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And this is how Fortuity fell out of grace. :P

Ironically, I'm sure they could bond over their hatred for Funtimes... or at least until Lucentia kills Fortuity.


It's a bit difficult to maintain the respect of a godlike dictator when you develop a phobia of glitter. :P 


Fortuity to Lucentia: 



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Well as you say given the Metal, Deathgale and Bloody Mary any kind of assault is pretty doomed to failure, you'd need a large-scale teleporter to even be able to escape, if Bioterror does join up that's only going to make things worse. It would be possible to wage war but you'd need a lot of really OP Epics to make it possible.


One reason for having it be a rival town with many of the new Epics. They would already have a base of power to build from. Or we would need tons and tons of minor Epics all working together, your forte I believe.


With him and Brightdeath Astoria is actually getting more powerful.


That is true. Before more and more Epics create a regime, this might need to happen to purge the city. As it is, any of these Epics could take down a city, as already noted. Plunging Oregon into chaos is the end goal, even if what we are doing is trying to have fun along the way. Starting a massive civil war with several cities from Oregon and Washington would help realize that goal.


Yeah I realized that between Bloody Mary and Brightdeath they can now create portals to pretty much anywhere even if no one else with Bloody Mary's blood is there Brightdeath can just port there.  :unsure: 

So now Bloody Mary and Brightdeath can open a portal to pretty much anywhere instantly, the Metal, Bioterror and Deathgale can kill everyone in that place in about 3 seconds and pin down any Epics with a PI to take back with them and then head back home.

Astoria could completely destroy any city in about a minute.  :ph34r:


Can't Bioterror not hurt Epics? That would help in one way.

If there was a multi-front war, would they stick together or split up, because that would be one way to keep things more even.

What I am mainly saying is that it would be cool to have a large conflict. It doesn't even need to succeed, but it would still be cool to have multiple cities, Epics, and factions all in on a major conflict. I only brought this up to see what support there was, either from current Epics or anybody who wants to add to the rival faction. If people seriously want this, they can make it happen. Build new Epics or merge their Epics into the different factions.

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One reason for having it be a rival town with many of the new Epics. They would already have a base of power to build from. Or we would need tons and tons of minor Epics all working together, your forte I believe.


That is true. Before more and more Epics create a regime, this might need to happen to purge the city. As it is, any of these Epics could take down a city, as already noted. Plunging Oregon into chaos is the end goal, even if what we are doing is trying to have fun along the way. Starting a massive civil war with several cities from Oregon and Washington would help realize that goal.


Can't Bioterror not hurt Epics? That would help in one way.

If there was a multi-front war, would they stick together or split up, because that would be one way to keep things more even.

What I am mainly saying is that it would be cool to have a large conflict. It doesn't even need to succeed, but it would still be cool to have multiple cities, Epics, and factions all in on a major conflict. I only brought this up to see what support there was, either from current Epics or anybody who wants to add to the rival faction. If people seriously want this, they can make it happen. Build new Epics or merge their Epics into the different factions.

Bioterror can affect Epics it just takes longer, with Vanillas he can pretty much kill every cell in their body instantly, with Epics it takes about 10 minutes before permanent damage starts to occur.

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Haha, serves me right for being away from the computer for a while.  Lots to catch up on!



Ooh, it'd be even more interesting if they were both in unfamiliar territory. If Quota got to someone before Euphoria did, how do you think their powers would interact, and vice versa?


That's what I was interested in as well.  I'd have to search out and read more Quota posts in the Portland thread to really get a feel for how his powers work.  I think the most interesting interaction would be between his 'soothing' and Euphoria's history revision powers.  In terms of his dampening vs. her happiness, I think her power seems to alter the base state more, so he would have to work harder to 'soothe' it away.  Again, I only have a rudimentary understanding of his powers, so I'd have to research more before I speculate further.  


Oh Comatose something I remembered the other day while thinking about potential combat applications for Euphoria is a condition called Serotonin Syndrome or Serotonin Toxicity, it was a potential side effect of a combination of meds I was on a while ago before they were switched, but in really severe cases it can cause potentially fatal complication.
Anyway something I thought might be interesting if she ever used her powers combatively. 


