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Total number of Allomantic metals.


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My younger brother and I were running the numbers and had some rather off the wall ideas. For starters there are the base 16. After that we have god metals. This puts us at 18. Now we know that each god metal can alloy with the base 16. This adds 32 to our 18 bringing us to 50. This is all known. We think we know of one more. Atium and Lerasium should mix to grant Atium Allomancy. That is 51. But there should also be a Lerasium Atium alloy(Note the reverse of Atium and Lerasium) I think this one grants Feruchemy and would basically be Sazedium. Logically this should have alloys with the base 16 to make ferrings and an alloy with atium. this adds 18 more metals to 51 taking us to 69 metals. From there we should have alloys of the Atium Alloys with Lerasium to make things like Malatium mistings. And then alloys from there to make Ferrings of those metals and it spirals off from there. Now we know what these things do allomantically but they all should have feruchemical purposes and that just gets weird. Admittedly most if this sshould never happen but I hypothesize that the total number of metals actually burnable is a small infinite set with increasingly obscure alloys with infinitesimal differences.

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Atium and Lerasium should mix to grant Atium Allomancy. That is 51. But there should also be a Lerasium Atium alloy(Note the reverse of Atium and Lerasium) I think this one grants Feruchemy and would basically be Sazedium.

What if there's three ways of alloying Lerasium and Atium with each other? Alloying Lerasium with Atium to get Seers, Alloying Atium with Lerasium to get something else, and one inbetween (50/50?) that creates 'Sazedium'? This is how I figured it'd be ever since I considered the idea of a Sazedium, personally.

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Are there a limited amount of atium and lerasium alloys for each metal?


Hmm, yes…I suppose there would be but there are…


More than sixteen?


Yeah, way more than sixteen.


Oh wow. Okay. That's fascinating. More than sixteen and less than infinite.



So a less than infinite set would be what we're looking for.

Also you might not be able to alloy Lerasium with Atium Alloys, we don't know that things like malatium mistings are even possible.

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So a less than infinite set would be what we're looking for.

Also you might not be able to alloy Lerasium with Atium Alloys, we don't know that things like malatium mistings are even possible.

The set of all finite sets is infinite, so the limit to "finite" is not all that helpful in practice. Only really dedicated mathematicians try to parse that craziness.

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Yeah, but my guess is that Brandon wasn't speaking in terms of crazy cerebral high-end mathematics. Just saying. ;) There is a set number out there, but it doesn't even like even Brandon himself has calculated what it is.

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Yeah, but my guess is that Brandon wasn't speaking in terms of crazy cerebral high-end mathematics. Just saying. ;) There is a set number out there, but it doesn't even like even Brandon himself has calculated what it is.

I was just using geek-speak to say that just the term "finite" really doesn't help that much for concrete speculation.

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Rampant speculation: Honestly, I'd bet on there being roughly 999 single God Metal Alloys per Allomantic Metal. (The set from 0.1% God Metal to 99.0% God Metal.) Variations within three significant digits will give you various levels of strength or duration, but you'll never get a bad batch by erring more than that. Atium and Lerasium together with another metal could have ~500,000 distinct alloys at three significant digits. If Sazedium is itself another metal instead of a Lerasium/Atium Alloy, you could actually have three sets of the Dual God Alloys (for a total of nearly 1.5 million), and a set of nearly seven million Triple God Alloys.

That's suitably "many" and "realistically attainable proportionally" to me.

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I think Brandon may have changed the point about there being a lot more than sixteen god metals since 17S's interview. Not sure what to think about that, but this seems to suggest it:


Are there 50 Allomantic Metals?


Nearly. Does Harmony have a metal?


Is that an alloy of Lerasium and Atium?


You're along the right lines.

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One must also consider that "there are metals that every allomancer can burn", from Q&A, I think. (Although not atium, weirdly enough. It may be that Atium only had mistings while it replaced temporal metals like bendalloy, and now that the table is complete it can be burned by anybody. Or not (speculating here)). What was the name for Malatium mistings, anyway?

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One must also consider that "there are metals that every allomancer can burn", from Q&A, I think. (Although not atium, weirdly enough. It may be that Atium only had mistings while it replaced temporal metals like bendalloy, and now that the table is complete it can be burned by anybody. Or not (speculating here)). What was the name for Malatium mistings, anyway?

Oracle perhaps? We don't know for certain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The issue with creating a chart or even knowing weather a metal exists. is how the different god metals once alloyed interact with each other. Such as what happens if you alloy the lerasium atium with the atium lerasium would there need to be a specific ratio that would Likely lean one way or another.or would it just be sazedium

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