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There are too many books in the world to read in one lifetime, so there's no sense in wasting time with the mediocre.


Uh, wait, this isn't what it looks like... oh drat. It's exactly what it looks like. I fell in love with Luna as the captain of a starship, so I thought I'd try the profile picture on when I thought no one was looking. :P

And she's Luna, that can only mean she gets the Chouginga Gurren Lagann.



I'm still trying to find the perfect profile picture for myself. The one that I'll someday switch to and never change again. I have some ideas...










...But not any good ideas. :mellow: I'll probably end up changing back to Steampunk!Whooves in a minute. :P

The one of Starlight Glimmer looks demonic. Is it from DeviantArt? I like it. Even if it doesn't fit you to a T.

The crown on the other one looks weird. :unsure:

Edited by Edgedancer
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And she's Luna, that can only mean she gets the Chouginga Gurren Lagann.



The one of Starlight Glimmer looks demonic. Is it from DeviantArt? I like it. Even if it doesn't fit you to a T.

The crown on the other one looks weird. :unsure:


Princess Luna is probably my favorite pony. I mean, she's basically outer space ponified. How could I pick any other? :P:D


The crown on the other one was specifically found and placed to look as weird as possible as a joke. So no need for the unsure smiley. :P

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Princess Luna is probably my favorite pony. I mean, she's basically outer space ponified. How could I pick any other? :P:D


The crown on the other one was specifically found and placed to look as weird as possible as a joke. So no need for the unsure smiley. :P

What if there ever was a Alicorn of awesomness? :P


Back to Hooves I see. I wonder if I'll ever find a picture that isn't just a pony Epic.

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What if there ever was a Alicorn of awesomness? :P


Back to Hooves I see. I wonder if I'll ever find a picture that isn't just a pony Epic.


Silly Edgedancer. The Alicorn of awesomeness is named Luna. :P


I almost switched back to Lightwards.

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So, turns out my project that I worked on all weekend is due Friday, not today. You know, of course it was me who'd mess up on something like that.

Anyway, I'm still thinking up my character because I'm really big about procrastinating on ideas. Eeepp. Yeah. Hopefully they'll be done soon.

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That's a good idea. What she couldn't hold the energy well, so it escapes from her body relatively fast. Let's say that it escapes newscast if she is in a fight, corresponds with her heart rate. She would also have an upper limit.

Some one please update blackhoof for this post. I was trying to quote it, but I hit the down vote button. It deserves posts of up votes.

haha thanks :)

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Basically, it's a forced hallucination where you're supposed to choose a knife or a hunk of cheese, and then your choice determines the rest of the test. The results are supposed to tell you which of five factions you belong in--Erudite, Candor, Dauntless, Abnegation, or Amity--each of which value one trait above all others (intelligence, honesty, bravery, selflessness, or kindness). But it turns out the results don't really matter, because you can choose your faction anyway. But the results actually do matter, because Erudite looks at your test results and tries to kill you if you showed traits of more than two factions.

The whole "Superman is given powers by an evil star and turns Chicago into a brutal dictatorship where even his calculator (Fortuity) is a serial killer" is a lot more straightforward.  <_<

Which makes no sense whatsoever. How can you be selfless without also being kind? That's just apathy. And without bravery both of those are kind of meaningless, you'd take care of other people but then just abandon them if things got a little scary?

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Which makes no sense whatsoever. How can you be selfless without also being kind? That's just apathy. And without bravery both of those are kind of meaningless, you'd take care of other people but then just abandon them if things got a little scary?


My Little Pony makes far more sense. Which is why I've been talking about practically nothing but ponies and pony fan theories for the past week. :P

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Which makes no sense whatsoever. How can you be selfless without also being kind? That's just apathy. And without bravery both of those are kind of meaningless, you'd take care of other people but then just abandon them if things got a little scary?

You would have thought that their society would have had a circle war long before the books because of the mental instability of the people.

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You would have thought that their society would have had a circle war long before the books because of the mental instability of the people.

So we have a society, 4/5ths of which are idiots, another 4/5ths are cowards another 4/5ths are selfish jerks and yet another 4/5ths are compulsive liars.

1/5th are idiotic, selfish, cowardly liars and those are the people responsible for all of the food.

How exactly has this society survived?

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So we have a society, 4/5ths of which are idiots, another 4/5ths are cowards another 4/5ths are selfish jerks and yet another 4/5ths are compulsive liars.

1/5th are idiotic, selfish, cowardly liars and those are the people responsible for all of the food.

How exactly has this society survived?

Probably from inadequate world building.

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Brandon/good worldbuilding authors: Hmm... I just messed with the weather slightly, better spend a few months reading up on meteorology, biology and geology to see how many thousands of ways that will influence this planet.
Other authors: Eh, just gonna mess with the fabric of society, something something teenage protagonist is special for being different and... done. I'm sure no one will notice anyway.

Edited by Voidus
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All the pages of posts to read. It took me an hour to catch up on the twenty pages I hadn't read over the weekend...


Anyways, Corvalis. I think I'll jump into the OEU there. I really like the idea of the Power Puff Girls being epics. If you don't mind, Comatose, I'd like them? I saw that Voidus took the duplicator/plant grower, so I'll have to come up with something for Buttercup and Blossom. I'd also therefore be taking over the forcefield Epic, now to be officially known as Bubbles (so long as I get her).


