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I'm not sure if jealous is the right term for Shiny Sparkle. I'm pretty sure that as long as she gets included she'd be up for a threesome or something along those lines.

She would like the dinosaur though. :P

Amusing as it might be to have Neverthere test that out I don't know if Autumns heart could stand the pressure of both of them :P

Given that the last two times someone liked him he tried to eat them I'm not sure that that's particularly healthy.

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Arsenal's thoughts on Shiny Sparkle:


I was thinking he might send her with an armed member of the City Guard to guide her to the right part of town and ID Deathwish.

Arsenal has a very strange definition of "immorality." While various religions have banned various things for various reasons, I doubt any one of them has ever outlawed giggling. :mellow:

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Arsenal's thoughts on Shiny Sparkle:




I was thinking he might send her with an armed member of the City Guard to guide her to the right part of town and ID Deathwish.

They'll get along just fine, Shiny Sparkle and her immorality I mean. :P

Arsenal probably not so much.


He might want to hurry then, otherwise she'll already be gone. :mellow:

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He might want to hurry then, otherwise she'll already be gone. :mellow:


Should I edit the post to have him assign her an escort, then?



It's been a while since anyone's posted in Portland, anyone feeling creative?




I should probably try to get a Lightwards post up. :mellow:

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Should I edit the post to have him assign her an escort, then?






I should probably try to get a Lightwards post up. :mellow:

I um... updated my facebook status does that count as productive? :P

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Backtrack, yes. Not Lord Snakehands, because the pony creator doesn't have a "make the front legs snakes" option. <_<

Tch. When will they learn that they have to include essentials like that?

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It's been a while since anyone's posted in Portland, anyone feeling creative?

I could get something up for Voidgaze or Nighthound tomorrow/after the Shiny Sparkle post but that would mostly be filler.


Should I edit the post to have him assign her an escort, then?






I should probably try to get a Lightwards post up. :mellow:

Either that or I draw out the scene by having her bargain for a good luck kiss by Autumn, whatever people prefer. ;)


That could move the plot along. :ph34r: I think most of my characters are currently either in waiting or not in a situation that needs progression.

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A bit of a complicated question given that law is purely an abstract concept but given that Epics like Steelheart aren't really lawful rulers one could say that the capitulation act is the last lawful act concerning Epics, meaning Murderlina has a "lawful excuse" to kill everyone.




Since this was a joke character, MURDERLINA IS THE MOST SERIOUS, I'd like to start by making it clear that I'm more interested in the theoretical side of this debate.  


I would say it depends how you define law.  Since the capitulation act gave epics the ability to do whatever they wanted, I think it freed them to rule and make their own laws.  Even if it did not, what gives the law power?  Is something like the Capitulation Act even effective in places where no one recognizes the authority of the government that passed it?  I would say, since Steelheart wields the power in Newcago, then he (and those working under him) would have law making ability, and his laws would be effective, since its his government's power that is being recognized.  Whether or not he chooses to exercise that law making ability is up to him.  


As for triggering the *cough weakness, I think that it would need to be an exception to an anti-murder law, such as self defense.  A lack of legislation in an area is not a lawful excuse, its a legal gap.  True, murdering vanillas may not be against the law, but if there is no regulation of killing, then it isn't positively reinforced by the law either.  There's  just a gap, and it isn't clear what people are supposed to do.  While you could argue the capitulation act is in effect everywhere where no epic holds sway, I would say it means pretty much nothing technically, in less you are in an area of the Fractured States where the old government is still recognized and in some semblance of power.  Laws without legitimacy or authority aren't really laws.  


I think what it would take to trigger a 'lawful excuse' weakness would be for there to be a law prohibiting a behaviour, such as murder, and then a positive exception to the prohibitive law, such as self-defense, or state sanctioned executions, but that's just my two cents.  


Interesting theoretical ideas these epics bring up, haha.  


Was that a call for more hammered!Obliteration? Because I think that was a call for more hammered!Obliteration. :P


Please no.  What have we done to deserve this?  Why are you doing this to us?  Whyyyyyy????

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Made some very tentative edits to the Voidgaze article Edge, just my interpretation and she's mostly just been murdering my Epics lately but there you have it :P Feel free to change whatever you want obviously.

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It's been a while since anyone's posted in Portland, anyone feeling creative?

No, not really, and Wraith is waiting for Lightward to come back.


By the way, my friend made alomantic flash cars so you can memorize the symbols for all the metals. Click here to see. 

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Since this was a joke character, MURDERLINA IS THE MOST SERIOUS, I'd like to start by making it clear that I'm more interested in the theoretical side of this debate.  


I would say it depends how you define law.  Since the capitulation act gave epics the ability to do whatever they wanted, I think it freed them to rule and make their own laws.  Even if it did not, what gives the law power?  Is something like the Capitulation Act even effective in places where no one recognizes the authority of the government that passed it?  I would say, since Steelheart wields the power in Newcago, then he (and those working under him) would have law making ability, and his laws would be effective, since its his government's power that is being recognized.  Whether or not he chooses to exercise that law making ability is up to him.  


As for triggering the *cough weakness, I think that it would need to be an exception to an anti-murder law, such as self defense.  A lack of legislation in an area is not a lawful excuse, its a legal gap.  True, murdering vanillas may not be against the law, but if there is no regulation of killing, then it isn't positively reinforced by the law either.  There's  just a gap, and it isn't clear what people are supposed to do.  While you could argue the capitulation act is in effect everywhere where no epic holds sway, I would say it means pretty much nothing technically, in less you are in an area of the Fractured States where the old government is still recognized and in some semblance of power.  Laws without legitimacy or authority aren't really laws.  


I think what it would take to trigger a 'lawful excuse' weakness would be for there to be a law prohibiting a behaviour, such as murder, and then a positive exception to the prohibitive law, such as self-defense, or state sanctioned executions, but that's just my two cents.  


Interesting theoretical ideas these epics bring up, haha. 


Trying to take this the most objective modern definition would lead me to Hobbes' Leviathan. Going by his definition both the unequal standing between Epics and normals as well as the fact that the rule of an Epics despot isn't based on the support of his subjects means that there generally is no legitimate scource of law in the Fractured States.


Furthermore the role of law is purely protection from humanities darker sides to create a enviorment that people don't have to fear their others. As such there is no difference between a loophole and the law actively making an exception for cases like self defense. The law doesn't allow self defense it just doesn't apply the generall punishment such actions would carry to it.


Made some very tentative edits to the Voidgaze article Edge, just my interpretation and she's mostly just been murdering my Epics lately but there you have it :P Feel free to change whatever you want obviously.

...Did you really wite that? :mellow:

You're calling her polite? :P  She kept jumping in front of Corpsemaker while in his bouncing castle. Granted it's more from a lack of knowledge than disrespect but I'm still not sure if this applies.


Does the phrase "Epic bromance" mean anything to you? :ph34r::P

Him Obliteration doesn't kill for religion, he kills him for the booze. :ph34r::P

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...Did you really wite that? :mellow:

You're calling her polite? :P  She kept jumping in front of Corpsemaker while in his bouncing castle. Granted it's more from a lack of knowledge than disrespect but I'm still not sure if this applies.

Admittedly she's politer to some people than others :P I was thinking of when she's just left her house and her interaction with the Vanilla she keeps scaring.

(Side note: Is anyone else getting weird formatting problems from this post? Half of it has indented and it's making everything look weird.  :wacko:)

Edited by Voidus
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