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Some pronunciations


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Just want to ask how to pronounce some words properly.

I've been saying Galladon as "Galla-don" instead of "Gull-ah-don" (think "Aladdin")

Heod as "Hoe-ed" and Reod as "Ree-odd" and Shaod as "Sha-odd"?

Are any of these pronunciations correct?

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Brandon isn't really a stickler for pronunciation most of the time the only one I can correct is Galladon = Gall-ah-dawn from http://www.brandonsanderson.com/book/Elantris/page/40/Elantris-Pronunciation-Guide

Yeah, he's actually stated that he mis-pronounces his own creations, because the correct pronunciation sounds odd in english. Elantris for example is pronounced 'Ee-layn-triss', and Sarene is I think 'Sah-ree-nee' (correct me if I'm wrong).

I think I was using the same pronunciation as yourself Kythis, apart from Shaod, which I pronounced 'Shay-odd'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've been pronouncing "Vin" as the French form for wine ("vahn") until I found out that was wrong. I still pronounce it my way though. I'm not the best to have an opinion on pronunciations :P

Edited by Lyrebon
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