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Do you mean Kenshin's or the one of the anti-vegtable Epic? :P

Is it completely impossible to ship them and then explain both powersets? :P

Twi I'll get your HTML Epic when this becomes shipped.

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Is it completely impossible to ship them and then explain both powersets? :P

Twi I'll get your HTML Epic when this becomes shipped.

Kenshin's powerset you could read in Epics of Oregon but the short version is supernatural swordsman that can create bladed weapons and according to Metal Gear Rising Revengance that's effectively the same as being an awsome ninja. :P

So that leaves the jelly hedgehog to the other one, unless you want to fill in the place with one of the dessert Epics?

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I fixed it :P

No time traveling rebel leader anymore? :(:P



Did you have to kill Chess? I was having fun. And I shiver at dark!Funtime's potential.

Good question, what were the alternatives? Funtimes starting her own evil army?


On a somewhat related note, I did some theorising on weaknesses, feel free to tell me how wron/genius I am. :P

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No time traveling rebel leader anymore? :(:P


Good question, what were the alternatives? Funtimes starting her own evil army?


On a somewhat related note, I did some theorising on weaknesses, feel free to tell me how wron/genius I am. :P


You mean Timeport? Nope. :P

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I can't figure out how to make Sightline's weakness of Glasses fit into his backstory, but glasses have been foreshadowed a lot in the RP already. Can anyone think of a Event that would cause a man to be afraid of glasses?


How serious do you want his background to be? Glasses don't necessarily have to be the root cause of the fear, just merely an association. For example, being molested by an individual who wears a mask and glasses could cause a child to associate glasses with the pain, and as a result fear glasses.

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I can't figure out how to make Sightline's weakness of Glasses fit into his backstory, but glasses have been foreshadowed a lot in the RP already. Can anyone think of a Event that would cause a man to be afraid of glasses?


His optometrist appointments? :P

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Comatose, are you ok with it?


I haven't read the Corvallis posts yet (never sure what order to read these threads in, but maybe.  I'll get back to you ASAP.  I'm also open to other opinions on how to get Converter in, since I still am a little confused by her and could use some brainstorming help...


You know, I'm pretty sure it has only been a couple of hours, which is a shorth time for an internal search of festering emotions. :P Then again her revolution isn't really any different from the riots, so huh. *shrugs shoulder*


Oh and pretty sure she just got the entire crowd killed. :P


Lucentia feels insulted at this misrepresentation for makeing her whinning look second-rate. :P


I dunno, how large are the actual explosions caused by hand granades. :huh:  The blast radius a good couple of meters but I don't think they cause any fireballs.

Also, do us the favour and put up an power profile for your Epics over in Epics of Oregon, please.


I wasn't sure what counts as the "size of the explosion" meant.  Is a fireball needed, or is blast radius of any kind (all exert energy) all that is needed?


Just having it come from the blast radius might be a good way from stopping Converter from going too wild right from the beginning, since she would only be absorbing the kinetic energy then?  That is, until Rainmaker decides to do something silly like hit her with a lightning bolt.  


Also, what happens if something really big is dropped on Converter?  Like, I know she can absorb the kinetic energy, but would the weight still crush her?  How would that work??


Thanks for reminding me to come up with a weakness for Cornucopia :P Unless Comatose already had one in mind.


Hmmm.... It would save me having to think one up and instead would spend my time thinking up a far more interesting backstory to justify it. :P


No weakness in mind as of yet.  Go to town!


I can't figure out how to make Sightline's weakness of Glasses fit into his backstory, but glasses have been foreshadowed a lot in the RP already. Can anyone think of a Event that would cause a man to be afraid of glasses?


Maybe someone he is afraid of wore glasses?  If the association is strong, that could be enough.  

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I can't figure out how to make Sightline's weakness of Glasses fit into his backstory, but glasses have been foreshadowed a lot in the RP already. Can anyone think of a Event that would cause a man to be afraid of glasses?

Fear of aging? Perhaps having an older relative who needed to start wearing glasses and then slid into Dementia? Not particularly happy as a backstory but then Epics backstories rarely are.

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Otherwise how about eating her vegtables? :P


On a side note, everyone can assume that Kenshin is somewhere close to the demonstration but curently there wouldn't be really anything to do for her, so I'll pass on posting anything for now.

The same goes for Hypno. I'll probably just have a brief scene of him hypnotizing a bit of the crowd in his next post, but it won't be until after the demonstration is over.

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*Facepalm.  Oh Rainmaker, you do like to go on.  And on.  And on.  Seriously, does she ever stop talking?  


