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Sanderson Memes

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Brandon Sanderson
So, I don't know how much I've talked about this, but there are two things going on with Wayne in regard to Steris.
The first is that Wayne is a highly instinctive person. He DOES think, and more than people give him credit for, but he judges a lot of what he does by what his gut says. I've known people like this and they can be extremely charming, but have more trouble articulating why they might make a certain decision--or why they don't like a particular person.
Wayne doesn't like Steris. She feels off to him, and his instincts say she's hiding something. Trouble is, his gut is misleading him in this case. Steris doesn't think and react like Wayne does, but it's not because she's hiding something--it's because she doesn't pick up on the same social cues that someone highly sociable like Wayne sees.
There's a second issue here, and that's Wayne's over-protectiveness. Wayne tends to lump people in his head into "my mates" and "those other folks." Once you're "in" with him, he'll do basically anything for you. You'll never find a more loyal friend. At the same time, it's hard to get "in" with him--and if he perceives someone as "stealing" someone from him, he gets very defensive, even mean.
He doesn't realize it, but his subconscious sees Steris as taking Wax away from him and--even more importantly--away from Lessie. He'd be belligerent toward anyone Wax started dating, but the fact that he gets lots of false positives off of Steris doesn't help one bit. If Wax/Marasi had worked out, he'd probably have been okay with it, for example.



What was your inspiration for Wayne?

Brandon Sanderson
Wayne had a lot of inspirations... Obviously, there's some Mat Cauthon going on for me when I do Wayne, particularly the way that Mat would see the world differently from the that way he would act. The original inspiration for Wayne was a character who changed personalities based on which hat he wore. He was actually the lead in a Mistborn story I was writing, and he didn't work well without someone to play off of... Some characters work way better when they are surrounded by more normal people. Not gonna say anything about things like the Minion movie (which my children loved), but it's very hard to tell a story about everyone being crazy instead of having a framework of someone to keep it going in the right direction. So that was a big inspiration for Wayne.
The other big inspiration for Wayne was something I noticed about human nature, where I wanted to tell a story about a character who had some really deep-- Wayne should bother you. Like the way he treats Steris. And the way he treats Ranette. And the way he treats some of the people in his life should really bother you. And one of my goals with Wayne was to tell a story that mimics what I see in real life, where there are people I know and I love who also have this way about them that you realize they aren't quite-- grown-up's the wrong term... Like, all of us are the heroes in our own group of friends. We're all the hero of our story. We each have different things we're working on. And some of them are classic good storytelling things, like "I'm gonna learn to be more bold." Which is totally me. Totally something I need to work on. But some of them are "I treat people who aren't in my inner circle really poorly, especially if they're trying to get into my inner circle. And then when you're in my inner circle, I have a dysfunctional relationship with you a lot of time." And I thought I could only really do that with a character that you loved while you were really annoyed by them, because otherwise I feel like the character wouldn't work. Maybe I could do it a different way, but I really wanted to dig into that in these new Mistborn books, and Wayne was my vehicle for doing this.
Some kind of nebulous sort of writerly things going on there.



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20 hours ago, Jondesu said:

With a passion. Wish I could meme it. He’s slowly turned it into just a dislike instead of a burning hatred though.

I bloody well hope he gets over it in the next book though. Wayne and Steris are my number 1 and 2 favorite era 2 characters. I wish they would get along. Steris I think has made an effort to but Wayne hasn’t. 

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Mistborn/SA textlogue inspired by a discussion/though exercise about tea preferences. Thé is Scadrian (Ie. French) for Tea.


Kaladin: Is that ‘thé’?


Shallan: It’s mine and you can’t have it.


Shallan: Who knows when I’ll have another chance to snag some from old Thaidakar?


Kaladin: We could just buy -


Shallan & Adolin: No!


Kaladin: But thé has all these (starts listing tea health benefits)


Adolin: We don’t do business with Thaidakar, Kaladin! He’s a thief!


(Later) Kaladin: Felt, do you think you could get this (waves letter) to your planet’s herald?

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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9 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Mistborn/SA textlogue inspired by a discussion/though exercise about tea preferences. Thé is Scadrian (Ie. French) for Tea.

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Kaladin: Is that ‘thé’?


Shallan: It’s mine and you can’t have it.


Shallan: Who knows when I’ll have another chance to snag some from old Thaidakar?


Kaladin: We could just buy -


Shallan & Adolin: No!


Kaladin: But thé has all these (starts listing tea health benefits)


Adolin: We don’t do business with Thaidakar, Kaladin! He’s a thief!


(Later) Kaladin: Felt, do you think you could get this (waves letter) to your planet’s herald?

Tea smuggling yeah!


7 hours ago, AonEne said:


I made this in a fit of genius and I will have no one insult my terrible meme ideas /s 

Whoa, that takes me back

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