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I would hope so. It'd be terrible unobservant of them not to notice a sparking tower popping up out of the middle of nowhere. :P However, night is approaching, is it not? The tower will be made of shadow, so it might be hard to pick out in the darkness.


*Realises that the Metal's power can effect everything in his range, regardless of buildings or miscellaneous enclosures.* :P


Hrmph. Well, Azrael and Vis would be fine, although Vis would be immobilized. Azrael would probably be able to fight the Metal to a standstill, but he'd have to pull out all the stops to do it. That might be interesting. How would the Metal react to a fight he couldn't win? Azrael wouldn't be able to kill him, but unless one of them accidentally triggered the other's weakness, the fight would continue basically indefinitely, probably destroying everything nearby.


(I'm loving the multi-quote function, if you can't tell. :D I just figured out how that worked.)

Also, if Vis has line of sight to Metal, he can still create forcefields, despite not being able to move

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...Not to nitpick, but does this technically work? Something has to have kinetic energy in the first place for it to be drained, and it has to be moving to drain kinetic energy... so if you remove all of it, it stops, and Converter can no longer take energy from it, as there is none to take. However, gravity is a constant acceleration at 9.8m/s^2 so it would immediately gain kinetic energy again afterwards...


Here's the question, I guess; can Converter actually stop something dead when it's under a constant acceleration? Or just slow it's movement vastly? Because technically, you're draining kinetic energy that isn't actually there. And even if you can, how much energy does she actually gain from this? kinetic energy is mass by velocity squared, and if the velocity is zero/near zero, the total kinetic energy must be very, very small.


You could say that Converter is storing gravitational potential, but in that case, all she has to do is arrange for a significantly heavy thing to fall on her, and suddenly she has an infinite source of energy to throw people around with.


(Definitely not just asking because if Frostfire's powers work according to the same logic Converter's seem to, then flying with Edgerunner's help suddenly becomes a lot simpler. :ph34r::P)



I don't think she could use potential energy. I can't be burnt by potential fire, so she and Frostfire shouldn't be able to use potential energy :P


Well, it would fall, be stopped completely, then fall a tinnnnnnny amount more, then be stopped completely, then fall a tiiiiiny amount more, etc etc. I think for all intents and purposes it would just stop completely, but the energy she would get after the initial stopping would be so small as to be worthless. She would just get out from under it pretty quickly anyway, I'd think.

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@The Corvallis crew:

With this attack on Buttercup, Iconoclast's plan is as follows: hide in the crowd until the Ghoul either wins or dies (I'm thinking it will die, although it is quick strong and tough and also has at least one death and a bit of major body damage of "regeneration energy" in it.) and by then he should have his powers back, since the Ghoul will use them so quickly. Then he will attack Buttercup himself, although I doubt he will be able to kill her (Blaze probably doesn't want her dead so quickly haha).

Once the other Queens get involved, he will retreat if he can, running into the crowd and changing his appearance. If trapped, he will kill himself by altering his body to have incredibly weak bonds between molecules and throwing himself at something or someone- this will cause him to basically disintegrate. Then he will regenerate from the hand he threw into the sewer. 

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I don't think she could use potential energy. I can't be burnt by potential fire, so she and Frostfire shouldn't be able to use potential energy :P


Well, it would fall, be stopped completely, then fall a tinnnnnnny amount more, then be stopped completely, then fall a tiiiiiny amount more, etc etc. I think for all intents and purposes it would just stop completely, but the energy she would get after the initial stopping would be so small as to be worthless. She would just get out from under it pretty quickly anyway, I'd think.


Funnily enough, potential fire would probably be far more believable than potential kinetic energy, as it wouldn't be infinite. It would still make them stupidly OP'd, just in a different way. If they could drain volatility they could decompose compounds into their lowest energy states, and then direct the energy that should occur from that reaction however they wish. ...Which would basically make them more versatile Powder Mages. :D That would be awesome, but yeah, it doesn't make sense to be within the scope of their powers. (I think we might need a new Epic, Voidus. :P)


That would make the most sense. It's unfortunate, though, as it means there's going need to be a lot more exposition in the Frostfire/Edgerunner collab.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Yes please :)!  


