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Another dream about Obliteration last night. I was in line at the grocery store, and an old woman's voice was speaking over the radio about End Times prophecies. Toward the end, she goes "But you know all this, dearies...BECAUSE I AM SECRETLY OBLITERATION!" I shouted "I knew it!" then paid for my items (a whole frozen roast with sweet potatoes, apparently?) and walked out.

With all these dreams about Obliteration, I think my subconscious is either trying to process some things I've been working through...or trying to ship us. :blink:

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Okay then....you dirty meanieface full of lame. :P




I'm not sure, I don't remember that discussion  :wacko:  If so then consider my position officially revised. :P

It's been a while and you switched over to my opinion, so I don't exactly mind. Are we back to a case by case basis then?

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I think the real question is whether these are nightmares or not. If they are, perhaps Obliteration is the weakness to your shipping powers?

Or is this a secret sign that Obliterations weakness is shipping? So at the end of Firefight when David mentioned the secret to Weaknesses he teleported into Twi's dreams to try to stop her from shipping.






It's been a while and you switched over to my opinion, so I don't exactly mind. Are we back to a case by case basis then?

Sad pug needs hugs. :(

I think so, yes.

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With all these dreams about Obliteration, I think my subconscious is either trying to process some things I've been working through...or trying to ship us. :blink:

Don't listen to all these naysayers. I support you no matter what relationship choices you make. :P

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I think the real question is whether these are nightmares or not. If they are, perhaps Obliteration is the weakness to your shipping powers?


He is nigh-unshippable, so that theory makes more sense than the dream itself. :P 





It's been a while and you switched over to my opinion, so I don't exactly mind. Are we back to a case by case basis then?








Or is this a secret sign that Obliterations weakness is shipping? So at the end of Firefight when David mentioned the secret to Weaknesses he teleported into Twi's dreams to try to stop her from shipping.


…I find this prospect infinitely more disturbing than the notion that he's disguising himself as an old woman to broadcast his End Times predictions over the airwaves. :wacko: 


Don't listen to all these naysayers. I support you no matter what relationship choices you make. :P


Thanks, but if I ever do decide to date Obliteration for real, please stage an intervention. Preferably one using the magic notebook containing his weakness. :P 

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Thanks, but if I ever do decide to date Obliteration for real, please stage an Intervention. Preferably one using the magic notebook containing his weakness. :P


How would getting drunk help? Wouldn't alcohol be the most likely thing to have gotten you into this mess? :huh::P

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How would getting drunk help? Wouldn't alcohol be the most likely thing to have gotten you into this mess? :huh::P

I was just about to type the same thing when the notification that you'd posted came up. Ninja'd again! :P

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Maybe he'd just start crying and complaining that his father didn't hug him enough? :P

Obliteration: *Sobbing* "And then when I was 14, he wasn't even home for my birthday and then he made me play football but I just wanted to take tap-dancing lessons!"

Backtrack: "Even I'm starting to get annoyed at this."

Obliteration: "And then when I was 15..."

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Obliteration: *Sobbing* "And then when I was 14, he wasn't even home for my birthday and then he made me play football but I just wanted to take tap-dancing lessons!"

Backtrack: "Even I'm starting to get annoyed at this."

Obliteration: "And then when I was 15..."

*sniff* "I wanted to be a cat burglar, but what on earth was I going to do with all those CATS?"

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I've never hit the upvote quota before, but that might change if this keeps up...


Side note: I apparently make really funny noises as I try to keep myself from bursting out laughing. The guy in the next cube over isn't sure if I'm dying or not.

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I've never hit the upvote quota before, but that might change if this keeps up...


Side note: I apparently make really funny noises as I try to keep myself from bursting out laughing. The guy in the next cube over isn't sure if I'm dying or not.

Welcome to WHIO where you will gain the eternal friendship and admiration of a group of random insane people on the internet in exchange for everyone in real life thinking you're crazy. ;)

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Yes, but if we get Obliteration drunk, then...


…never mind. I'm too terrified to finish that sentence. :o

When I drink too much, I usually just end up complimenting people a lot. If Obliteration has a similar reaction...

*Realizes this implies a similarity between self and Obliteration.*

Nevermind, a drunk Obliteration is definitely a bad idea.

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Talking about Obliteration, I wonder if he plays the trumpet and how would he play it while drunk.

Sober, he probably plays battle music and then quotes Revelation.

Drunk, I'd imagine he either plays a single-instrument cover of "Yakety Sax" for trumpet instead of saxophone, or a sad breakup song like "You Were Meant for Me."

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Sober, he probably plays battle music and then quotes Revelation.

Drunk, I'd imagine he either plays a single-instrument cover of "Yakety Sax" for trumpet instead of saxophone, or a sad breakup song like "You Were Meant for Me."


And now I wonder who Obliteration is sad about breaking up with. :mellow:

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Obliteration: *Still sobbing* And when I was nineteen he made me breakup with my girlfriend Abigail!
Backtrack: Ok, Ok you had a girlfriend, quit rubbing our noses in it.
Lord Snakehands: Yeah, totally not cool man.

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And now I wonder who Obliteration is sad about breaking up with. :mellow:

Murderlina, perhaps? :P

I don't know; if I were a drunk Epic who played trumpet and saw himself as an angel of the apocalypse, breakup songs sounds like something I'd play, regardless of whether I recently went through a breakup or not. :P

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