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Origin of Usernames

Straff Venture

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Mine was originally Fatjack4391 cause that was my old nickname and bday. just the generic tag Ive been using for years.
So I decided to spice it up, and this is a new name. Its a term I came up with for the story idea/magic system Ive been working on.

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14 or so years ago I was young and in high school and decided I needed a screen name... something I could use for everything. Lord Kardok, an irrelevant boss in the game Medieval had a name with a nice ring to it, so I decided to steal it. I became Lord Kadrok because I clearly can't spell :)

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  • 2 months later...

I shamelessly stole Alaxel from the Kingkiller Chronicles.

"Hated. Hopeless. Sleepless. Sane.

Alaxel bears the shadows hame."

-the Adem.

Pretty much describes me in 99% of my online dealings. I stay up way too late at night (Sleepless; shadows hame) and mercilessly troll everyone and everything. (Hated; Hopeless) I just can't help myself. This forum is the only one where I act like the regular human being that I am off the internet. So the name is a nod to my regular behaviors.

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I am the real-life shardholder of Serendipity. I'm on these forms to discover how much you puny mortals know of the Cosmere  :P.


Serendipty04 was my Eve user name, but I only played the game for like a week. I actually decided I liked the word when I was reciting the Jedi Code and accidentally said 'There is no passion, there is serendipity." After I got Cosmere-savey, I decided that it would make a cool Intent for a Shard. Did you know that its one of the ten hardest words to translate from English? 


My given name actually comes from a dream my father had, and it's a biblical name so it does mean something.

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Oh, dear. This takes me back years, during the time when I was hardcore into World of Warcraft and its lore. For most of my self-aware life I've been a paladin fanboy, which made me naturally enamored with the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Dawn factions - both full of paladins, but representing the different aspects of being a religious warrior. The Scarlet Crusade were the fanatics, hellbent on exterminating anything unholy; the Argent Dawn were the more moderate, considerate warriors who were concerned more with salvation than retribution, though the latter wasn't lacking. So what did I do when I felt that my old nickname, Kinslayer Gaidin*, was too childish? I grabbed those two factions and I meshed them together - Scarlet Argent. It had a decent ring to it, it sounded a little more professional (though mostly because "scarlet" is a fairly neutral word, and the meaning of "argent" - silver - is not very well known), and I liked the visual image behind it - bloody silver. 


Over time I dropped "scarlet" from it - on occasion adopting "sun" (e.g. ArgentSun) because it was even more innocuous, and I liked the image of a silver sun even better. Plus, I've always struggled with the decision whether I want to strive to the first in everything I do (as vaguely represented by the "sun" half), or whether a second place fits me better because I could usually get there with minimal effort (as almost as vaguely represented by the "silver" half, silver often being thought of as a "second" metal.


Ultimately, I prefer Argent these days. Unfortunately it's often taken, so I have to be creative - which is why most of my online personas use ArgentSun.


* That is a story of another time...

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Hmmm the username I utilize is very simple, I'm called Leandro but for some reason people have trouble saying that so I needed a nickname and I ended up choosing Leo and it developed from there into Leonardus for a few games I played and decided to reuse it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Araris Valerian is a minor character in the Codex Alera by Jim Butcher. He is basically the god of swordsplay, can incorporate metal that he is touching into his skin, and his name sounds awesome. Usually on websites I use the name Pwnaga or Pwnaja, which are kind of plays on the Final Fantasy spell system, where the progression would be: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Firaja. Thus: Pwn, Pwara, Pwnaga, Pwnaja, or the highest level of pwnage.

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I've been Bloodfalcon since I was 10 years old. I needed to make a Xbox Live gamertag and that's what I produced. My father has always used Polish Falcon as his nickname, so I sort of.... modified it for myself. It was like a 2 minute process, but my friends think it is hilarious now. I admit it is a little childish and corny (in that it is way too intense and odd), but it stuck and I've embraced its silliness. 

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Honestly can't remember where my chosen name comes from... :ph34r:


Seriously though, I normally use the same name for all my online dealings - Voltan (after Jack Palance's memorable scene chewing in the awesome B-movie Hawk the Slayer).


But when I first read WoT and wanted to join the Dragonmount froums, Voltan was taken so I came up with MadRand. When I came here I stuck with it.

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My username is a reference to the plot device "deus ex machina" (which I learned about long, long ago in middle school) and one of my favorite video games of all time (Deus Ex). I spend an inordinate amount of time on computers and generally being techy so I feel like it fits me really well.


I go by exmakina in a few places too, whenever the properly spelled version isn't available (or inexplicably not allowed, thanks PlayStation Network!).

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Silly history, When a played Vampire the masquarade I as allways was DM, and neverrrrrr played was a regular, so many year later a friend said that he would change places with me, I created a character whose name are Natan but my friend give up and I kind bonded with this name, becasue after all be human is desire what you can not have, to some are power to me are play RPG was a player Lol


Now I go by Natan, ( or Natans, or Nathanian whenever Natan is allready picked) in all my net musings =)


Porque, sejamos sinceros, XXXXXXX não tem uma boa sonoridade para assuntos internáuticos =)

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I liked the way the names of the Returned in Warbreaker were all compound words, and was trying to come up with one that would describe me somewhat.  I love all the light/dark/illumination imagery in Stormlight, and obviously I love reading, so I came up with LightReader. It was only after a comment in my "introduce yourself" thread that I realized I had made an unintentional reference to the phrase "a bit of light reading."  I've since decided that I rather like that reference.  

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  • 1 month later...

I use a fire motif in all of my usernames, usually relating them to the fandom at hand.  For example, on BZPower, a bionicle related forum, I was Maru Nui - The Gauntleted Toa, a fan character I had made who was a warrior with great big armored gloves and had fire as his element, after that I was Maru Nui - Fire Incarnate.  It's a thing of mine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After only one interlude, Lift is already my favorite Stormlight character. I wanted a name that referenced her and i laugh every time I read Lift "summoned her awesomeness" so there you have it. Even photoshopped myself an edgedancer avatar.

It didn't, however, occur to me at the time that other members would be calling me awesomeness when referencing me in the threads. While funny, it is a little self aggrandizing and was by no means intentional so feel free to call me summoned or summon or even AS instead.

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  • 1 month later...

For a long time, my favorite book series was The Wheel of Time. Something like a decade ago now, I joined a website called Silklantern.net and a lot of the interesting roleplay seemed to be coming from the Aes Sedai. So I used the female version of my given name (Jean) with the appelation 'Sedai' on the site. Not too long after I needed to make a new email address, and thus 'GeneSedai'. Been using it ever since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine is also one I've had for years. Cheeky-eyes was the name of one of my Neopets when I was nine (because the eyes were cheeky, oh the originality) and when I had to think of a username Cheeky-eyes was my choice. I've used it for everything ever since so here we are. 

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Voscaia is original, it was the name of my main character when I used to play D&D and Midgard some 25 years ago and later became the female main character of my never completed fantasy novella. I also use(d) it on sites like wotmania, fanfiction, Leaky Cauldron etc.

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