The PowerPunch Girls are a go!


Assuming your consent, Comatose.

He had provided a short bio in which she was not named Blossom. If I'm mistaken I'll have to rethink some things.


The intent was to do epics based on the Powerpuff girls, and Cornucopia was meant to be an amalgamation of the duplication epic and the "Blossom" epic, while Force-Field-Epic was "Bubbles", and "Buttercup" was still up in the air. 


That being said, I see no reason why Cornucopia cannot exist alongside an epic based on Blossom, so as long as Voidus is okay with you doing all three epics, that's fine with me.  If we'd rather Cornucopia be the "Blossom" of the trio, then you are still welcome to take over the Bubble Epic, as well as world build Buttercup. 


I also had another idea for a Queen of Corvallis, if anyone wants to take her.  I thought of her while brainstorming a potential Buttercup power, so Blaze, you are welcome to use it if you would like.  I was thinking it would be cool if an Epic had the power to imbue people with calories, cutting down on how much they would need to eat.  They would likely still need to take supplements to get their vitamins and minerals, but this would allow however many people Calorie epic could affect to work with very little food.  After all, if Cornucopia is spending most of her time growing fun things like Queen-Sized-Beds and power generators and weapons, she might not have time to plant enough pancake trees for all of the Vanilla slaves to get pancakes, and some other means of sustenance might be necessary. 


Studying is going slowly :(  Why did I choose to go to law school again?  Immigration Law is ridiculous!!!  I printed off the 100+ page Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (in booklet format to save paper), and the Citizenship Act, only to realize most of my notes (at least from early in the semester) deal with the 428 pages of Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and there is no way I can justify printing that out :(... *slinks off to copy down obtuse legislation. 


Hopefully I have a more successful go at things tomorrow!  For now, I think it's time to get ready for a run.   I'm still brainstorming the opening scene for the Corvallis thread, but I'm getting pretty pumped!  We still need epics to fill out the citizen role, so let me know if you have any ideas for that category!

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Brandon/good worldbuilding authors: Hmm... I just messed with the weather slightly, better spend a few months reading up on meteorology, biology and geology to see how many thousands of ways that will influence this planet.

Other authors: Eh, just gonna mess with the fabric of society, something something teenage protagonist is special for being different and... done. I'm sure no one will notice anyway.

Too true, wish I could give it more than one up vote.
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The intent was to do epics based on the Powerpuff girls, and Cornucopia was meant to be an amalgamation of the duplication epic and the "Blossom" epic, while Force-Field-Epic was "Bubbles", and "Buttercup" was still up in the air. 


That being said, I see no reason why Cornucopia cannot exist alongside an epic based on Blossom, so as long as Voidus is okay with you doing all three epics, that's fine with me.  If we'd rather Cornucopia be the "Blossom" of the trio, then you are still welcome to take over the Bubble Epic, as well as world build Buttercup. 


I also had another idea for a Queen of Corvallis, if anyone wants to take her.  I thought of her while brainstorming a potential Buttercup power, so Blaze, you are welcome to use it if you would like.  I was thinking it would be cool if an Epic had the power to imbue people with calories, cutting down on how much they would need to eat.  They would likely still need to take supplements to get their vitamins and minerals, but this would allow however many people Calorie epic could affect to work with very little food.  After all, if Cornucopia is spending most of her time growing fun things like Queen-Sized-Beds and power generators and weapons, she might not have time to plant enough pancake trees for all of the Vanilla slaves to get pancakes, and some other means of sustenance might be necessary. 


Studying is going slowly :(  Why did I choose to go to law school again?  Immigration Law is ridiculous!!!  I printed off the 100+ page Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (in booklet format to save paper), and the Citizenship Act, only to realize most of my notes (at least from early in the semester) deal with the 428 pages of Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and there is no way I can justify printing that out :(... *slinks off to copy down obtuse legislation. 


Hopefully I have a more successful go at things tomorrow!  For now, I think it's time to get ready for a run.   I'm still brainstorming the opening scene for the Corvallis thread, but I'm getting pretty pumped!  We still need epics to fill out the citizen role, so let me know if you have any ideas for that category!

It's fine with me, I actually forgot Cornucopia was supposed to be one of the powerpuff's :P

Oh, didn't you want some bodyguard Epics too? I forgot about those in easter madness. How about:

Truant: Illusionist with personal invisibility but his only illusion is to create an exact duplicate of himself 5 feet in front of him.

Morbidity: Death sense, can detect any past deaths in his location and tell the time of death of anyone he meets, however if he ever tells anyone their time left this will alter their future and change the date, the same occurs for most people who know his ability as they watch his face for tells. As such he rarely shares his knowledge with others, he habitually checks mirrors so he can see himself and tell whether or not any harm is imminent to him.

Catatonia: Paralytic Epic, capable of paralysing people with a touch for periods of up to 10 minutes.

Grandmaster: Can cause chess pieces to grow and become animated, limited to one full set of pieces at a time.

Names and abilities are both up for additions/alterations just some ideas for Epics I have floating around.

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Grandmaster: Can cause chess pieces to grow and become animated, limited to one full set of pieces at a time.

What about the cheesemaster. He can cause cheeses to grow and become cheese golems. He can then give them commands, or take one of them over.

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