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That's vicious.


Hey, being an Epic means you've been forced to sign a contract stating that sometimes, things might get a little bloody.


The contract does not specify whose blood, though :)



And though I have zero knowledge of the Metal, I like the second one better, if my vote counts.

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I do have some questions regarding Converter's powers.

1) She can absorb all types of energy?

2) She can only do so actively? As in she must intentionally trigger the effect.

3) Does she have inherent protection from highly energetic collisions? I understand that the energy absorption implies an immunity to energy itself (such as the heat dissipating from her body), but she punched someone in the face with enough energy to cave their face in, yet her hand suffered no damage.

1)yes she can absorb all types of energy.

2) yes, but she can activate a blanket effect.

3), she is transferring kinetic energy directly into the face. Her hand travels normal speed and strength, but the face feels like it has been hit by a truck, and gives way accordingly. Maybe. Otherwise if she was applying it directly to her hand, it would suffer damage one would think.

What he said.
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And though I have zero knowledge of the Metal, I like the second one better, if my vote counts.

I too like the second one.

None of you understand the awesomeness of Armagoden facing down the First Ones. :P Oh well, the second one it is.


1)yes she can absorb all types of energy.

2) yes, but she can activate a blanket effect.

What he said.

Mind elaborating on that blanket effet?

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When she uses that, she is basically just absorbing all energy that touches her. Helps to stop bullets since she doesn't know when they're going to hit.

And if used would freeze her in place, shatter her clothes, effectively cut of all her senses and make her suffocate if used for to long just to point out a few problems. I guess it makes a decent emergency defense, though.

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I was going to ask you. :P


Anyway, so here's the idea I'm working off of so far. 


He's a Newcago transplant, where he was a mechanic, but he left when the tyranny got to be too much. He went with a group of other ex-Newcagoans and made his way to Oregon, where he settled in Corvallis. I don't know if this part will work or not, but I was thinking he works for an Epic who doesn't like the way everyone is so cheery and happy all the time. This Epic's favorite pastime is complaining, and he looks like this: 




This Newcago transplant rarely visits Euphoria, as this Epic finds other ways of keeping his slaves in line. Captain First World Problems routinely complains to this Newcago transplant, and the transplant snarks back. CFWP occasionally remarks that "much more of that and I'll take you to Euphoria," but he never does, because he secretly enjoys the snarking. His slaves don't rebel, so he doesn't feel the need to bring them to Euphoria. The transplant is working to bring down Rainmaker and the other Queens because he vehemently disagrees with the way she keeps control over the populace—i.e., by turning them all into drug addicts. One of the few things he misses about Newcago is that slaves were at least allowed to be miserable when they wanted to, so this transplant is essentially working to give people their God-given right to misery. 


Also, if none of what I just wrote contradicts Corvallis' canon, I think his character icon will be this picture right here: 




I absolutely approve.  


@Comatose: Do you mind if I create another character, an Epic, who challenges Rainmaker to a duel for control if the city, much like challengers against Steelheart? My Epic will lose, and the challenge wont happen for at least a day or so, but just to show a little extra chaos and uncertainty in the city?


In general, I don't mind, but with Euphoria gone, and Converter and Iconoclast in the mix, there is already a lot happening in Corvallis, so it might be nice to wait a bit.  The city seems to have a decent amount of uncertainty for the moment, and I'd like to save outright chaos for a little later, so we have a chance to build.  As far as huge battles between a bunch of super powerful epics goes, we already have Astoria going, so it would be nice to set Corvallis apart a bit and keep it distinct.  


I actually disagree with you. There are some major differences between Newcago and Corvallis. The two biggest differences are that 1) ALL vanillas are slaves of some kind in Corvallis, providing a near infinite amount (for practical purposes), but in Newcago they aren't, Epics just have the right to kill any vanilla they see fit. 2) Corvallis weather is always amazing (except when the vanilla population upsets Rainmaker), while Newcago is constantly covered in darkness and the city is all steel. Corvallis is essentially a paradise for Epics. Epics who spend time there would naturally be less likely to revolt due to the nature of them even being in Corvallis (unless they enter with the express purpose of overthrowing the Queens like Iconoclast has).


