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It isn't that I saw the words "girls' club" and thought of cliques, which made me think of a movie that starts with Mean and ends with Girls. Not at all. :ph34r:


Ah. I won't assume any such thing, then. :P


I like the Artemis suggestion, by the way. Perhaps she could have some sort of bow-and-arrow related powers, making her an Epic version of both Wonder Woman and characters like Hawkeye or the Green Arrow? It would also tie into the mythology more cleanly.


That, or Artemis could have some sort of powers related to the moon, as Mythology!Artemis was a lunar deity.

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I LOVE a good Mean Girls plotline (you should see the Colette's Posse plot going on in MBI) :).

I like the greek diety connection too, so I'll file that away as an option.

So right now, two members of the inner circle (or the Queens of Corvallis, as Kobold dubbed them) are really jumping out to me (High Epic and Euphoria), so I think I'd like to take them, if ya'll are okay with that. The others could be open for adoption.

Ideas for other Queens of Corvallis (Names Can Be Changed):

1. "Bubble" - can make forcefield like bubbles that stay in place. The force fields she makes are selective, meaning she can set them so certain things (wind, air, water, etc) can get through while others (metal, living things) cannot pass in or out. Even if created as a dome, the field actually extends under ground, with the earth being one of the things selectively allowed through (tunnelers however could still be kept out). Bubbles she makes will stay in place, but she can only make so many at a time, and every bubble she makes must be the same size. The bigger the bubble, the fewer bubbles she can make. The bubble she keeps maintained around the city is her max capacity, meaning that as long as it is in place, she cannot make any other bubbles.

PI: When threatened, she will automatically make a protective bubble around herself to repel harm. However, this would also cause her to drop the protective bubble around the city, meaning High Epic keeps her VERY well protected.

Weakness/Personality/MO/History - all up for grabs :)

2. "Duplication Epic" - Can duplicate any non-organic item. She supplies Corvallis with its wealth of both luxury items and necessities such as food. She also powers the city by duplicating fully charged generator batteries. She can destroy individual duplicates by touching them, or has the option of recalling all of her duplications at once.

Everything Else: Up for grabs. Would be nice if she had no PI though. Her power could also be altered or adjusted as desired.

I also had another Euphoria idea. I was thinking that since, objects have little value in a society where duplication epic can copy anything, Euphoria's gifted positive feelings could a secondary form of currency among Vanillas. Once gifted, Vanillas can choose whether or not to use their feelings or save them, or the rate they use up the positive feelings (due to the addictive nature, this is hard). They can also gift the positive feelings to other Vanillas in exchange for things or services. That would make Euphoria's disappearance even more crippling.

I'm also thinking of removing or limiting her history rewriting power, and emphasizing the pleasure gifting more, since it seems to have more potential. Epics would come to the city by leave of the High Epic and "Bubble" where they would be given Vanilla servants. When Epics please the High Epic or Euphoria, their slaves are given more happiness, which makes them better servants. When epics displease the High Epic or Euphoria, then Euphoria cuts back on their positive feelings ration, creating discontent among their workers.

Thoughts? Of course, there is still plenty of room in the inner circle, among the other epics of the city, among the Vanilla slaves, or among the envious invaders waiting for an opportunity to destroy the high epic's little utopia.

EDIT: I almost forgot, Winter's Chase character would definitely also be welcome in the Inner Circle, as another Queen of Corvallis, or in any other faction. An Artemis/Wonder woman cross would also be welcome. They could be High Epic's enforcers.

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Awesome ideas! Especially Euphoria's giftings being used as a currency. That idea is incredible. :D


The thing I'd wonder about Euphoria's past-altering abilities (retrologging?) is how much she can affect the physical bodies of people she... retrologs. Can she cause someone to have suffered a scarring injury at some point in his past? Could she cause someone to have exercised every day of his life, to make him more fit and well-muscled in the present? Could she cause someone to have been a candidate for the Knighthawk Foundry's top-secret robotics program which doesn't exactly exist, thus turning the individual into a killer cyborg soldier which she can then use to defend the city?

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I LOVE a good Mean Girls plotline (you should see the Colette's Posse plot going on in MBI) :).

I like the greek diety connection too, so I'll file that away as an option.

So right now, two members of the inner circle (or the Queens of Corvallis, as Kobold dubbed them) are really jumping out to me (High Epic and Euphoria), so I think I'd like to take them, if ya'll are okay with that. The others could be open for adoption.

