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Shiny Sparkle flaunting her power will fit right in then. :ph34r: By the way, Kobold, when Arsenal's head explodes (which could totally summon the real Obliteration :P ) rememer that Shiny Sparkle will also be putting on quite the lightshow to express her bliss.


I will remember that. It's like the Fourth of July suddenly became a slash pairing. :P




...Now for something mostly irrelevant.


First off, I apologize for the massive essay that follows. I'm feeling down today, and one way I cope with feeling down is by becoming relentlessly analytical. You see, I have a question.
Allow me to start by asking this serious question in the form of a meme:


It's quite possible I'm the only one who ever thought the Sparkleglass ship was being taken seriously, or perhaps I'm reading the characters involved in entirely the wrong way. Either way, I've just now managed to figure out why I dislike Sparkleglass but can hesitantly support a pairing between Redeemed!Funtimes and Nathan.
When Funtimes abducts Nathan, she very quickly decides that he's the perfect boyfriend. She forces him into dangerous situations, kisses him on numerous occasions, and forces him to sleep in her bed (albeit in a strictly platonic manner). While it hasn't come up, it seems clear that if Nathan expressed his desire to to break up with her, there would be dire consequences for the overly possessive Funtimes. It is hopefully clear to everyone that their relationship is not a healthy one; rescuing Nathan was a just and ethical thing to do, but forcing him into an unwanted role as her boyfriend was Funtimes' first sin of the RP.
Now, here's why I don't find FunNathan to be particularly squicky as a ship. Firstly: Funtimes has not indicated a sexual interest in Nathan. Her unique circumstances have caused her to regress into a child-like persona; while she has adult urges and constant pushing from Calamity, she satisfies both of them by kissing and being controlling. At risk of sounding like a prudish medieval troubadour, Nathan's virtue is at no risk. Funtimes' interest in him is entirely centered around her own fear of loneliness. If she ever said the phrase "I love you," it would likely merely because she realizes couples should love each other, and in her quest to avoid loneliness she would say anything to keep up a charade of mutual affection.
Now for Shiny Sparkle. It's harder to get a feel for what exactly goes on in Shiny Sparkle's head--she's a riddle wrapped in a glittery enigma, sparkling too brightly to examine too closely. However, her actions do paint a picture of a woman with less... childish intentions than Doctor Funtimes.
Here's one of the early Sparkleglass scenes for reference:



“It´s a date then,” Shiny Sparkle happily continued to flirt, still rubbing their cheeks together, “Seems I´ll have to help your town now, you cute little fox.”


Naturally, she knew that Glass might just be trying to use her and anyone else she would probably deserve to be exploded for that or dropped off somewhere far away from home without clothes but right now a first date seemed worth it, especially given that´s why she came here in the first place.


“What´s first on our agenda then Glass, blowing stuff up, making sure no longer Pinky doesn´t start crying by hooking him up with the tsundere or some more cuddling, please tell me it´s the cuddling.” To make her point Shiny Sparkle gave her love a squeeze.  

Within minutes of meeting her, Shiny has already begun physically caressing the object of her affections. Affections which seem to have been earned entirely from Autumn's looks and the deferent respect she gives to Shiny, which are respectively shallow and disturbing traits to have earned Shiny's obsession. Finally there's the line "especially given that's why she came here in the first place"--perhaps I'm forgetting the precise context in which this line appears, but this even further strips away the romantic overtones Shiny seems to have assigned to her obsession. It almost makes it sound as if Shiny sees The Dalles as some sort of giant singles bar, with all the men and women there solely for her to pick from. The out-of-narrative information about how open Shiny would be to threesomes and orgies only further solidifies my perhaps Arsenal-like opinion that Shiny is just as sleazy and reprehensible as Deathwish is, if perhaps more subtle about her intentions.
This isn't surpising from an Epic. Epics are like that. They become selfish and too engaged with their own desires to give a fig about respecting vanillas as human beings. The captor side of Shiny and Autumn's relationship is perfectly written and not unrealistic at all. What is more unsettling to me is that Autumn is starting to enjoy the attention. In the latest post, we see for the first time that Autumn actually has some latent desire to kiss her Epic captor.
(First, I must say was brilliantly written and an awesome post all around, so don't take what I'm about to say as a criticism. I loved it and wouldn't have it changed for the world.)