Interesting.  Her happiness powers always have had a chemical feel for me (especially the addictive dimension), so that would be interesting.  I think I would prefer to limit her for the moment, as I never intended for her to be a combative character, but maybe she could use some sort of serotonin overload to stun people?  It could be interesting to consider for her Rending.  If such a thing is possible, she would likely need very close proximity, and be focusing on a single person.  Kind of like some sort of overdose.  


Comatose, is it ok if Converter goes on a rampage now? 


Sorry I didn't see this sooner!  I think your latest post is fine, the queens will be scrambling a little, but I'll try to figure out Rainmaker's response ASAP.  


Would it be outside of Converters powers to stop someone's vocal cords? 


And pray, but not to Calamity.


It seems to be a tad OP to me.  Judging by how you've described her powers (particularly her stopping the bullets, and her death scene) it seems like she would have difficulty affecting something so complex in a subtle without sight or touch.  She'd be more likely just to drain someone's heat at that point, I'd think.  


Well essentially it's just your brain overdosing on Serotonin, which is potentially one of the ways Euphoria's powers could work so I thought it might be something to look into for potential effects of her using her powers at maximum level on someone as a form of combat.


I'd probably say yes it is, not only is that a very specific region to stop moving it would also probably stop blood flow and potentially breathing so whoever she did it to would die.


I guess I answered this point above, but I agree with the analysis of Converter's power, and find the Serotonin overdose thing to be very interesting, but will need to think about it more.  


What would people think is a reasonable length of time for Cornucopia's plants to grow?
I could just keep it as a supportive really long term thing but it does seem a bit unlikely that Calamity would go handing out a power like that so I feel like it would be better if it was a lot faster but then she can essentially have an infinite supply of anything so that'd overpower her a bit.


My thought was that she could grow individual plants at high speeds (when directly manipulating them), but that single plant would have a limit on what it could produce.  The field hands are needed to keep the city supplied with things, since plants that Cornucopia is not directly influencing would grow 'normally' (what ever that means for plants that grow pancakes).  My original vision was that Corncopia would plant things, and get them so they weren't in danger of dying immediately, and then leave their care to the field workers.  In combat though, I'd be fine with her speeding things up.  Unless you've removed the requirement for her to have an original item to plant, I don't think that makes her too OP.  


That's just my original thought process though.  I'm fine with any and all adjustments you make!

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Thanks everyone for the input on Cornucopia, I think I'll go for a mix of a couple ideas so that she can grow one plant really quickly while she's focusing on it but the plant gets so saturated with her power that she then can't use any more on it and so can't replant the 'fruit' it bears to keep growing plants. (Thanks for that limitation idea Edge)

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With this whole huge conflict thing, I think we are giving Epic loyalty too much credit. Sure Deathgale, the Metal, Winterspell et.al are "loyal" now, but we know Epics betray each other like its no big thing. It doesn't even need to be a smart betrayal (look at Faultline betraying Steelheart... What???).

Some of them could go to the other side. Maybe Bioterror gets a better offer and takes it. Maybe any one if them decides that they would make a better ruler than Lucentia.

Although, basically as I finished that I remembered Mary has all their blood and they are infected by her. I suppose she can enforce loyalty that way? What if she dies, doesn't that "reset" her blood?

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New Chase post up! In which Chase, surprisingly, tries to do something useful.

And ticks off Converter in the process. I mean, A whole crowd of Normals/vanillas talking to Converter. She's going to go really crazy after that. I'll get her post done, after I get this one project done. :(   :angry:

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What do you think about a Converter/Iconoclast alliance, Silver? Just a temporary thing, to really mess stuff up mwa ha ha

Depends how the Queens handle her, I suppose.

If she get more angry, then she could storm off, and then meet with Iconoclast, and form an alliance. It could work, but just thinking about it makes me want to go and hide.

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What would people think is a reasonable length of time for Cornucopia's plants to grow?