Ideas for other Queens of Corvallis (Names Can Be Changed):

1. "Bubble" - can make forcefield like bubbles that stay in place. The force fields she makes are selective, meaning she can set them so certain things (wind, air, water, etc) can get through while others (metal, living things) cannot pass in or out. Even if created as a dome, the field actually extends under ground, with the earth being one of the things selectively allowed through (tunnelers however could still be kept out). Bubbles she makes will stay in place, but she can only make so many at a time, and every bubble she makes must be the same size. The bigger the bubble, the fewer bubbles she can make. The bubble she keeps maintained around the city is her max capacity, meaning that as long as it is in place, she cannot make any other bubbles.

PI: When threatened, she will automatically make a protective bubble around herself to repel harm. However, this would also cause her to drop the protective bubble around the city, meaning High Epic keeps her VERY well protected.

Weakness/Personality/MO/History - all up for grabs :)

2. "Duplication Epic" - Can duplicate any non-organic item. She supplies Corvallis with its wealth of both luxury items and necessities such as food. She also powers the city by duplicating fully charged generator batteries. She can destroy individual duplicates by touching them, or has the option of recalling all of her duplications at once.

Everything Else: Up for grabs. Would be nice if she had no PI though. Her power could also be altered or adjusted as desired.

I also had another Euphoria idea. I was thinking that since, objects have little value in a society where duplication epic can copy anything, Euphoria's gifted positive feelings could a secondary form of currency among Vanillas. Once gifted, Vanillas can choose whether or not to use their feelings or save them, or the rate they use up the positive feelings (due to the addictive nature, this is hard). They can also gift the positive feelings to other Vanillas in exchange for things or services. That would make Euphoria's disappearance even more crippling.

I'm also thinking of removing or limiting her history rewriting power, and emphasizing the pleasure gifting more, since it seems to have more potential. Epics would come to the city by leave of the High Epic and "Bubble" where they would be given Vanilla servants. When Epics please the High Epic or Euphoria, their slaves are given more happiness, which makes them better servants. When epics displease the High Epic or Euphoria, then Euphoria cuts back on their positive feelings ration, creating discontent among their workers.

Thoughts? Of course, there is still plenty of room in the inner circle, among the other epics of the city, among the Vanilla slaves, or among the envious invaders waiting for an opportunity to destroy the high epic's little utopia.

EDIT: I almost forgot, Winter's Chase character would definitely also be welcome in the Inner Circle, as another Queen of Corvallis, or in any other faction. An Artemis/Wonder woman cross would also be welcome. They could be High Epic's enforcers.

"Bubble" makes me think of the PowerPuff Girl Bubbles for some reason. :mellow: What if there were two other Epics whose powers corresponded to the names of the other PowerPuff Girls?

I love the idea of happiness used as currency. This would make Iconoclast the bringer of a currency crisis as well as an agent of chaos. The lack of positive feelings could also lead to some interesting propaganda, as the Queens of Corvallis paint him as a thief of peace and happiness, perhaps leading to an underground rebellion.

Also, I now have the image of a sign that says "Welcome to Corvallis, Happiest Place On the Planet. Or Else." :mellow:

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"Bubble" makes me think of the PowerPuff Girl Bubbles for some reason. :mellow: What if there were two other Epics whose powers corresponded to the names of the other PowerPuff Girls?

I love the idea of happiness used as currency. This would make Iconoclast the bringer of a currency crisis as well as an agent of chaos. The lack of positive feelings could also lead to some interesting propaganda, as the Queens of Corvallis paint him as a thief of peace and happiness, perhaps leading to an underground rebellion.

Also, I now have the image of a sign that says "Welcome to Corvallis, Happiest Place On the Planet. Or Else." :mellow:

I had an image of a similar sign, but I like yours better. The sign is now canon.

EDIT: Powerpuff girl ideas:

Blossom - fertility powers, makes plants grow better, provides raw materials for foods, that duplication epic can then duplicate. Could have a base in the Arboretum.

Buttercup - Drawing a blank. All I'm getting is, 'shoots butter out of fingertips' but I feel like we can do better.

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Hey, I've had this epic idea for some time, kind of based off the magic system of one of the books I'm writing. He/she, haven't decided gender yet, can absorb energy and then transform it into a different type of energy and expend it. For example, some one shoots a bullet at the Epic, the Epic can absorb the bullet's kinetic energy, and then release it as heat or electricity. The Epic would also have reincarnation, so when the Epic dies, the Epic reforms out of a big expenditure of energy, ie an explosion. 