On that note, even vanillas are not predisposed to revolt. Well, vanillas from out of town, anyways. One of the original ideas of Corvallis was that even vanillas migrate to the city because they'd rather feel false happiness than live in the crappy world that is ReckonEarth. So the only vanillas that should be revolting are those who have lived in Corvallis all their life, and as such don't know of the horrors of outside the bubble. Otherwise why travel to a town where you know you'll be forced to work, either as a public servant or a private one? It just wouldn't make much sense for any vanillas from out of town to revolt, unless their reasoning is due to the loss of the happiness, but they are far more likely to believe Rainmaker's speech than to just jump to the conclusion that Euphoria is never coming back (particularly when they don't know she's missing).


As for Faultline, I don't think one Epic making a dumb decision to turn against their boss is enough evidence to say all Epics are so power hungry as to ruin a good thing. Instead, I think it just shows how stupid Faultline is. Though I agree there is likely someone in Corvallis wanting to challenge Rainmaker's rule, but they'd likely be detered from the thought of having to take all the Queens, not just one. In addition, an Epic taking over Corvallis would have to know that after defeating Rainmaker they'd lose all the security that the bubble provides, all the beautiful weather that Rainmaker provides, and the happiness drug that provides the slave labor, not to mention the crops that the Queens provide. Though it's true an Epic might be able to convince some of the Queens to swap, it would need to be a pretty strong Epic that can promise a reign of control that Rainmaker has already provided. I just don't see much reason for any of the Queens to turn against Rainmaker, and I don't see any challengers succeeding without being crazy powerful (like Iconoclast or Converter) or getting rid of some of said Queens.


That's not to say don't go through with whatever ideas you might have. I'm merely expressing a logical breakdown of the situation to take into consideration when creating characters. :)


I would tend to agree.  Faultline also came from Steelhearts inner circle, so there may have been personal reasons.  Right now, Chase, and possibly Euphoria (spoilers...) seem to be the only ones who might have personal reasons for betraying Rainmaker, and neither have the power to confront her directly.  


I mean, realistically, say a powerful High Epic with vacuum powers comes in, challenges Rainmaker to a duel, she accepts out of pride, and loses, getting killed. Assume this High Epic doesn't want to do things any differently or kill any other Epic bar those in their way. Would the Queens, in that situation, just all leave? Why? Would they really care that much if a different High Epic just supplants Rainmaker? 

Maybe they would, depends on the characters and players of course, but I certainly think an Epic who doesn't know the Queens and will assume they will willingly follow them if they defeat Rainmaker would potentially try. And heck, if they are powerful enough they could use the old "work for me or I'll kill you" employment offer.


In terms of who could beat Rainmaker.... hmmm... another weather manipulator of some sort, maybe? An air manipulator could blow her away when in cloud form, couldn't they? A powerful blast of heat could 'explode' or evaporate her in cloud form, couldn't it? 
Genuine questions, I don't know her PI as well as Comatose, but it seems like if she avoids damage by turning into a cloud and then back, she would be vulnerable in cloud form to things that would affect/destroy "clouds".


I intended for her PI to be a totally effective Steelheart style PI, that requires a weakness to overcome.  She can be trapped certainly, but her cloud form is not a natural cloud; it just possesses many of the same properties.  Generally, if sucked into a vacuum (which Rainmaker would likely be able to defend against by altering air flow), I think Rainmaker would burst the vacuum, since the cloud-mass would stay together, and be too much for the vacuum to contain (part of Rainmaker's cloudburst PI is that the cloud is non-compressable, it stays at the mass Rainmaker's body would take up, if she were in a gaseous form, which she is).  That, or the portion of the cloud that does not fit into the vacuum would just remain outside.  On the head standpoint, I'm assuming Rainmaker could counter most heat attacks with her wind manipulation and temperature control abilities, but one did hit her in cloud form, I'm assuming she would not be dissipated.


Think of it this way.  She turns into a cloud, but it's not a cloud made of water-vapour.  It's a cloud made of angry, weather-distorting, vengeful, epic.   


