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Sanderson Memes

Guest Cognizantastic

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Mistborn spoiler in reply to the quoted Mistborn spoiler:

She also killed his wife. You know, herself?

True, and Straff's hit squad of secret allomancers used at the assembly meeting were all his children I seem to recall so it should probably be half-brothers. Really Vin just killed a lot of people, and some of them happened to be related to Elend :) 

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Change "you" to "I", and that meme sums me up perfectly.

Everyone of us goes through that phase of "I have no idea about this". Normally followed by "I thought I knew how that worked but... "

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Every time I read a Sanderson book description, there's a moment of glee that shivers through me when I'm taken aback at how awful a situation the world and the main characters are in. :mellow:







I spent about half an hour explaining Kaladin's life to a friend and she kept telling me to stop it because it was too sad and she was getting depressed.

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After traveling for work for two weeks to Jordan and divorcing myself from technology for another two to go on a vacation in Turkey...I have a month of memes to catch up on.

I can't wait to laugh my butt off reading what all you brilliant fellow 17th Sharders have posted! I can barely contain my joy.

And now, time to read, laugh, and meet my upvote quota for the day.

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