She looked into her eyes again. So….swirly….


…maybe just a small kiss would do. Just a small one. A quick peck on the lips. Autumn leaned in…


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it strikes me as... not necessarily out of character, but odd that Autumn's only noted compunction against kissing this woman is that Arsenal wouldn't approve. Autumn Glass is an ordained minister, and her pairing with a sleazy and sexually promiscuous Epic is a tad... incongrous to me. It's clear that Autumn doesn't have much of a choice at the moment, but little lines like this make me wonder how much Autumn hates this situation and how much she's subconsciously reveling in the freedom to behave in this manner. Nathan, if paired with a Funtimes who has successfully faced her fear, could bring out the best in his Epic girlfriend. Shiny Sparkle has the potential to bring out the worst in her girlfriend.
Like I said at the beginning of this post--these are only my observations, and I freely admit to possibly misreading this entire situation. Largely, I'm just curious as to how many of the unsettling things I've observed were intentional, how many of them are solely in my head, and what direction is actually being planned for Sparkleglass.
And before I hit post, let me compliment Edge and Twi for creating characters that I care about enough to spend this much time analyzing. There aren't many writers who can bring out this exceptionally geeky part of me. :D
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I will remember that. It's like the Fourth of July suddenly became a slash pairing. :P




...Now for something mostly irrelevant.


First off, I apologize for the massive essay that follows. I'm feeling down today, and one way I cope with feeling down is by becoming relentlessly analytical. You see, I have a question.

Allow me to start by asking this serious question in the form of a meme:


It's quite possible I'm the only one who ever thought the Sparkleglass ship was being taken seriously, or perhaps I'm reading the characters involved in entirely the wrong way. Either way, I've just now managed to figure out why I dislike Sparkleglass but can hesitantly support a pairing between Redeemed!Funtimes and Nathan.
When Funtimes abducts Nathan, she very quickly decides that he's the perfect boyfriend. She forces him into dangerous situations, kisses him on numerous occasions, and forces him to sleep in her bed (albeit in a strictly platonic manner). While it hasn't come up, it seems clear that if Nathan expressed his desire to to break up with her, there would be dire consequences for the overly possessive Funtimes. It is hopefully clear to everyone that their relationship is not a healthy one; rescuing Nathan was a just and ethical thing to do, but forcing him into an unwanted role as her boyfriend was Funtimes' first sin of the RP.
Now, here's why I don't find FunNathan to be particularly squicky as a ship. Firstly: Funtimes has not indicated a sexual interest in Nathan. Her unique circumstances have caused her to regress into a child-like persona; while she has adult urges and constant pushing from Calamity, she satisfies both of them by kissing and being controlling. At risk of sounding like a prudish medieval troubadour, Nathan's virtue is at no risk. Funtimes' interest in him is entirely centered around her own fear of loneliness. If she ever said the phrase "I love you," it would likely merely because she realizes couples should love each other, and in her quest to avoid loneliness she would say anything to keep up a charade of mutual affection.
Now for Shiny Sparkle. It's harder to get a feel for what exactly goes on in Shiny Sparkle's head--she's a riddle wrapped in a glittery enigma, sparkling too brightly to examine too closely. However, her actions do paint a picture of a woman with less... childish intentions than Doctor Funtimes.
Here's one of the early Sparkleglass scenes for reference:


Within minutes of meeting her, Shiny has already begun physically caressing the object of her affections. Affections which seem to have been earned entirely from Autumn's looks and the deferent respect she gives to Shiny, which are respectively shallow and disturbing traits to have earned Shiny's obsession. Finally there's the line "especially given that's why she came here in the first place"--perhaps I'm forgetting the precise context in which this line appears, but this even further strips away the romantic overtones Shiny seems to have assigned to her obsession. It almost makes it sound as if Shiny sees The Dalles as some sort of giant singles bar, with all the men and women there solely for her to pick from. The out-of-narrative information about how open Shiny would be to threesomes and orgies only further solidifies my perhaps Arsenal-like opinion that Shiny is just as sleazy and reprehensible as Deathwish is, if perhaps more subtle about her intentions.
This isn't surpising from an Epic. Epics are like that. They become selfish and too engaged with their own desires to give a fig about respecting vanillas as human beings. The captor side of Shiny and Autumn's relationship is perfectly written and not unrealistic at all. What is more unsettling to me is that Autumn is starting to enjoy the attention. In the latest post, we see for the first time that Autumn actually has some latent desire to kiss her Epic captor.
(First, I must say was brilliantly written and an awesome post all around, so don't take what I'm about to say as a criticism. I loved it and wouldn't have it changed for the world.)


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it strikes me as... not necessarily out of character, but odd that Autumn's only noted compunction against kissing this woman is that Arsenal wouldn't approve. Autumn Glass is an ordained minister, and her pairing with a sleazy and sexually promiscuous Epic is a tad... incongrous to me. It's clear that Autumn doesn't have much of a choice at the moment, but little lines like this make me wonder how much Autumn hates this situation and how much she's subconsciously reveling in the freedom to behave in this manner. Nathan, if paired with a Funtimes who has successfully faced her fear, could bring out the best in his Epic girlfriend. Shiny Sparkle has the potential to bring out the worst in her girlfriend.
Like I said at the beginning of this post--these are only my observations, and I freely admit to possibly misreading this entire situation. Largely, I'm just curious as to how many of the unsettling things I've observed were intentional, how many of them are solely in my head, and what direction is actually being planned for Sparkleglass.
And before I hit post, let me compliment Edge and Twi for creating characters that I care about enough to spend this much time analyzing. There aren't many writers who can bring out this exceptionally geeky part of me. :D



First off: I didn't mean to write that post as if Autumn wanted to kiss Shiny. Upon rereading, my use of pronouns definitely does imply that she's the one who wants to kiss Shiny; but when I wrote it, I intended it to come across as Autumn commenting (and becoming somewhat distressed over) the fact that Shiny wanted to kiss her. I'll clear up the wording a bit because that wasn't something I wanted to imply.


It seems too early for Autumn to be genuinely attracted to Shiny because it is. They've known each other for twenty minutes, during which time Shiny has caressed her, hugged her, teleported her up into the air and flirted while rapidly approaching the pavement—which, although they weren't in any real danger, was not something Autumn knew. It's definitely on par with Funtimes' actions toward Nathan. 


As for the pairing as a whole—I admit it's plausible, but if she had Vondra backing her up, Autumn would be far more likely to explain to Shiny that her work as a counselor and minister came first, because for her, it does. She sees her work with Epics like Edgerunner and Scribbler as worthy of being prioritized over any romantic entanglements on her part, which is largely the reason she was single in her first post and had been for some time. Autumn sees herself as someone who should always be available to help those who need it, and getting romantically involved with someone—male or female—would be tantamount to putting her needs over theirs, in her eyes. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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First off: I didn't mean to write that post as if Autumn wanted to kiss Shiny. Upon rereading, my use of pronouns definitely does imply that she's the one who wants to kiss Shiny; but when I wrote it, I intended it to come across as Autumn commenting (and becoming somewhat distressed over) the fact that Shiny wanted to kiss her. I'll clear up the wording a bit because that wasn't something I wanted to imply.


