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This is the link to the decision: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/22583-question-6/page-52#entry223555

basically, you guys agreed that forcefields must have entropy and were a type of energy.

the fact that certain things can pass through the bubble also implies to me that it isn't a solid, but a special type of energy or plasma.

but as the newb, I'm just parroting what everyone else said- that no matter how Malliw described the forcefield, it was energy and Disruption could get through it.

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This is the link to the decision: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/22583-question-6/page-52#entry223555

basically, you guys agreed that forcefields must have entropy and were a type of energy.

the fact that certain things can pass through the bubble also implies to me that it isn't a solid, but a special type of energy or plasma.

but as the newb, I'm just parroting what everyone else said- that no matter how Malliw described the forcefield, it was energy and Disruption could get through it.

Ah, I think I remember now. That argument was more about entropy than energy,since even solid objects experience entropy it doesn't rule out the possibility of a force field not being energy.

I mean if you take the word literally it's just a field of force much like a magnetic field in which case the only energy is potential energy.



Epic that Converter might run into if she dies.


Name: C-4

Primary Power: The ability to turn any object, smaller than 2 ft X 2 ft X 2 ft, into C-4. He can also turn parts of bigger things into C-4 but once he turns a bit of something into C-4, then he can't turn the rest of it into C-4

Secondary Power: The ability to detonate any amount of C-4 he can see. 

There's also a C4 in the MEE in Portland just as a heads up.

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I have a Very Important Question for all of you.

If Funtimes went to Roshar, do you think she'd actually repel logicspren? :P


Is that a rhetorical question? Because I think we all know the answer to it. :P


(Did ya see my question? I have something mostly written, but I'm at a loss for what to have Arsenal do besides send Shiny on the offensive.)

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Is that a rhetorical question? Because I think we all know the answer to it. :P


(Did ya see my question? I have something mostly written, but I'm at a loss for what to have Arsenal do besides send Shiny on the offensive.)

Scribbler was probably about to call him, I could script her side of the conversation if you want.



Same power set?

Similar, creating and detonating explosives.


I have a Very Important Question for all of you.

If Funtimes went to Roshar, do you think she'd actually repel logicspren? :P

Only when she spells logic with a capital 12.

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Is that a rhetorical question? Because I think we all know the answer to it. :P

(Did ya see my question? I have something mostly written, but I'm at a loss for what to have Arsenal do besides send Shiny on the offensive.)

I'm picturing a scene where they flee for their lives as she laughs at a pancake. :P

(I did. I think this would actually be a good save where Autumn is concerned--not to mention a blessing in disguise. So I don't think it's too soon.)

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I'm picturing a scene where they flee for their lives as she laughs at a pancake. :P

(I did. I think this would actually be a good save where Autumn is concerned--not to mention a blessing in disguise. So I don't think it's too soon.)


On the bright side, Axies would have a field day when he realizes she attracts hitherto unknown glitterspren. :P


(I'll do that, then.)

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On the bright side, Axies would have a field day when he realizes she attracts hitherto unknown glitterspren. :P

(I'll do that, then.)

Ah, yes, the glitterspren. Oddly enough, they resemble glitter. Do you think she'd attract enough that, before long, she'd resemble a cloud of glitter skipping across the Shattered Plains? :P

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Ah, yes, the glitterspren. Oddly enough, they resemble glitter. Do you think she'd attract enough that, before long, she'd resemble a cloud of glitter skipping across the Shattered Plains? :P


Her arrival would be heralded by dying men whispering "It is but a thousand days, and the Glitterstorm comes." :P

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Her arrival would be heralded by dying men whispering "It is but a thousand days, and the Glitterstorm comes." :P

I haven't gotten far enough to see why it's dying men who see those things, but if Funtimes had her way, all of the "samples" would be collected not however many seconds pre-death, but however many seconds pre-waffles. :P

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I haven't gotten far enough to see why it's dying men who see those things, but if Funtimes had her way, all of the "samples" would be collected not however many seconds pre-death, but however many seconds pre-waffles. :P


There are so many things I want to say right now, but...