As for Converter, if she can come out of any explosion, she can come out of any during the grenades I guess, if that makes sense to everyone else.  I'm assuming she needs a few moments to orient herself, so if she would wait until Rainmaker is done speaking, that would be nice.   


What effect would Rainmaker's technique of holding people in place with wind do to her?  I know she could absorb energy from the wind, but would she be able to move?

If she absorbs all the kinetic energy of the wind, it can't hold her. Although, if she can't stop airflow around someone else, maybe she can't do it very well with herself either.

I think it would be easier to to the air flow around her self rather than another person, since all the air is touching her.
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If she absorbs all the kinetic energy of the wind, it can't hold her. Although, if she can't stop airflow around someone else, maybe she can't do it very well with herself either.

Quick point, if she keeps absorbing all the kinetic energy from the wind it would essentially become a solid so she couldn't move through it.

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hmmm, that is true. But if she absorbs the energy from the wind and then projects it into the wind facing away from her, she could deflect it completely, cancelling out the wind gust.

She could cancel a gust for the same amount of time she spent absorbing it, so if she just absorbed the energy for 1 second then sent it back it'd only still the air for 1 second.

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yeah, so she would alternate between stilling the gust a hair from her skin by absorbing the energy and then not being hit at all since the gust would founder before reaching her due to contradictory wind directions. Like a bullet hitting Newton deflecting and flying into a second bullet that was headed for her.

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So, as a former English major, all this physics stuff is going WAY over my head.  Let me rephrase my question.  


Would Rainmaker's wind ability be able to immobilize Converter, even if it was feeding or power, or would Converter be immune to it?  


Also, Blackhoof, how would you feel about Rainmaker intervening, because her instinct is to take care of that mega-ghoul herself (she's really bad at sharing).  

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So, as a former English major, all this physics stuff is going WAY over my head.  Let me rephrase my question.  


Would Rainmaker's wind ability be able to immobilize Converter, even if it was feeding or power, or would Converter be immune to it?  


Also, Blackhoof, how would you feel about Rainmaker intervening, because her instinct is to take care of that mega-ghoul herself (she's really bad at sharing).  

It would probably hamper her speed pretty badly but wouldn't quite completely immobilize her.

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So, as a former English major, all this physics stuff is going WAY over my head.  Let me rephrase my question.  


Would Rainmaker's wind ability be able to immobilize Converter, even if it was feeding or power, or would Converter be immune to it?  


Also, Blackhoof, how would you feel about Rainmaker intervening, because her instinct is to take care of that mega-ghoul herself (she's really bad at sharing).

in my opinion, it would hamper her speed half the time- the other half, she counters Rainmaker's wind by sending back an equal amount.

oh I fully expect that to happen :) But I figure she can only deal with either Converter or the Ghoul at the same time. She could lightning them both at once, but converter would just laugh, and the Ghould has enough healing to come back from at least one bolt. Although, if Rainmaker kills it too quickly though, Iconoclast won't intervene at all.

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Hey Silverdragon,


So, how did Converter die in the first scene?  I thought she automatically absorbed energy from bullets?  I'm very confused about when her powers work and when they don't.  Did she let herself get killed because she was bored?  I also don't understand how she had slaves if she moved around every six months.


Also, I don't think the chaos is quite as you described it at this point (someone correct me if they had a different impression).  My understanding is that people were calming down, until Iconoclast made his uber-ghoul.  This would make chaos, but more the kind where people are running away, and less where they are punching people in the face (I could be wrong though).  Also, the Ghoul is in with the larger population, whereas it seems like Converter fell into where the rioters were cordoned off.  Now, what you describe was more what was happening earlier, which makes sense, because that was when the grenades were going off.  Does Converter not need a period to orient herself and see what's going on, or does she just start killing indiscriminately immediately?  


