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It does but you also need to take into account reference frames, there's functionally no difference between you hitting something and that something hitting you. So if it just stops anything from hitting her at all that would stop her from hitting anything too, which includes the ground and the air.

Now as you say stopping things above a certain energy level works so she could say stop anything moving faster than say 10 mph but then she wouldn't be able to move faster than that either so she couldn't drive.

Essentially I'm happy with the principle but I just wanted to point out the consequences behind it.

But kinetic energy isn't soley messured in speed, so a bullet would be able to go faster than her with this method.

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hehehe, sorry kitty  :P


yeah, it looks familiar to me too.... swear i've seen it somewhere.

Quick google search doesn't reveal anything, it's mostly just an avatar in youtube comments.

I dunno it looks like it's from some really old video game or something like that.

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Kobold, random question: do you have plans for Upgrade to join with Lightwards to remove his limit still?


I don't think there were ever "plans" to do that, per se. It was more of a "wouldn't it be terrifying if..." kind of thing. :P


I still wouldn't mind finding some way to get that limit removed, though. I put it in to prevent him from being too powerful, unaware of just how obscenely overpowered later characters were going to be.


Probably. She'd take it better than Fortuity did, though. 


(I haven't written any more in a while, since I decided to take a break to worldbuild. But I think I've decided that I'll put Susan in a more Professor X-type role, while the main narrator will be a younger, more action-driven teen or young woman. I think she'll be an illusionist. Anyway, Susan's motivations will drive much of the story, while as-yet-unnamed-illusionist will fill a more action-oriented role.) 



Cool! Seeing an illusionist as the protagonist could be very neat, even if I liked Susan as a viewpoint character. :)


Also the cat is female.


That's still strange for me to wrap my mind around, since I had a cat named Neko who was essentially the feline version of Overly Manly Man. :mellow::P

Edited by Kobold King
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Sounds reasonable given that she can teleport there.


Writing a good person talking someone up is such a nice change in pace that I worry about over doing it. :P

If it means not Nighthound then feel free to overdo it as much as you want :P

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I don't think there were ever "plans" to do that, per se. It was more of a "wouldn't it be terrifying if..." kind of thing. :P


I still wouldn't mind finding some way to get that limit removed, though. I put it in to prevent him from being too powerful, unaware of just how obscenely overpowered later characters were going to be.



Cool! Seeing an illusionist as the protagonist could be very neat, even if I liked Susan as a viewpoint character. :)



That's still strange for me to wrap my mind around, since I had a cat named Neko who was essentially the feline version of Overly Manly Man. :mellow::P


Toymaker still seems like the best way to do so.


Illusionists, those get a lot of range to play around with. Which actually makes them better conmen than fighters.


Weird how that goes. :mellow:


If it means not Nighthound then feel free to overdo it as much as you want :P

Alright then. Bit of a tangential question but Scribbler's parents are dead, right?

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Toymaker still seems like the best way to do so.


Illusionists, those get a lot of range to play around with. Which actually makes them better conmen than fighters.


Weird how that goes. :mellow:


Alright then. Bit of a tangential question but Scribbler's parents are dead, right?

Nope, alive and well in the Dalles and perfectly happy with their Epic daughter. She was elsewhere during her rending fortunately. Mostly just because I didn't want to go with the standard teenage orphan trope.

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I finished the Brightdeath post. No, she didn't make it look like a Zero on purpose. But the Financier doesn't have to know that... :P

I'm sure that for the financier it was the equivalent of blowing him a kiss. :P


Nope, alive and well in the Dalles and perfectly happy with their Epic daughter. She was elsewhere during her rending fortunately. Mostly just because I didn't want to go with the standard teenage orphan trope.

That's nice. ^_^


Also I just remembered to get an icon for Baxter.


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Scribbler, one of the only characters with a happy home life and two loving (and living) parents yet she still manages to be emotionally scarred and have a horrible backstory. :(


Yeah. Only fifteen and she has one of the darkest backstories in the RP. :(


...How quickly can we get Protector Pug to The Dalles for some emergency cuddling?

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Yeah. Only fifteen and she has one of the darkest backstories in the RP. :(


...How quickly can we get Protector Pug to The Dalles for some emergency cuddling?

If we resolve all the storys containing Shiny Sparkle, Backtrack and Baxter fast then they can teleport to Portland and bring one of them back home.

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Well she could simply will it to not absorb certain things. We've seen she doesn't automatically absorb things unless she concentrates, so presumably she can't keep this up 24/7, probably because it is too exhausting to do so. And besides, we've seen powers be able to differentiate between dangerous things and harmless things before- look at Obliteration's teleportation.  

I think if she concentrated on absorbing any energy bar the harmless sorts that comes near her, it would work fine.


Also keep in mind that Converter ALREADY has a PI - reincarnation.  Giving her two (which is what a danger-sense triggered blanket protection would be), would raise her to the level of Prof, whom David seems to think is VERY overpowered (and he is).  


Also, we already know her powers don't work as a blanket from her prologue.  There, she was blocking bullets in front of her, ones that she knew were coming, but failed to block one that shot her from behind.  She can be taken by surprise.  Otherwise she would never use her reincarnation power.  


EDIT:  Also, I love the Cornucopia post.  I think I'll wait for Converter to respond before posting with Rainmaker.  Then we will see what happens next.

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