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Now this is the question, to be or not to be? Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings... sorry but it had to be said.

Anyways, that is the question right now, what do you guys think? I'm open to suggestions. 


EDIT: it kind of fits perfectly with my essay I'm writing on the Death Penalty. 

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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Well at the moment, if she has activated her blanket absorption then she will not die from anything Rainmaker throws at her. Butif she hasn't yet... she might be squished by that hailstone at least if she doesn't see it coming. Logically, she would expect an attack of the sort (she saw what Rainmaker did to the Ghoul) and be ready for it. Unless she is stupid, which she might be.

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Well at the moment, if she has activated her blanket absorption then she will not die from anything Rainmaker throws at her. But if she hasn't yet... she might be squished by that hailstone at least if she doesn't see it coming. Logically, she would expect an attack of the sort (she saw what Rainmaker did to the Ghoul) and be ready for it. Unless she is stupid, which she might be.

She's not stupid, just arrogant. :D

I'm thinking she dies somehow, don't know yet, and reincarnates somewhere a little outside of Corvallis. She enslaves, threatens, meets up another epic, probably with some type of heat abilities, and then gets back to Corvallis as soon as possible to kill Rainmaker. 

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Mailliw, Reader actually did betray Koschei willingly. Remington didn't capture him; he went over to Vondra willingly. Whether or not you want to change this is up to you; Emma might believe otherwise.

I just figured that Remington's reputation would've been blown out of proportion, Emma is a fan girl and prone to exaggeration, and she hates Reader. So I figured that allowed me to make some baseless hyperboles. :P She probably thinks Remington strolled up to Koschei, whipped out a rifle and shot him while Koschei stood in shock as his powers failed.

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I just figured that Remington's reputation would've been blown out of proportion, Emma is a fan girl and prone to exaggeration, and she hates Reader. So I figured that allowed me to make some baseless hyperboles. :P She probably thinks Remington strolled up to Koschei, whipped out a rifle and shot him while Koschei stood in shock as his powers failed.


"And after killing Koschei and all three of his henchmen with one bullet, Remington Springfield put out the great Dalles fire with the sheer intensity of his slick dance moves!"


"You're flunking history, Ms. Runes."

Edited by Kobold King
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"And after killing Koschei and all three of his henchmen with one bullet, Remington Springfield put out the great Dalles fire with the sheer intensity of his slick dance moves!"


"You're flunking history, Ms. Runes."

"And, after he slapped Reader silly for being a slontze, we named a bar after him. He left town and mysteriously disappeared, leaving us to wonder why and where he went. That's the end of my presentation on a modern hero."

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"And after killing Koschei and all three of his henchmen with one bullet, Remington Springfield put out the great Dalles fire with the sheer intensity of his slick dance moves!"

"You're flunking history, Ms. Runes."

"No, wait! I haven't gotten to the part about Springfield scaring Steelheart back to Newcago by beating him in a pie making contest!"

"Miss Runes..."

"And then he eats the pies so fast Obliteration decides it's part of an End Times prophecy everyone had interpreted incorrectly and just leaves him alone because there's no pie left!"

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Best history class ever. I'm pretty sure even Remington would learn new things about himself. :P

"Funny. Can't say I recall the time I bombed the crap outta Snowfall using a plane and bombs I built using scrap metal from the shed out back."

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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"Funny. Can't say I recall the time I bombed the crap outta Snowfall using a plane and bombs I built using scrap metal from the shed out back."


"And what's this?"


"That's the statue commemorating the day you won a bet with Knighthawk, and the loser had to mass produce cell phones for the entire Fractured States!"


"Ah. That in no way explains why there's a giant bronze milkshake sitting in the middle of town."

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"Not just a rifle, Mr. Springfield: a rifle and a beanbag."

* grins with anime hearts floating above her head *

"...Right. I'm, uh, gonna go pop in and say hi to Vondra."

"Oh! You want to see how he's doing after you carried him out of a burning building, then put out the fire by diverting the river's course?"

"I ain't an Epic."

"I know, that's what makes it so amazing! You turned the river on the building with just a pocketknife and a moldy English muffin!"

"You think I threatened the river or something?"


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Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. Chuck Norris wears Remington Springfield pajamas.

Chuck Norris checks for Remington Springfield under his bed before sleeping.

Chuck Norris once tried to take over the Dalles. He only lasted a minute.

