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Silly quotes made NOT by a generator:


Kaladin: Adolin, you've seemed really heliocentric lately.

Adolin: Hey! How do I deserve that?

Kaladin: Did I insult you?

Adolin: Yeah! You said... I'm... oh...

Shallan: Heliocentric. It means you go around the sun.*

Adolin: Storm it.


Wit: You can do it! I believe in you!

Kaladin: Wait, really?

Wit: You're dating someone. Anything is possible.

Kaladin: Lyn broke up with me five weeks ago.

Wit *shrugs*: Still.


*Not strictly exactly perfectly correct, but close enough.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
Adding footnote*
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I messed around with an A.I.


Kaladin saw the black cat and knew he was going to die. 

He tried to move but discovered he couldn't.
The pain flared up suddenly, and he groaned.
What ... was wrong with him?
In a distant part of his mind, he felt himself scream.
He glanced down.
The blood around him was gone.
His hand didn't even seem to be pierced.
Was he dead?
What had happened?
"Stormfather, Kaladin!"
Syl cried.
"Don't die!"
Kal was a swift, determined man.
As he ran, he considered why he felt so determined.
Perhaps because of the death of his friend Adolin.
His legs pushed harder, his breathing grew labored.
He burst from the bush, just barely avoiding another arrow.
He didn't bother to consider why.
Couldn't think about that.
He had to run.
As he drew his weapon, a group of spearmen chased him.
He threw a Stormlight spell at them, turning them and throwing them off their feet.
Then he barreled forward, one fist raised, followed by his Shardblade.
He knew the life and death of men, could feel death as a hot fist inside him, seeking


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I've been messing around with an A.I. again


Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king. The white clothing was a Parshendi tradition, foreign to him. But he did as his masters required and did not ask for an explanation. The bright cloth was stark against the dead white of the marble. An assassin of the Alethi army, he had been assigned to assassinate King Gavilar of Jah Keved, whose brutal reign was well-known throughout the empire. The Voidbringers were supposedly returning, and they were said to unleash an unholy tempest. No one knew what lay beyond the storm, but the king was stubborn in his refusal to acknowledge their existence. He treated every single Voidbringer on the Parshendi world of Cathay with utter contempt. It was one thing to kill the king—but to kill the king's eyes? No. He would not die that way. Szeth's assassination would end the king's life with dignity.

Szeth sought the king's prison, but the place was guarded by soldiers and sentries. An Alethi guard scanned him, and Szeth dropped to the floor, landing silently. He was quick and light on his feet, a maneuver he'd learned from the Sylhead. The sentry recoiled from him with an oath, and Szeth moved. He breathed out softly,

And here's an alternate storyline


Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king. The white clothing was a Parshendi tradition, foreign to him. But he did as his masters required and did not ask for an explanation. He remembered that day even now, as he fought for his life against a blue-skinned, kandra-born assassin. But the memories were bitter.

He had been too late. Mraize, the king of Alethkar, had passed on to the next world just before the assassin arrived. They fought for a long while, both equally skilled. But at last, Szeth had found his mark and slain the king.
He was going to have his revenge.
But the assassin had made one last strike before he could claim the crown. That hit would change Szeth's life forever.
He was brought back to the training yard as a Shardbearer. He did not fight, even though he was a Shardbearer. He instead sat in a chair, bound to it and wearing the white tunic. His wound was patched, though not a complete healed. A shower of Shardblades continued to rain down on the yard, but he was too weak to lift his hand to stop it.
No one noticed him as he watched Kaladin's bridgemen train.
Yes, Kaladin's team. It was a difficult set of exercises. The bridgemen pace

It seems to know some stormlight terms. Such as a kandra-born assassin or Mraize the king of alethkar.

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18 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I've been messing around with an A.I. again

And here's an alternate storyline

It seems to know some stormlight terms. Such as a kandra-born assassin or Mraize the king of alethkar.


Did you mean Mistborn Terms?

@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by Ta'veren Kaladin
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The point I'm trying to make is that wizard used a mistborn term to demonstrate what he says, and that since he was attempting to parody stormlight it wouldn't be surprising that stormlight terms are used since the AI needs a source to analyze before creating anything, but since its supposed to be rewriting SA, having mistborn is strange-seeming. Thus, wizard may have intended to say mistborn.

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14 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Came up with this all by myself.

Hoid: So, I was on the planet where Elantris is...you know, with the Seons?

Khriss: Yeah, it's called Sel.

Hoid: And I saw a little colorful ocean creature swimming around with fins.

Khriss:....You mean a fish?

Hoid: Yeah, and it had some really cool rocks. And I asked it for one. And you know what?

Khriss: ....What?

Hoid: It didn't give me any of them!

Khriss:.....Okay. Stop bothering me.

Hoid: I guess it was just a little selfish.



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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Came up with this all by myself.

Hoid: So, I was on the planet where Elantris is...you know, with the Seons?

Khriss: Yeah, it's called Sel.

Hoid: And I saw a little colorful ocean creature swimming around with fins.

Khriss:....You mean a fish?

Hoid: Yeah, and it had some really cool rocks. And I asked it for one. And you know what?

Khriss: ....What?

Hoid: It didn't give me any of them!

Khriss:.....Okay. Stop bothering me.

Hoid: I guess it was just a little selfish.


Best Sanderson themed joke I've ever heard.

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Stormlight in general



Kelsier spoilers because who dont love Kelsier??



Mistborn era 1 but not that much




Edited by Odiumiumium
Meme generator lied to me and put the caption in the wrong place :(
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3 hours ago, Odiumiumium said:

Stormlight in general

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Until Row this was my opinion, especially since Dalinar killed more than these two combined. Then he killed Teft and was only sorry about the fact he was felling something about having killed Teft so now it's more an issue of "he doesn't want a redemption arc"

And to answer the question in your title, it's because godmetals are named after the Vessel and not the Shard, which is also why it's Atium and not Ruinium


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