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Most Upsetting Character Death? (Spoiler, obviously)

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Just out of curiousity, whose death was most impacting to you out of Sanderson's cosmere characters? Vin, Elend, and Kelsier were all sad, but for me, I would have to say Lightsong.

I wasn't too fond of Warbreaker, but Lightsong was amazing.

I swear, if someone says they were sad that Sadeas died, I will crack up.

Edited by Valvidian
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Hmm... spoiler tags would seem to be in order here, yes?


With that said...

(WOR spoilers)

I was beside myself when Jasnah died.  I suppose I should have figured that she'd come back from the dead, but I totally didn't.  I was grieving almost as much as Navani did!

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Kelsier was honestly the worst for me.

There are loads of people who say it was totally expected and they weren't even surprised but for me it came out of nowhere. I was distraught for several days afterwards, and so far no other character death (from anything) has ever hit me harder.

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The original post specifies Cosmere characters, but I'm going to talk about Firefight because I'm a rebel.


MAJOR Firefight spoilers in the box below.


Serious spoilers.







I've been shocked and surprised by all kinds of character deaths in Sanderson books, but none hit me quite like the deaths of Exel and Val at the end of Firefight. We didn't get to see as much as I would have liked of either character, but their deaths were so sudden and horrible that I couldn't help but to be utterly devastated by the event.


Worse was precisely who killed them. Having Prof, the troubled but noble anti-hero, suddenly snap into full-blown Epic-slontze mode was traumatizing enough. But the fact that the first thing he did upon his corruption was to casually raise a hand and murder two of his fellow Reckoners was as horrifying as it was memorable. It fully impressed upon the reader that the Prof we knew was gone, and that nothing but a terrifying and ruthless supervillain remained.




I know I'm going to despise myself for making this pun... but it was a crushing scene in many ways. :mellow:

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I wasn't too fond of Warbreaker, but Lightsong was amazing.

Wait...wait...wahhh?! Warbreaker is probably one of my favorite books that Brandon wrote! 


Now that I've gotten that out of the way, the most upsetting character death for me was


Mistborn Spoilers, with some Warbreaker spoilers as well

Clubs, especially because he died saving Breeze and then Sazed found his body with the wooden symbol he'd carved for him. While he seemed like a gruff old man, he really did care about his friends. I wish we'd gotten more of his back story.While I loved Lightsong as a character, the foreshadowing was heavy that he'd give up his life, so I wasn't too devastated by it.  


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I'm going to go ahead and agree with Kobold King, to be honest. I'd like to say Lightsong's or Hrathen's deaths caused me more trauma, but the way Prof just suddenly snaps, and kills two of his friends is shocking, heartbreaking, terrifying, and shocking. The worst part about it was that I could do nothing but scream at my book helplessly as a great character succumbs to the evil festering within him for the sake of the city and all of its people.

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Ohhh... where to begin?


I had been forewarned about Vin and Kelsier, so they didn't trouble me too much (of course I was upset, just not as much as if I hadn't been warned). However, Dockson and Clubs crushed me, and with Elend I just kinda sat there stunned for like ten minutes. And poor Sazed, having Tindwyl die like that...



Not much here. I was sad, but not too torn up. Still am about Ym.



Lightsong. Just, Lightsong. Makes me weep every time. And while I wasn't overly fond of Blushweaver, her death, and the shocking manner in which it happened, still hit hard.


And yes, it's not really Cosmere, but still. Firefight:

I agree wholeheartedly with Kobold on this one. Val wasn't super likable, but it still hurt when she died, and then Exel too... I don't get super emotional when a character dies, I just sorta sit there fuming for a while. After this, I just sat in my room internally screaming at Brandon for a while.

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How do you do spoilers?

Two ways: there's a little button on the full editor nest to the font that says "Special BBCode." Click it. There will be a menu, choose "Spoiler."


[ spoiler ] Or like this, but without spaces in the brackets. [ /spoiler ]

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Guys, when literally the entire thread is about spoilers, there is no point in marking every post individually. Also, it doesn't help if you just stick something inside the spoiler tags and don't tell us what it spoils. 


Ahem. On topic now.


It might not count entirely, but Syl's (temporary) death hit me the most. I've spoken about this before somewhere, but it's worth saying again - even though I expected her to return, I was nowhere near she would. Kaladin's story could've easily been one of the man who was nearly a Radiant and then lost it because he couldn't grow into the role fast enough. I think it would've been a terribly fantastic story, especially with his struggle against depression. But Syl makes me genuinely happy and I didn't want her to be gone.

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Guys, when literally the entire thread is about spoilers, there is no point in marking every post individually. Also, it doesn't help if you just stick something inside the spoiler tags and don't tell us what it spoils. 


I strongly disagree. Marking spoilers as pertaining to specific books is important, but there is certainly a point in warning other members exactly which book is being spoiled before a statement. Not every member of the forum has read every Cosmere book, and while such members are taking a risk by viewing this thread, there's no reason to dissuade others from being thoughtful towards those individuals.


A little consideration goes a long way, is what I'm saying. :)

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A little consideration goes a long way, is what I'm saying. :)


True. I still believe that if a thread in the general forum is marked as spoilery, there should be no need for the tags, but I can settle on people simply denoting the book(s) the spoilers are coming from.

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WOK spoiler

Coreb et al (Coreb was the one Kaladin tried to give Shards to). What did Coreb do to deserve being brutally murdered by Amaram?

Also this one is traumatizing because you're inside Kaladin's head, and Kaladin obviously wants nothing more than to stop the outrageous murder, and can't.



WOR spoiler

about Sadeas (see original post). I think Sadeas' death was the one that filled me with the most glee.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Usually, books don't make me tear up. Kelsier's death... It was shocking, but didn't make me cry. What did make me cry was his letter to Vin. "I'll tell Mare about you. She always wanted a daughter."



Jasnah's death. I was texting my friend who was ahead of me in the book when I read it. I think the conversation went something like this.


Nicro: WHAT

Friend: ?


F: oh, you're at that part

N: But... she can't be dead

F: She's dead...

N: But... she's magic tho :(

F: That's what I thought too.


Eventually, I finished the book first, and waited for him to finish so I could gloat >: D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Elantris spoiler:

Hrathen's death was upsetting to me, because we saw his internal struggle of realizing the truth, and doing what was right instead of what he had always believed., and was willing to face the consequences of Jaddeth to save Sarene. It was also upsetting when he admitted that he loved Sarene (to himself) the moment before he died.

And I completely agree with you, Nicrosil. Kelsier was my favorite character, but his death wasn't completely upsetting. Like you, it was the part in his letter that made me go off the deep end and start hurling my Kindle at the wall. -_-

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Death isn't the worst thing that can happen to a favorite character. Worse is when they are forced to become something else in some unnatural way.

Eshonai, though I have seen worse in other books (at least with Eshonai, there is the hope she can come back. Also she hasn't had as much character development)

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Kelsier. He was my favorite and he was awesome. Also, Vin, because she was among the few female protagonists that I truly liked. It also was utterly shocking. I mean, IN THE FIRST BOOK!



Lightsong. Again, my favorite character. It's always those that die.

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