So what do you guys think


PS. Writing singular gender neutral is HARD!

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Sorry, missed these.

Coma, what ideas do you have for the High Epic's powers? And how large do you imagine this inner circle?

I more just have a personality at the moment. Still thinking of details on powers. What I have right now is flight, some sort of PI, and large scale weather manipulation, which she uses to give Corvallis perfect whether every day (including a gently clouded noon hour to avoid sunburn, and morning and evening showers to keep things green), and surround the area around the city with awful hurricane like storms.



Awesome ideas! Especially Euphoria's giftings being used as a currency. That idea is incredible. :D


The thing I'd wonder about Euphoria's past-altering abilities (retrologging?) is how much she can affect the physical bodies of people she... retrologs. Can she cause someone to have suffered a scarring injury at some point in his past? Could she cause someone to have exercised every day of his life, to make him more fit and well-muscled in the present? Could she cause someone to have been a candidate for the Knighthawk Foundry's top-secret robotics program which doesn't exactly exist, thus turning the individual into a killer cyborg soldier which she can then use to defend the city?

Somewhere between making someone more fit and giving them all the skills of the top secret robotic program? Again, I'm still figuring this power out. Not sure if I want to keep the power or not. I'm open to suggestions for limits :)

Sorry for the double post, I didn't want people to miss this response.

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Hey, I've had this epic idea for some time, kind of based off the magic system of one of the books I'm writing. He/she, haven't decided gender yet, can absorb energy and then transform it into a different type of energy and expend it. For example, some one shoots a bullet at the Epic, the Epic can absorb the bullet's kinetic energy, and then release it as heat or electricity. The Epic would also have reincarnation, so when the Epic dies, the Epic reforms out of a big expenditure of energy, ie an explosion. 


So what do you guys think


PS. Writing singular gender neutral is HARD!


I like it, though isn't Frostfire's power set something like this?


(I've long maintained that the English language needs a better gender-neutral pronoun than "it.")



I more just have a personality at the moment. Still thinking of details on powers. What I have right now is flight, some sort of PI, and large scale weather manipulation, which she uses to give Corvallis perfect whether every day (including a gently clouded noon hour to avoid sunburn, and morning and evening showers to keep things green), and surround the area around the city with awful hurricane like storms.


In the Oregon Expanded Universe, we've established that weather in Oregon is primarily influenced by the weather manipulators Snowfall in California and Khione in Alaska, whose opposing influences cause turbulent weather in Oregon on occasion. A Corvallis weather manipulator would throw all that straight out the window--not necessarily a bad thing, but something to bring up I suppose.


I have no ideas for limiting Euphoria's power set at the moment. :mellow: And I'm scared of taking too long thinking of a solution, lest I be double or triple ninja'd again. :P

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I like it, though isn't Frostfire's power set something like this?


(I've long maintained that the English language needs a better gender-neutral pronoun than "it.")



Is it? If it is, then I'm kind of sad... Does anyone know?

Also, when the epic dies, all the stored energy the epic had is released.

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Sorry, missed these.

I more just have a personality at the moment. Still thinking of details on powers. What I have right now is flight, some sort of PI, and large scale weather manipulation, which she uses to give Corvallis perfect whether every day (including a gently clouded noon hour to avoid sunburn, and morning and evening showers to keep things green), and surround the area around the city with awful hurricane like storms.

Somewhere between making someone more fit and giving them all the skills of the top secret robotic program? Again, I'm still figuring this power out. Not sure if I want to keep the power or not. I'm open to suggestions for limits :)

Sorry for the double post, I didn't want people to miss this response.

Funny--we have the canon weather manipulator Snowfall, and then I have a weather manipulator named Khione up in Alaska. It's an awesome power to rule with. (Khione uses hers far differently than the one in Corvallis, though--she sent powerful blizzards and hail over northern settlements like Barrow and Deadhorse to drive people south, where she rules from.)

I think a plausible limit would just be emotional rewriting. Make them think they've always been happy where they are, without adding or subtracting skills or memories. Give everything a rosy cast; for instance, if she did it to my Portland character Nathan, she couldn't erase his memories of his friends being dragged off and murdered, but she could dim them in comparison to the fond memories he has of them, and perhaps even give certain memories a cast of guilt so he feels as though he deserved the treatment the Epics dished out on him. What do you guys think?