I was hoping there could be time in between when she first appears and when she starts doing things so Rainmaker's speech still makes sense.  If not, we may have to wait for another explosion.


Another question, why was she 20 feet up in the air?  


Sorry if this is coming across as hostile, because I am not intending that at all.  I feel like a total dunce to say this again, but I am still really confused, and would like to have a bit more explanation maybe?  


It's also late and I've had a long day, so I'll give it another read in the morning and see if it makes more sense to me then.  

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I think she can only absorb energy when she sees the attack coming. She doesn't have any danger sense of anything, so she needs to purposefully do it each time she is attacked, I think. It seems like in this case she didn't get bored, she got cocky and was assassinated.

I also think that slaves after a few months makes perfect sense- it wouldn't take long for an Epic as powerful as Converter to take over a small area with people in it and make them slaves.

And she would be 20 feet up because if the grenades in the air, wouldn't she?

@Silver: first off, nice opening post, i like it. :)

But otherwise, yeah, Comatose is right about the other stuff though. It contradicts the established timeline- Rainmaker wouldn't keep talking while an Epic is killing up a storm (lol rainmaker pun). At this point, everyone has stopped, the only chaos are the people running away from the uber-Ghoul (which literally just happened).

So we have two choices- you rewrite it a little so that she is confused and dazed for about two minutes (she could have been hit with tear gas as well) then she starts killing (which means she would start just after Rainmaker's speech, about the time the uber-Ghoul appears). OR, we add on a little bit at the end of yours where someone subdues her temporarily until Rainmaker is finished.

Also just one little nitpick, barely anything: the only Ghoul with sharp teeth is the uber-Ghoul. Iconoclast didn't gift any of the others, so they wouldn't have the ability to change their teeth. :)

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I think she can only absorb energy when she sees the attack coming. She doesn't have any danger sense of anything, so she needs to purposefully do it each time she is attacked, I think. It seems like in this case she didn't get bored, she got cocky and was assassinated.

I also think that slaves after a few months makes perfect sense- it wouldn't take long for an Epic as powerful as Converter to take over a small area with people in it and make them slaves.

And she would be 20 feet up because if the grenades in the air, wouldn't she?

@Silver: first off, nice opening post, i like it. :)

But otherwise, yeah, Comatose is right about the other stuff though. It contradicts the established timeline- Rainmaker wouldn't keep talking while an Epic is killing up a storm (lol rainmaker pun). At this point, everyone has stopped, the only chaos are the people running away from the uber-Ghoul (which literally just happened).

So we have two choices- you rewrite it a little so that she is confused and dazed for about two minutes (she could have been hit with tear gas as well) then she starts killing (which means she would start just after Rainmaker's speech, about the time the uber-Ghoul appears). OR, we add on a little bit at the end of yours where someone subdues her temporarily until Rainmaker is finished.

Also just one little nitpick, barely anything: the only Ghoul with sharp teeth is the uber-Ghoul. Iconoclast didn't gift any of the others, so they wouldn't have the ability to change their teeth. :)

Ok, thanks. I'll rewrite the post a little bit. She could probably be bit by tear glass, and then see the super ghoul attack blossom? (It is blossom right)

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Out of a curiosity that is in no way connected to my desire to play with Windows Movie Maker some more, what song or piece of music is best-matched to this RP as a whole?

As may have been noticed in Bioterrors opening post I love Clint Mansell's Lux Aeterna and believe it suits absolutely everything :P


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Ok, thanks. I'll rewrite the post a little bit. She could probably be bit by tear glass, and then see the super ghoul attack blossom? (It is blossom right)

thanks :)

its buttercup, actually. Blossom is on a roof somewhere and Bubbles was taken away by her security.

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