In other news, I FINISHED MY LAST FINAL!!!!  I am officially done my second year of Law School!  That means only one more to go!

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*Facepalm. Oh Rainmaker, you do like to go on. And on. And on. Seriously, does she ever stop talking?

In other news, I FINISHED MY LAST FINAL!!!! I am officially done my second year of Law School! That means only one more to go!

She's a terrible person and it's no wonder no one wants to be her friend. <_<

That's awesome! :D Congratulations!

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I haven't read the Corvallis posts yet (never sure what order to read these threads in, but maybe.  I'll get back to you ASAP.  I'm also open to other opinions on how to get Converter in, since I still am a little confused by her and could use some brainstorming help...


I wasn't sure what counts as the "size of the explosion" meant.  Is a fireball needed, or is blast radius of any kind (all exert energy) all that is needed?


Just having it come from the blast radius might be a good way from stopping Converter from going too wild right from the beginning, since she would only be absorbing the kinetic energy then?  That is, until Rainmaker decides to do something silly like hit her with a lightning bolt.  


Also, what happens if something really big is dropped on Converter?  Like, I know she can absorb the kinetic energy, but would the weight still crush her?  How would that work??

Brain storming why not ask rainwater. Isn't she good with storms. Better yet, ask the stormfather, he's the father of storms.

a Sizable explosion is one that has a blast radius of five to seven feet, if any type of energy.

Frank m what I Understand of physics, If something heavy is dropped on her, she absorbers it's kinetic energy, and keeps on absorbing it, until she can get out from under it. The heavy thing still goes down, but it goes down a lot slower.

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Does Converter have an upper limit on how much energy she can hold at once?

Yes, but is hard to reach because the more energy she holds, the more escapes. She couldn't absorb all the Sun's energy or something like that. Her upper limit would probably be something like a small volcanic explosion. 

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Should I write a Chase post?


Yes please :)!  


As for Converter, if she can come out of any explosion, she can come out of any during the grenades I guess, if that makes sense to everyone else.  I'm assuming she needs a few moments to orient herself, so if she would wait until Rainmaker is done speaking, that would be nice.   


What effect would Rainmaker's technique of holding people in place with wind do to her?  I know she could absorb energy from the wind, but would she be able to move?

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Frank m what I Understand of physics, If something heavy is dropped on her, she absorbers it's kinetic energy, and keeps on absorbing it, until she can get out from under it. The heavy thing still goes down, but it goes down a lot slower.

So essentially, the object would lightly touch her and stop moving entirely as long as she keeps absorbing the energy.

As far as my understanding of physics and Converter's powers go.


...Not to nitpick, but does this technically work? Something has to have kinetic energy in the first place for it to be drained, and it has to be moving to drain kinetic energy... so if you remove all of it, it stops, and Converter can no longer take energy from it, as there is none to take. However, gravity is a constant acceleration at 9.8m/s^2 so it would immediately gain kinetic energy again afterwards...


Here's the question, I guess; can Converter actually stop something dead when it's under a constant acceleration? Or just slow it's movement vastly? Because technically, you're draining kinetic energy that isn't actually there. And even if you can, how much energy does she actually gain from this? kinetic energy is mass by velocity squared, and if the velocity is zero/near zero, the total kinetic energy must be very, very small.


You could say that Converter is storing gravitational potential, but in that case, all she has to do is arrange for a significantly heavy thing to fall on her, and suddenly she has an infinite source of energy to throw people around with.


(Definitely not just asking because if Frostfire's powers work according to the same logic Converter's seem to, then flying with Edgerunner's help suddenly becomes a lot simpler. :ph34r::P)


A second tower sounds like something that would be noticed, yes.


*Sits back and waits for the realization to hit that the Metal can affect everything in his range directly, so shields and numbers are entirely useless.* :ph34r:


I would hope so. It'd be terrible unobservant of them not to notice a sparking tower popping up out of the middle of nowhere. :P However, night is approaching, is it not? The tower will be made of shadow, so it might be hard to pick out in the darkness.


*Realises that the Metal's power can effect everything in his range, regardless of buildings or miscellaneous enclosures.* :P


Hrmph. Well, Azrael and Vis would be fine, although Vis would be immobilized. Azrael would probably be able to fight the Metal to a standstill, but he'd have to pull out all the stops to do it. That might be interesting. How would the Metal react to a fight he couldn't win? Azrael wouldn't be able to kill him, but unless one of them accidentally triggered the other's weakness, the fight would continue basically indefinitely, probably destroying everything nearby.


(I'm loving the multi-quote function, if you can't tell. :D I just figured out how that worked.)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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