Not sure how all of this works from a physics perspective (and it's all just hand canon and open for edits at this point), so if someone wants to figure out how this works I would be very grateful.  My main overall intent for the ability was that it would allow her to pass through small spaces, and provide her with a perfect Prime Invincibility, mostly because of the key role she plays in Corvalis's plot.


EDIT:  Also, remember that Rainmaker is a bit of a coward when it comes to Epics who are close to her in strength.  Notice how she reacts by backing off once she begins to realize the possible extent of Iconoclasts powers, and how cautiously she is dealing with Converter.  It might be harder to get her into a duel or fair fight then you think.  

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Cornucopia in particular wouldn't be likely to just accept a new ruler out of hand, she accepts Rainmaker because they naturally complement each other, she gets perfect weather for her plants plus guaranteed sunlight when she needs to heal. At the very least she could make it extremely undesirable for someone to try to boss her around, she essentially controls the entire city's food, water and utilities as well as possessing a veritable army of armed plants if she needs them.
She might be willing to pretend someone else was in charge but if Rainmaker died she'd want to be the one calling the shots.

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I'm wondering if Chase's body could perhaps get found and have the body her mind is in be knocked unconscious. If she's knocked unconscious while she's in a body and her real body is also unconsious, then her mind is unconsious. She then wakes up in her real body with Iconclast/somebody else. The movement takes long enough that the person holding her captive could kill her before she moves. Then she decides to join them because she realizes that being alligned with the people in charge and important is dangerous. Like I said, Chase is a wimp. What do you guys think?


I love the idea of how terrified that would make her, and I think that would be a real cool scene.


But in addition to what Blaze said, Iconoclast wouldn't be interested in allying with her. If he got her in that situation, he would just kill her, or maybe torture and then kill her, or maybe stake her to the ground and let Ghouls eat her.

Her powers are useful, but not enough to Iconoclast to justify keeping her around.


He would, though, interrogate her for information and such before killing her :P but that is the extent of her use to him.




Thanks! :D




Would such a plan require a lot of knowledge that those characters don't have? Such as the nature of Chase's powers (which I would think would be kept somewhat secret, unless the humans know Chase was controlling them specifically after she releases them), as well as where Chase is hiding out at the time, and who she's currently possessing?


I'd also like to point out that, though I do like the idea of constant aliance switching, Iconoclast doesn't really need help. My three Queens are easy to dispose of even without knowing their weaknesses (Buttercup will die if her brain/heart are crushed/pierced/blown up, Blossom has no PI to speak of, and her powers are rather weak, and Bubbles will likely live until her weakness is utilized, but she lacks pretty much any offensive capabilities). That leaves Chase, Cornucopia, and Rainmaker. Though the three of them will be difficult to kill, Iconoclast has the capability of commanding armies, and so long as he leaves a piece of him in a safe place, will never die or age. Worst case scenario, the passage of time will be the downfall of Corvallis, but Iconoclast seems like the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes, because he has nothing to lose. Corvallis's downfall was set in stone the moment Iconoclast decided it would be so.


I do, however, feel bad for the vanillas. They're likely doomed to either be canonfodder for Chase, or ghouls for Iconoclast. Which is worse? :blink:


Bold- aww shucks, you're embarrassing me  :P


but I agree with the rest- especially with Converter's help, Iconoclast has everything he needs to bring down the government eventually. Chase would be a help, but likely he would kill her because she could escape back to the Queen's at a moments notice and tell them everything she learned about him.



Bubbles PI does cut of her mobility, so a large scale attack with multiple waves of ghoules could trap her in place long enough for her to die of thirst or something similar. Naturally, such a method would leave lots of time for one of her allies come to her aid but it's possible in theory.


Iconoclast is going to get  rude shock if he leaps at her, claws at the ready, only to smack into a shield and go flying backwards :P hahaha

He doesn't know about the bubble PI thing... yet



And if used would freeze her in place, shatter her clothes, effectively cut of all her senses and make her suffocate if used for to long just to point out a few problems. I guess it makes a decent emergency defense, though.


not if she filters the energy she allows in.


So a blanket absorption except for any energy from air, normal levels of heat, light, the heat in her clothes, that sort of thing.