I could just keep it as a supportive really long term thing but it does seem a bit unlikely that Calamity would go handing out a power like that so I feel like it would be better if it was a lot faster but then she can essentially have an infinite supply of anything so that'd overpower her a bit.


What are the powers for Cornucopia?  I have Florist as very quick growth time, but he can't twist them out of their natural state by too much.

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Hey guys, love the discussion, I just have a few things to say.


@Corvallis Crew:

I love all your guys's posts, I really like how it is shaping up. However I think that we are going to need more or at least more organized opposition to Rainmaker's rule. Someone in the Question threads voiced that they wanted to be the riot leader. Also, we need Epics in opposition to Rainmaker. I don't know if people could RP a Queen and an Rioting Epic, but that might be a solution. also the people currently participating in Astoria or Portland could join and fill that role.


Just some of my thoughts, I really like the work everyone is doing. 

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What are the powers for Cornucopia?  I have Florist as very quick growth time, but he can't twist them out of their natural state by too much.

Bioduplication: She can 'plant' any object and cause a crop to grow from it with more of the object attached as a kind of fruit.

Plant manipulation: She can manipulate nearby plant life, typically to use weapons that she's planted.

Synthesis: She has an increased healing factor dependent upon sunlight levels, at noon on a very clear day she can heal from any wound that's not immediately fatal in a few seconds, at night she can only heal a couple of times faster than a normal person.



With this whole huge conflict thing, I think we are giving Epic loyalty too much credit. Sure Deathgale, the Metal, Winterspell et.al are "loyal" now, but we know Epics betray each other like its no big thing. It doesn't even need to be a smart betrayal (look at Faultline betraying Steelheart... What???).

Some of them could go to the other side. Maybe Bioterror gets a better offer and takes it. Maybe any one if them decides that they would make a better ruler than Lucentia.

Although, basically as I finished that I remembered Mary has all their blood and they are infected by her. I suppose she can enforce loyalty that way? What if she dies, doesn't that "reset" her blood?

Well I think Edge has good reasons for his characters to work for Lucentia and Bioterror really needs other Epics to wield power, basically all he does is kill people which is not terrifically useful if you end up killing all the people you want to serve you. He could conceivably defect to someone else's side but they'd have to have a pretty overwhelming advantage to convince him. I don't think Mary has much of a hold over any of the stronger Epics like the Metal or Deathgale since they have PIs, Bioterror could just purge his blood of hers if he wanted to since he's a fleshwarper.

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There's also the fact that Lucentia knows the weaknesses of all the Epics in her service, and I think she also replaced the Metal's skeleton with her diamond so she controls him that way. While it's not the best way of keeping Epics loyal, breaking that hold would likely require access to Lucentia's weakness, and most likely Bloody Mary's as well.

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I agree, I also think there should be some organized vanilla revolts, but not stupid riots, smart planned assaults on epics. What do you guys think?

Oh, don't worry, Gregory has a plan (aka a fan obsession), and he's going to read out of his philosophy book (aka Mistborn) and come up with some way to defeat the Corvallis Epics (aka copy Kelsier's plans). :P

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Oh, don't worry, Gregory has a plan (aka a fan obsession), and he's going to read out of his philosophy book (aka Mistborn) and come up with some way to defeat the Corvallis Epics (aka copy Kelsier's plans). :P

I am now halfway tempted to add a second underground rebellion leader, a Newcago transplant who sings "First World Problems" to themselves whenever they hear people complaining about the happiness being gone. :mellow::P

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I am now halfway tempted to add a second underground rebellion leader, a Newcago transplant who sings "First World Problems" to themselves whenever they hear people complaining about the happiness being gone. :mellow::P

I would not be aposed to you following through on that temptation. :P Edited by mail-mi
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I am now halfway tempted to add a second underground rebellion leader, a Newcago transplant who sings "First World Problems" to themselves whenever they hear people complaining about the happiness being gone. :mellow::P


Can his archenemy be a constantly complaining Epic who looks like this?



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