiecrazy.png

Prankster and Sandman are both somewhat insert characters. I act more like Prankster, but I look more like Sandman.

Another insert character of mine is Jaime. Yes, the siamang. True story.


I have a new question for the funtimes list


How many Old epics are there, like 80's/90's. Is the reason why we haven't seen any because most older people have already faced many of their fears? 


Fade's up there, but no quite 80's.


I am also scared of cows. Just a little bit, at least. :mellow: Also, chicken bites can hurt. :P

Oh, it's not on a regular basis. If I had to deal with that sort of thing every day there's a real possibility that I'd be flipping burgers at the local McDonald's. :P My only daily hardships are trying to convince the goat to go out to her grazing chain and racing egg-eating chickens to the nest boxes.


Man, egg eating chickens are the worst. We'd always have at least one. Dumbest birds alive I tell you. It is fun to watch them play football with a grub though.


I have a healthy respect for cows, because I was part of a stampede one time.

Yes, you heard that right.

We were out on my grandpa's friend's ranch, feeding the cattle from the gator, a six-wheel drive utility vehicle. I was in the back, trowing out flakes of hay, when an ornery heifer raises her head and glimpses an entire bale of alfalfa in the bed with me. She lets out a MOO! and takes off after us. one or two cows join her, and the next thing you know there's an entire herd thundering towards us. I yelled for my dad to gun it and we took off, the cows close behind. They kept following us, when it occurred to me to get rid of the hay. So I opened the tailgate and pushed the bale out and the herd screeched to a stop and devoured their victim. It was rather intense for 10 year old me to handle, and I've never looked at a bovine the same way. I make sure I eat their kin so they are reminded of who's in charge. That and they're really tasty.

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I'm going to listen to this remix of a MLP season 5 song whenever I read Corvallis posts from now on. I don't know if it's the faintly ominous tune, the creepier of the lyrics, or Starlight Glimmer's voice... but somehow, this song just fits. :mellow:

I told you that our town is pony Corvallis. :P


Not yet. But if you ever have cause to describe Astoria's dungeons, feel free to write me into them. :P

Dungeons? What dungeons? :huh:


Maybe I've already done so. Maybe we ALL have but we've all been keeping it a secret. pinkiecrazy.png

Is this the point where I joke about Nighthound being mine? Sorry but even I can't do that.


From what David says in the second book, about "attractive humans" dating Epics, I got the impression that human-Epic dalliances are fairly common. Yet we never hear of any children resulting from these relationships, and I think David probably would've mentioned that if only to point out that those children had more rights than their human parents, or whether or not they inherits powers. So I think it's safe to say Epics are unable to have children.

Unless, all of them take the Fortuity rute and kill their consorts to fast for them to become pregnant.


That's probably wise. Epics taking interest in vanilla women hasn't occurred often in the RP, with a few notable exceptions. :wacko:

I smell double standard on only female Epics going for lasting relationships with vanillas. :ph34r:  Then again, in the two cases where the partner doesn't have to be worried about getting killed, even if they don't know it, we have one guy and one woman, so there's some kind of balance I guess.


That's the high epic coming out in her, haha.  I was thinking Rainmaker could do some lightening flashes in the distance to create thunder, and one of those could cause the explosion?  Why would a lot of people die?  Does Converter go on a killing spree every time she resurrects?  We could have her appear at the gathering, but we should probably talk out some of the details. 

What would she hit to cause a human sized explosion?


I just realized I'm an idiot. That's why part one of the collab wasn't showing up. I posted it in the wrong thread! Sorry! I'll edit it tomorrow! :(



hmmm I don't know, a whole lot of people would have died in those years before Rainmaker came in, just like everywhere else.

Heck, even Babilar, a very nice place, couldn't have more than a few thousand people living there, down from a population of millions.

To be fair, there only the rooftops were inhabitable, so they simply didn't have the place for more people.


Yes she does. She goes through a rendering, then goes back to normal-ish behaviour, and then, as she gets bored of a place, she starts acting epicy, but before long she gets killed because of her own carelessness.

Pm me about it.

Can we please stop tacking the term Rending to everything? It's a very specific event.


Get excited for a Edgerunner/Frostfire collab guys. I'm quite enjoying how it's turning out.

Good to know they don't need flying to get it on. :P


We WILL fit the entire Cosmere into this RP if it's the last thing we do! :P

Is it going where I think it's going? :ph34r:

And I'm bringing the Voidbringer, which I guess makes Voidgaze an Unmade and either me or Calamity Odium. :mellow:


there is precedent for this sort of thing with Megan- she is more corrupt and more powerful after coming back to life.

Not really, the anger she expected is simply a result of her using a lot of power when her corruption was low, nothing that would affect an Epic already using their powers. The memory holes and power up are probably more a result from dragging in another Megan from a parallel universe than general to resurrections. Sure, resurrection could affect other Epics similary but Megan does appear to be, yet again, a special case.

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