In general, I don't mind, but with Euphoria gone, and Converter and Iconoclast in the mix, there is already a lot happening in Corvallis, so it might be nice to wait a bit.  The city seems to have a decent amount of uncertainty for the moment, and I'd like to save outright chaos for a little later, so we have a chance to build.  As far as huge battles between a bunch of super powerful epics goes, we already have Astoria going, so it would be nice to set Corvallis apart a bit and keep it distinct.  


Fair enough, that is a good point.



I intended for her PI to be a totally effective Steelheart style PI, that requires a weakness to overcome.  She can be trapped certainly, but her cloud form is not a natural cloud; it just possesses many of the same properties.  Generally, if sucked into a vacuum (which Rainmaker would likely be able to defend against by altering air flow), I think Rainmaker would burst the vacuum, since the cloud-mass would stay together, and be too much for the vacuum to contain (part of Rainmaker's cloudburst PI is that the cloud is non-compressable, it stays at the mass Rainmaker's body would take up, if she were in a gaseous form, which she is).  That, or the portion of the cloud that does not fit into the vacuum would just remain outside.  On the head standpoint, I'm assuming Rainmaker could counter most heat attacks with her wind manipulation and temperature control abilities, but one did hit her in cloud form, I'm assuming she would not be dissipated.


Think of it this way.  She turns into a cloud, but it's not a cloud made of water-vapour.  It's a cloud made of angry, weather-distorting, vengeful, epic.   


Not sure how all of this works from a physics perspective (and it's all just hand canon and open for edits at this point), so if someone wants to figure out how this works I would be very grateful.  My main overall intent for the ability was that it would allow her to pass through small spaces, and provide her with a perfect Prime Invincibility, mostly because of the key role she plays in Corvalis's plot.


EDIT:  Also, remember that Rainmaker is a bit of a coward when it comes to Epics who are close to her in strength.  Notice how she reacts by backing off once she begins to realize the possible extent of Iconoclasts powers, and how cautiously she is dealing with Converter.  It might be harder to get her into a duel or fair fight then you think.  



ah fair enough, I hadn't realised she could still use her powers in cloud form and that it was so resistant. It certainly seems like a perfect invincibility, for all intents and purposes. I mean, Iconoclast has no way of harming her without her weakness, but despite his fantasies that was never part of the plan from an RP perspective. Corvallis can collapse with Rainmaker still alive.

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….er, sorry. Gut reaction. :P


But... but... how are we supposed to ship her with Lucentia? And have her remove Lightwards' zombie limit? And have Sam and Nathan make fun of her? And have the Panda attempt to convert her to the doctrine of ursinity? :(:P

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….er, sorry. Gut reaction. :P

So this would be a bad time to mention that the Adventurer accidentally just teleported Oregon to 5 miles from Babilar? :P

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But... but... how are we supposed to ship her with Lucentia? And have her remove Lightwards' zombie limit? And have Sam and Nathan make fun of her? And have the Panda attempt to convert her to the doctrine of ursinity? :(:P


Shipping another character with Lucentia is a punishment that should be reserved for the absolute worst. 




Does she deserve it? I think she does. And I'd love to see how Firefight changes when David discovers that Regalia is not a sickly cancer patient, but a panda! :P 


So this would be a bad time to mention that the Adventurer accidentally just teleported Oregon to 5 miles from Babilar? :P


A…accidentally? :o 

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Well it was capitalized so you all know what that means.

Primary: Large scale teleportation, widely known for teleporting an entire town from Oregon into the ocean when someone put coriander in his steak.
Secondary: Speed, can move at incredibly fast speeds even without resorting to teleportation.

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Well it was capitalized so you all know what that means.


Primary: Large scale teleportation, widely known for teleporting an entire town from Oregon into the ocean when someone put coriander in his steak.

Secondary: Speed, can move at incredibly fast speeds even without resorting to teleportation.


A resident of Teleportland, I suppose? :P

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Also he can breathe underwater so he goes to visit his undewater town from time to time. The other inhabitants were not so lucky.
Feel free to treat this as fanon or as the insane ramblings of an Epic-creating obsessed madman as you choose. :P
(I realize that nobody having mentioned any Oregonian towns suddenly vanishing presents some problems towards Oregones existence)

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