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TheSilverDragon put his post in before you, don't worry! I really like this idea! I'll take the weather Epic if that's okay.

The weather manipulation epic was the high epic I was becoming attached to and hoping to take, along with Euphoria. Any of the others would be open for adoption though! I haven't seen other weather manipulators in Oregon, so maybe you could RP one of the ones from California/Alaska and bring them in (if Kobold and Twi okay it, or start a different one). If you are really attached we can talk more, and maybe the high epic could have other powers. We'd have to see though.



I like it, though isn't Frostfire's power set something like this?


(I've long maintained that the English language needs a better gender-neutral pronoun than "it.")




In the Oregon Expanded Universe, we've established that weather in Oregon is primarily influenced by the weather manipulators Snowfall in California and Khione in Alaska, whose opposing influences cause turbulent weather in Oregon on occasion. A Corvallis weather manipulator would throw all that straight out the window--not necessarily a bad thing, but something to bring up I suppose.


I have no ideas for limiting Euphoria's power set at the moment. :mellow: And I'm scared of taking too long thinking of a solution, lest I be double or triple ninja'd again. :P

I agree on the gender pronoun point! I have seen ze and zay (sp?) used, but they aren't really common knowledge.

For the weather point, my conception was that the high epic's powers had a distinct (but large) range of altered weather, that (in defiance of laws of physics like any good epic power) has no effects outside of the range (kind of creating a bubble of altered weather). If this doesn't work though, I can change her powers.

EDIT: Too many posts! Just saw Twi's, so I guess I was wrong on the Weather point (haven't made through the list of epics yet). So should I change high epic's power then?

ALSO, I like the Euphoria idea, just rewriting the emotional content!

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I'll probably just start with Chase. Maybe I could make a vanilla character, to show the other side of things?

I love both of those ideas :)

EDIT: Sorry I keep doing this. I am in class trying to do too many things at once. What's the consensus of giving High Epic Weather powers (limited as I described above)? I am totally open to this being a no-go, if that's what you guys would prefer.

List of Characters of Corvallis so far:

High Epic (Maybe Weather Powers) - Comatose

Euphoria - Comatose

Chase - Winter

Winter's Vanilla - Winter


Artemis Epic (Twi or Kobold?)


Duplication Epic (these two could also be NPCs if no one wants them)

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The weather manipulation epic was the high epic I was becoming attached to and hoping to take, along with Euphoria. Any of the others would be open for adoption though! I haven't seen other weather manipulators in Oregon, so maybe you could RP one of the ones from California/Alaska and bring them in (if Kobold and Twi okay it, or start a different one). If you are really attached we can talk more, and maybe the high epic could have other powers. We'd have to see though.


Snowfall is a canon Epic namedropped in Steelheart, so anyone adopting him/her is presumably completely off the table. I can't speak for Twi, but I'm pretty sure she's established that Khione will be appearing in flashbacks, so I wouldn't bet on being able to adopt her.


Hope I'm not sounding negative about the weather-manipulator thing. I think it's an awesome idea--I'm just stating what the ramifications of zis inclusion would be. ;)


I'm going to post this now because sparks there are a lot of posts today. :o:P

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The weather manipulation epic was the high epic I was becoming attached to and hoping to take, along with Euphoria. Any of the others would be open for adoption though! I haven't seen other weather manipulators in Oregon, so maybe you could RP one of the ones from California/Alaska and bring them in (if Kobold and Twi okay it, or start a different one). If you are really attached we can talk more, and maybe the high epic could have other powers. We'd have to see though.

I agree on the gender pronoun point! I have seen ze and zay (sp?) used, but they aren't really common knowledge.

For the weather point, my conception was that the high epic's powers had a distinct (but large) range of altered weather, that (in defiance of laws of physics like any good epic power) has no effects outside of the range (kind of creating a bubble of altered weather). If this doesn't work though, I can change her powers.

EDIT: Too many posts! Just saw Twi's, so I guess I was wrong on the Weather point (haven't made through the list of epics yet). So should I change high epic's power then?

ALSO, I like the Euphoria idea, just rewriting the emotional content!

If it only works within the city limits, then I see no reason why it would affect the silent war between Snowfall and Khione. (Khione stays in Alaska, and the farthest she's traveled outside her kingdom was to negotiate with Vancouver several years ago, so she won't appear in this RP.) But if you wanted to give her a different power, that'd be fine too.