It seems too early for Autumn to be genuinely attracted to Shiny because it is. They've known each other for twenty minutes, during which time Shiny has caressed her, hugged her, teleported her up into the air and flirted while rapidly approaching the pavement—which, although they weren't in any real danger, was not something Autumn knew. It's definitely on par with Funtimes' actions toward Nathan. 


As for the pairing as a whole—I admit it's plausible, but if she had Vondra backing her up, Autumn would be far more likely to explain to Shiny that her work as a counselor and minister came first, because for her, it does. She sees her work with Epics like Edgerunner and Scribbler as worthy of being prioritized over any romantic entanglements on her part, which is largely the reason she was single in her first post and had been for some time. Autumn sees herself as someone who should always be available to help those who need it, and getting romantically involved with someone—male or female—would be tantamount to putting her needs over theirs, in her eyes.


That all makes sense. Especially the part about Autumn not wanting to kiss Shiny, because that part didn't make a whole lot of sense with what we've seen of her so far.


I guess my essay can be summed up with "Shiny's a lowlife sleazeball and Autumn can do better than her." I like Shiny, but in the same way that I like Lucentia or Timeport; I think she's morally reprehensible, but sparks she's fun to read about.

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That all makes sense. Especially the part about Autumn not wanting to kiss Shiny, because that part didn't make a whole lot of sense with what we've seen of her so far.


I guess my essay can be summed up with "Shiny's a lowlife sleazeball and Autumn can do better than her." I like Shiny, but in the same way that I like Lucentia or Timeport; I think she's morally reprehensible, but sparks she's fun to read about.


Yeah, I was assuming you got the idea that Autumn was attracted to Shiny from the bit about her eyes, which—okay, I can see that, but I meant it more in the sense that holy burning Calamity would prismatic eyes make it hard to think. 

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I will remember that. It's like the Fourth of July suddenly became a slash pairing. :P




...Now for something mostly irrelevant.


First off, I apologize for the massive essay that follows. I'm feeling down today, and one way I cope with feeling down is by becoming relentlessly analytical. You see, I have a question.
Allow me to start by asking this serious question in the form of a meme:


It's quite possible I'm the only one who ever thought the Sparkleglass ship was being taken seriously, or perhaps I'm reading the characters involved in entirely the wrong way. Either way, I've just now managed to figure out why I dislike Sparkleglass but can hesitantly support a pairing between Redeemed!Funtimes and Nathan.
When Funtimes abducts Nathan, she very quickly decides that he's the perfect boyfriend. She forces him into dangerous situations, kisses him on numerous occasions, and forces him to sleep in her bed (albeit in a strictly platonic manner). While it hasn't come up, it seems clear that if Nathan expressed his desire to to break up with her, there would be dire consequences for the overly possessive Funtimes. It is hopefully clear to everyone that their relationship is not a healthy one; rescuing Nathan was a just and ethical thing to do, but forcing him into an unwanted role as her boyfriend was Funtimes' first sin of the RP.
Now, here's why I don't find FunNathan to be particularly squicky as a ship. Firstly: Funtimes has not indicated a sexual interest in Nathan. Her unique circumstances have caused her to regress into a child-like persona; while she has adult urges and constant pushing from Calamity, she satisfies both of them by kissing and being controlling. At risk of sounding like a prudish medieval troubadour, Nathan's virtue is at no risk. Funtimes' interest in him is entirely centered around her own fear of loneliness. If she ever said the phrase "I love you," it would likely merely because she realizes couples should love each other, and in her quest to avoid loneliness she would say anything to keep up a charade of mutual affection.
Now for Shiny Sparkle. It's harder to get a feel for what exactly goes on in Shiny Sparkle's head--she's a riddle wrapped in a glittery enigma, sparkling too brightly to examine too closely. However, her actions do paint a picture of a woman with less... childish intentions than Doctor Funtimes.
Here's one of the early Sparkleglass scenes for reference:


