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Of course why Obliteration is drinking buddies with Backtrack and Lord Snakehands remains a mystery for the ages. Perhaps Koschei used his plot hole powers? :P


I don't care why. What's important is that we arrange this scene as soon as possible. :P

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Of course why Obliteration is drinking buddies with Backtrack and Lord Snakehands remains a mystery for the ages. Perhaps Koschei used his plot hole powers? :P

They remind him bout how much the world needs to be destroyed. :P

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I don't care why. What's important is that we arrange this scene as soon as possible. :P

Agreed. Let all the warring factions proclaim a ceasefire immediately so they can all have a drink together in peace.



They remind him bout how much the world needs to be destroyed. :P

Of course!

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Now I'm trying to figure out if Taylor Swift dated Obliteration, and if so, what break-up song she would write about him...

...I don't think anyone gets to survive breaking up with Obliteration. No matter what songs they write. :ph34r:

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Now I'm trying to figure out if Taylor Swift dated Obliteration, and if so, what break-up song she would write about him...


The lyrics would likely involve him somehow melting her heart, for the relationship to end up having a major melt-down.

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We met in the grocery store

I thought you were a real bore

Yeah you found me in that aisle

As we walked in single file


Oh you touched my shoulder one-nce

I thought you were a real du-nce

But what I couldn't see-ee

Was that you're perfect for me!



Yeah you melted my heart_________

But we grew apart_________

We were the talk of the town________

Until we had a melt-down!

We had a melt-down!




Yes I think you look delicious

And I love that you're religious

Oh the way you look at me-ee

Really makes me want to SQUEE!


Your tattoos are really coo-ool

'Specially when in the poo-ool

As a couple we're so chi-ic

Yeah it makes me want to freak!




Then one day in the park

You grew so very dark

You told me I would suffer

For being such a bluffer


I said I'd never lie

But you told me I would die

Yes my cheeks sure did redden

When you brought up armageddon


Oh now I am all alone

Sitting here up in my home

Wishing I were still with you

Yet I guess that we are through








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Depends on the type of force field, for an electrical shield like Sourcefields it would definitely work but if it's more like Profs then I doubt it, there's no energy involved there it's more like a solid object than anything.


That was my opinion too, but apparently that doesn't work right or something. Somehow, I think both our opinions changed for no reason.

I had no idea plot holes could be used to give pathetic characters super-powerful drinking buddies. :ph34r:

But Metronome isn't there. He's the most super-powerful Epic of all! :P

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Because it had to be done (feel free to suggest different powers, this is just what I came up with:



Primary Power: MURDERLINA can send messages on any electronic devices with her mind.  She can also alter or delete the messages other people send, and 'download' information from electronic devices directly to her mind.  She can only edit information that could be edited if she were using a computer to edit it, which means the only way for her to get rid of saved MS Paint messages would be to delete them.  Once information is 'downloaded' it degrades the same way any information stored by human memory does.


Secondary Power:  MURDERLINA can kill anyone she touches for more than ten seconds.  The manner of death is hers to choose, but more complicated deaths take longer periods of time.  Simply stopping someone's internal organs from functioning would take the requisite ten seconds, blowing someone up would likely take closer to twenty seconds, and any death that requires other objects (a knife, gun, piano) would likely take more than a minute. 


Primary Invincibility:  At will, MURDERLINA can dissolve into a large (think tens of thousands) murder of crows.  This power is triggered automatically if she is endangered.  To kill her while in this form, one must kill every crow in the murder.  If only one crow survives, MURDERLINA will be trapped in crow form, and will be unable to use her powers.  However, if even two remain, Murderlina can instantly reform, and the next time she is put into danger she will dissolve into the full group of crows again.  





MO:  MURDERLINA feels she is IS a goddess, and generally uses her primary power to show her superiority and to communicate with her followers.  Other than that, she mostly just murders people.

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Speaking of Murderlina...

If her weakness is people she has a "lawful excuse" to kill, how would that work in Newcago? As I understood it, Epics could kill with impunity, so technically speaking, every non-Epic in the city should be immune. Unless I'm interpreting it wrong, which I've been known to do. :P

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Speaking of Murderlina...

If her weakness is people she has a "lawful excuse" to kill, how would that work in Newcago? As I understood it, Epics could kill with impunity, so technically speaking, every non-Epic in the city should be immune. Unless I'm interpreting it wrong, which I've been known to do. :P

But I don't think those were technically laws. It says it only works in places with laws concerning killing.

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Epic that Converter might run into if she dies.


Name: C-4

Primary Power: The ability to turn any object, smaller than 2 ft X 2 ft X 2 ft, into C-4. He can also turn parts of bigger things into C-4 but once he turns a bit of something into C-4, then he can't turn the rest of it into C-4

Secondary Power: The ability to detonate any amount of C-4 he can see. 

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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But I don't think those were technically laws. It says it only works in places with laws concerning killing.

True, but say there was an area with a law saying Epics could kill with impunity. Would that trigger her weakness, or would that person have to do something that gave her a right to kill them under the law?

Nice profile pic by the way, Mailliw. :lol:

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And the winner of the "Best Profile Pic EVER Award" goes to Mailliw, for reasons I should hope are obvious. :lol:

True, but say there was an area with a law saying Epics could kill with impunity. Would that trigger her weakness, or would that person have to do something that gave her a right to kill them under the law?

Nice profile pic by the way, Mailliw. :lol:

Thanks, guys. :P Everyone not in this RP is probably confused out of their minds at it though. ;)

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I intended for it to be vague so there would be room to interpret it. Generally, I think she would stay away from places like Newcago, or would come as an 'invader' in order to avoid triggering her weakness, or find other ways to murder people in the commission of another crime.

If she came to The Dalles, the best way to stop her would be to welcome her to the city with open arms, give her the post of executioner, and then sentence someone to death. That person, ironically, could then kill her, haha.

To prevent this, Murderlina would likely announce her arrival by sending dirty text messages from Vondra's communication device to Arsenal, and vice versa, and do whatever it took not to be welcomed.

She could also cause a lot of damage from no man's land, if she fears entering a particular domain might be dangerous for her.

A sample of her work:

"Yo Obliteration, I totally luv JBeebs!!! XOXO Steel<3."

"Sic Jams! But Im a tru Directionist. JBeebs cannot compare. U LOOK CUTE TODAY. XOXO Obliteration."


... and so on.


Murderlina's only power is the manipulation of autocorrect.

It's enough.

There's a reason that's her primary power, haha.

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I intended for it to be vague so there would be room to interpret it. Generally, I think she would stay away from places like Newcago, or would come as an 'invader' in order to avoid triggering her weakness, or find other ways to murder people in the commission of another crime.

If she came to The Dalles, the best way to stop her would be to welcome her to the city with open arms, give her the post of executioner, and then sentence someone to death. That person, ironically, could then kill her, haha.

To prevent this, Murderlina would likely announce her arrival by sending dirty text messages from Vondra's communication device to Arsenal, and vice versa, and do whatever it took not to be welcomed.

She could also cause a lot of damage from no man's land, if she fears entering a particular domain might be dangerous for her.

A sample of her work:

"Yo Obliteration, I totally luv JBeebs!!! XOXO Steel<3."

"Sic Jams! But Im a tru Directionist. JBeebs cannot compare. U LOOK CUTE TODAY. XOXO Obliteration."


... and so on.

A serial killer with the maturity of a fourteen-year-old. How charming. <_<:P

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