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She's not stupid, just arrogant. :D

I'm thinking she dies somehow, don't know yet, and reincarnates somewhere a little outside of Corvallis. She enslaves, threatens, meets up another epic, probably with some type of heat abilities, and then gets back to Corvallis as soon as possible to kill Rainmaker. 


The main issue with winding up outside Corvallis is that you'd then need to get back in. That could take some time, given I doubt Rainmaker will want to continue the scheduled bubble drops until Euphoria returns, if she ever does. That means you're waiting until something happens to Bubbles, and you'd need to be at the bubble waiting when that happens.


If you do choose to do that, the sneakiest place to get back into Corvallis when the bubble is down is through the large forested area west of the bubble. That has some rather rough terrain, though, so the easiest locations to get back in are either within Tangent, Albany, or along the Williamette River.

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The main issue with winding up outside Corvallis is that you'd then need to get back in. That could take some time, given I doubt Rainmaker will want to continue the scheduled bubble drops until Euphoria returns, if she ever does. That means you're waiting until something happens to Bubbles, and you'd need to be at the bubble waiting when that happens.


If you do choose to do that, the sneakiest place to get back into Corvallis when the bubble is down is through the large forested area west of the bubble. That has some rather rough terrain, though, so the easiest locations to get back in are either within Tangent, Albany, or along the Williamette River.


Well, we had this discussion in a collab group with the Astoria fight.


Namely, how energy absorbers and forcefields interact.


We didn't really come to a final answer, but decided that Disruption (who can absorb electrical energy) could move through shields at least. At most, he could use them as a never-ending energy source, or drain it until the shield died. The latter makes sense to me unless Bubbles is actively maintaining the shield- Prof's shields were not invincible- as evidenced by their weakening when gifted and the fact that it was a huge expenditure of power to contain the explosion (an indestructible shield would have required no extra energy).


So perhaps, Converter would be able to walk straight through it. And at worst... she could absorb the whole darn thing.


What do you guys think about this dilemma?

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Well, we had this discussion in a collab group with the Astoria fight.


Namely, how energy absorbers and forcefields interact.


We didn't really come to a final answer, but decided that Disruption (who can absorb electrical energy) could move through shields at least. At most, he could use them as a never-ending energy source, or drain it until the shield died. The latter makes sense to me unless Bubbles is actively maintaining the shield- Prof's shields were not invincible- as evidenced by their weakening when gifted and the fact that it was a huge expenditure of power to contain the explosion (an indestructible shield would have required no extra energy).


So perhaps, Converter would be able to walk straight through it. And at worst... she could absorb the whole darn thing.


What do you guys think about this dilemma?

Depends on the type of force field, for an electrical shield like Sourcefields it would definitely work but if it's more like Profs then I doubt it, there's no energy involved there it's more like a solid object than anything.

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Well, we had this discussion in a collab group with the Astoria fight.


Namely, how energy absorbers and forcefields interact.


We didn't really come to a final answer, but decided that Disruption (who can absorb electrical energy) could move through shields at least. At most, he could use them as a never-ending energy source, or drain it until the shield died. The latter makes sense to me unless Bubbles is actively maintaining the shield- Prof's shields were not invincible- as evidenced by their weakening when gifted and the fact that it was a huge expenditure of power to contain the explosion (an indestructible shield would have required no extra energy).


So perhaps, Converter would be able to walk straight through it. And at worst... she could absorb the whole darn thing.


What do you guys think about this dilemma?


Bubble's bubble isn't so much a forcefield as it is an indestructible wall. It's not energy, it's a physical thing. Bubbles has control over what can and cannot pass through the wall.


Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Blaze1616
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Oh, and Edge? Sorry if I sounded snippy about the Koschei thing earlier. I've just been kind of on edge because of some other stuff going on lately. :unsure:

:mellow: I noticed nothing. You'll have to be more mean spirited if you want to get something like that across to me. :P


Depends on the type of force field, for an electrical shield like Sourcefields it would definitely work but if it's more like Profs then I doubt it, there's no energy involved there it's more like a solid object than anything.

Not that I disagree but the last time we had a discussion about forcefieds, weren't you the guy arguing that forcfields not releasing energy/being indestructible until the Epic releases them breaks fundamental laws of physics to hard?

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:mellow: I noticed nothing. You'll have to be more mean spirited if you want to get something like that across to me. :P


Not that I disagree but the last time we had a discussion about forcefieds, weren't you the guy arguing that forcfields not releasing energy/being indestructible until the Epic releases them breaks fundamental laws of physics to hard?

I'm not sure, I don't remember that discussion  :wacko:  If so then consider my position officially revised. :P

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