Edit: As Kobold pointed out, Khione will appear in flashbacks. So adoption of her is off the table.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Snowfall is a canon Epic namedropped in Steelheart, so anyone adopting him/her is presumably completely off the table. I can't speak for Twi, but I'm pretty sure she's established that Khione will be appearing in flashbacks, so I wouldn't bet on being able to adopt her.


Hope I'm not sounding negative about the weather-manipulator thing. I think it's an awesome idea--I'm just stating what the ramifications of zis inclusion would be. ;)


I'm going to post this now because sparks there are a lot of posts today. :o:P

Not negative at all! I just want to be careful not to step on anyone's toes. And sorry about the mix up about Snowfall and Khoine. I'll blame my ignorance. Consider their existence noted!



If it only works within the city limits, then I see no reason why it would affect the silent war between Snowfall and Khione. (Khione stays in Alaska, and the farthest she's traveled outside her kingdom was to negotiate with Vancouver several years ago, so she won't appear in this RP.) But if you wanted to give her a different power, that'd be fine too.

Edit: As Kobold pointed out, Khione will appear in flashbacks. So adoption of her is off the table.

I think I'll stick with the weather powers then, but I'll make sure they have no effects beyond a certain radius to avoid conflicts with these other epics!

*Crosses fingers and hopes no one else posted... (also goes off in search of further info on Snowfall and Khione :)

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I think I'll stick with the weather powers then, but I'll make sure they have no effects beyond a certain radius to avoid conflicts with these other epics!

*Crosses fingers and hopes no one else posted... (also goes off in search of further info on Snowfall and Khione :)


You won't find much on Snowfall. Believe me, we've looked. <_< I'm pretty sure TwiLyght is about to post Khione's bio, so I'll just say [DATA EXPUNGED] for now. :P

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Not negative at all! I just want to be careful not to step on anyone's toes. And sorry about the mix up about Snowfall and Khoine. I'll blame my ignorance. Consider their existence noted!

I think I'll stick with the weather powers then, but I'll make sure they have no effects beyond a certain radius to avoid conflicts with these other epics!

*Crosses fingers and hopes no one else posted... (also goes off in search of further info on Snowfall and Khione :)

I haven't mentioned Khione yet in the RP, and I haven't added her to my post in Epics of Oregon, so it's not your fault. :) I'll add more about her if people are interested, but the bulk of her story will come through flashbacks in the Portland thread, so I'm saving a lot of it for that.

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I haven't mentioned Khione yet in the RP, and I haven't added her to my post in Epics of Oregon, so it's not your fault. :) I'll add more about her if people are interested, but the bulk of her story will come through flashbacks in the Portland thread, so I'm saving a lot of it for that.


The least you can do is post her pony. :P

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In terms of maintaining canon (as in a reason why High Epic (really need a name for her) is not mentioned in Steelheart), let's just assume she doesn't make it out of the destruction of Oregon alive :).

Idea for High Epic's name:

Rainmaker (Looper reference - yay!)

Also, I'm having trouble coming up with a PI, any ideas?

EDIT (ugh, why can't I remember everything in one post?): Also, Iconoclast is also welcome in the thread, of course, presumably in the 'invader' category :)

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In terms of maintaining canon (as in a reason why High Epic (really need a name for her) is not mentioned in Steelheart), let's just assume she doesn't make it out of the destruction of Oregon alive :).

Idea for High Epic's name:

Rainmaker (Looper reference - yay!)

Also, I'm having trouble coming up with a PI, any ideas?

EDIT (ugh, why can't I remember everything in one post?): Also, Iconoclast is also welcome in the thread, of course, presumably in the 'invader' category :)

PI: When she dies, lightning strikes her body and she is brought back to life?

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In terms of maintaining canon (as in a reason why High Epic (really need a name for her) is not mentioned in Steelheart), let's just assume she doesn't make it out of the destruction of Oregon alive :).

Idea for High Epic's name:

Rainmaker (Looper reference - yay!)

Also, I'm having trouble coming up with a PI, any ideas?

EDIT (ugh, why can't I remember everything in one post?): Also, Iconoclast is also welcome in the thread, of course, presumably in the 'invader' category :)


I like the name Rainmaker! (Haven't seen Looper though.)


Having trouble thinking of any PI but the old stand-bys. Super healing, impenetrable skin, reincarnation... maybe her body turns to mist or water when she's injured, reforming fully healed?


Also, here's the Khione pony.






The best part about her from my point of view is that I know exactly what she sees off-panel that's causing her to make that face. :ph34r::P

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