Within minutes of meeting her, Shiny has already begun physically caressing the object of her affections. Affections which seem to have been earned entirely from Autumn's looks and the deferent respect she gives to Shiny, which are respectively shallow and disturbing traits to have earned Shiny's obsession. Finally there's the line "especially given that's why she came here in the first place"--perhaps I'm forgetting the precise context in which this line appears, but this even further strips away the romantic overtones Shiny seems to have assigned to her obsession. It almost makes it sound as if Shiny sees The Dalles as some sort of giant singles bar, with all the men and women there solely for her to pick from. The out-of-narrative information about how open Shiny would be to threesomes and orgies only further solidifies my perhaps Arsenal-like opinion that Shiny is just as sleazy and reprehensible as Deathwish is, if perhaps more subtle about her intentions.
This isn't surpising from an Epic. Epics are like that. They become selfish and too engaged with their own desires to give a fig about respecting vanillas as human beings. The captor side of Shiny and Autumn's relationship is perfectly written and not unrealistic at all. What is more unsettling to me is that Autumn is starting to enjoy the attention. In the latest post, we see for the first time that Autumn actually has some latent desire to kiss her Epic captor.
(First, I must say was brilliantly written and an awesome post all around, so don't take what I'm about to say as a criticism. I loved it and wouldn't have it changed for the world.)


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it strikes me as... not necessarily out of character, but odd that Autumn's only noted compunction against kissing this woman is that Arsenal wouldn't approve. Autumn Glass is an ordained minister, and her pairing with a sleazy and sexually promiscuous Epic is a tad... incongrous to me. It's clear that Autumn doesn't have much of a choice at the moment, but little lines like this make me wonder how much Autumn hates this situation and how much she's subconsciously reveling in the freedom to behave in this manner. Nathan, if paired with a Funtimes who has successfully faced her fear, could bring out the best in his Epic girlfriend. Shiny Sparkle has the potential to bring out the worst in her girlfriend.
Like I said at the beginning of this post--these are only my observations, and I freely admit to possibly misreading this entire situation. Largely, I'm just curious as to how many of the unsettling things I've observed were intentional, how many of them are solely in my head, and what direction is actually being planned for Sparkleglass.
And before I hit post, let me compliment Edge and Twi for creating characters that I care about enough to spend this much time analyzing. There aren't many writers who can bring out this exceptionally geeky part of me. :D


You are right. Shiny Sparkle is a rather worrysome and selfish person and as much as I joke about it her behaviour is in no way normal or acceptable. The only things that could be said in her defense (which given I'm the guy in her head I feel kind of obliged to do, even if I disagree with her) is that she would back of, if Autumn gave her a clear no and that getting touchy is quite normal for her, even without any romantic interest. Naturally, that matters rather little in the given situation but it would probably be more accurate to call her insane than downright malicious.

For clarification's sake:


especially given that's why she came here in the first place

was refering to her noticing that some kind of fighting started in the Dalles and in now way related to searching for someone to date.

Edited by Edgedancer
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You are right. Shiny Sparkle is a rather worrysome and selfish person and as much as I joke about it her behaviour is in no way normal or acceptable. The only things that could be said in her defense (which given I'm the guy in her head I feel kind of obliged to do, even if I disagree with her) is that she would back of, if Autumn gave her a clear no and that getting touchy is quite normal for her, even without any romantic interest. Naturally, that matters rather little in the given situation but it would probably be more accurate to call her insane than downright malicious.

For clarification's sake:

was refering to her noticing that some kind of fighting started in the Dalles and in now way related to searching for someone to date.


Ah. So I did misunderstand that passage. :P Thanks for the clarifications, guys. The luxury of being able to ask some of my favorite authors about their characters and writing at any time is a precious one. :)



On a business note, should I write a Deathwish PoV along with an Arsenal post? Or should Deathwish's precise combat situation be left vague until Shiny Sparkle shows up?