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There are so many things I want to say right now, but...


Figured. <_<

Oh well. I don't mind a few spoilers here and there, but having grown up with a sister who will read a book, and when you ask her opinion, will summarize the entire plot, including all the best bits, it's actually very pleasant to have friends who respond only with a picture of River Song. :P

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Figured. <_<

Oh well. I don't mind a few spoilers here and there, but having grown up with a sister who will read a book, and when you ask her opinion, will summarize the entire plot, including all the best bits, it's actually very pleasant to have friends who respond only with a picture of River Song. :P


My father always tells me about books that way.


"Hey, have you read [book Title]?"


"No, I haven't. What's it about?"


"Oh, it's great. Humanity is on the verge of extinction, so the main character goes through a wormhole, and he meets an alien race that's plotting to invade Earth, but it turns out at the end of the book that they're actually planning an interstellar relief mission..."


"Wait! Did you just give away the ending?"


"Oh, only the last couple of chapters. There's a lot more to it than just that. You should read it!"


"Yeah. Maybe I'll do that. <_< "

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My father always tells me about books that way.

"Hey, have you read [book Title]?"

"No, I haven't. What's it about?"

"Oh, it's great. Humanity is on the verge of extinction, so the main character goes through a wormhole, and he meets an alien race that's plotting to invade Earth, but it turns out at the end of the book that they're actually planning an interstellar relief mission..."

"Wait! Did you just give away the ending?"

"Oh, only the last couple of chapters. There's a lot more to it than just that. You should read it!"

"Yeah. Maybe I'll do that. <_< "

My mom doesn't get the concept of "no spoilers." She'll actually ask for people to spoil the ending and get annoyed when they refuse. (Which is why I really want her to read the first Alcatraz book: she always reads the last page first.)

That's one of many reasons why I like Brandon Sanderson so much: his books have enough surprises that, even if you catch wind of a major spoiler, you'll still be turning pages frantically to see what happens next. (That, and I'm the only one in my family who's read anything besides the Reckoners books, so I don't have to worry about my siblings reading them first. :P)

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Kobold, I'm going to channel Edgedancer for a minute and nitpick your swearing: 










I mean no offense, but this really bothers me. The Reckoners isn't cosmere, "storming" isn't a curse word. ;)

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Kobold, I'm going to channel Edgedancer for a minute and nitpick your swearing:

I mean no offense, but this really bothers me. The Reckoners isn't cosmere, "storming" isn't a curse word. ;)

Characters have used it before in the Portland thread. In context, it does make sense--Oregon is notoriously stormy, so "storms" could become a curse word much the same way as "what the blazing sunlight" could become a curse in Arizona. ;) (Plus it fits as a shoutout. :P)

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Kobold, I'm going to channel Edgedancer for a minute and nitpick your swearing: 




I mean no offense, but this really bothers me. The Reckoners isn't cosmere, "storming" isn't a curse word. ;)


Those are filling in for the F-bombs Deathwish should realistically be spraying right now. We need a curse that indicates a higher level of emotion than "sparks," so we've taken to using the words that we know most other RPers are already familiar with that have the virtue of not being blocked by the profanity filters.


EDIT: Also, finally read Voidgazes' updated biography on the wiki. Not for the first time, I want to give her a hug. :(

Edited by Kobold King
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Those are filling in for the F-bombs Deathwish should realistically be spraying right now. We need a curse that indicates a higher level of emotion than "sparks," so we've taken to using the words that we know most other RPers are already familiar with that have the virtue of not being blocked by the profanity filters.


EDIT: Also, finally read Voidgazes' updated biography on the wiki. Not for the first time, I want to give her a hug. :(


Okay, that makes sense. I'd rather be bothered by a little uncanon than the F-bomb. :P


Also, new reader post. 

Edited by mail-mi
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