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Ah. So I did misunderstand that passage. :P Thanks for the clarifications, guys. The luxury of being able to ask some of my favorite authors about their characters and writing at any time is a precious one. :)



On a business note, should I write a Deathwish PoV along with an Arsenal post? Or should Deathwish's precise combat situation be left vague until Shiny Sparkle shows up?

You give us the same luxury back, so thanks right back at you. ;)


I would appreciate a precise combat situation.

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I don't suppose an obvious stand-in for the Nighthound pony gets blasted by the Elements of Harmony? :ph34r::P

You do realize those no longer exsist, right? Sombra is probably the closest you'll get on that front. :P


Having just watched I think I know who Twi is talking about. :ph34r:

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I don't suppose an obvious stand-in for the Nighthound pony gets blasted by the Elements of Harmony? :ph34r::P


Sadly, no. 


You do realize those no longer exsist, right? Sombra is probably the closest you'll get on that front. :P


Having just watched I think I know who Twi is talking about. :ph34r:


Episode spoilers: 


Does this RP character I'm talking about remind us somewhat of Bad Luck Brian?

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You do realize those no longer exsist, right? Sombra is probably the closest you'll get on that front. :P


Having just watched I think I know who Twi is talking about. :ph34r:


That reminds me to post this:




Deviantart is home to many disturbingly random things. :P

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Sadly, no. 



Episode spoilers: 


Does this RP character I'm talking about remind us somewhat of Bad Luck Brian?

Who? Anyway, assuming he's anything like Troubleshoes yes he does.

Also, Applejack is awesome and needs more focus. :ph34r:


That reminds me to post this:




Deviantart is home to many disturbingly random things. :P

:mellow: Good for you Sombra.

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Who? Anyway, assuming he's anything like Troubleshoes yes he does.

Also, Applejack is awesome and needs more focus. :ph34r:


:mellow: Good for you Sombra.


This guy: 


f9b992b226ecd8cb06264c8aedf6c551.jpg  1420526880537.jpg


Troubleshoes is also a lot like Murphy, now that I think about it, though I was thinking of Backtrack when I mentioned the similarities.


She really is. The whole Apple family, including the Appleloosa branch, needs more focus. Though I wouldn't complain if we got an entire episode devoted to the Pie family. :ph34r:

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This guy: 


f9b992b226ecd8cb06264c8aedf6c551.jpg  1420526880537.jpg


Troubleshoes is also a lot like Murphy, now that I think about it, though I was thinking of Backtrack when I mentioned the similarities.


She really is. The whole Apple family, including the Appleloosa branch, needs more focus. Though I wouldn't complain if we got an entire episode devoted to the Pie family. :ph34r:

I would say he fits Backtrack perfectly but more in a meta sense, with us as the rodeo audince. ;)

Murphy I can also see but his bad luck would need to be more focused.


Given that this is the first season I'm actually watching my opinion may be slightly off but let me say this: I don't dislike the CMC however given that they had two episodes out of six already they seem to get an unproportional amount of focus. Given they only have to split it three way instead of six one could argue they got more than the mane six, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile Other awesome ponies, be it background ponies like the Apple family or AJ herself, get so little. It just seems off. :unsure: 

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I would say he fits Backtrack perfectly but more in a meta sense, with us as the rodeo audince. ;)

Murphy I can also see but his bad luck would need to be more focused.


Given that this is the first season I'm actually watching my opinion may be slightly off but let me say this: I don't dislike the CMC however given that they had two episodes out of six already they seem to get an unproportional amount of focus. Given they only have to split it three way instead of six one could argue they got more than the mane six, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile Other awesome ponies, be it background ponies like the Apple family or AJ herself, get so little. It just seems off. :unsure: 


Precisely. :P 


The others get more focus in earlier seasons. Season 1 is dedicated entirely to the Mane 6 becoming friends, while Season 2 is devoted to them learning to navigate conflict in their friendships. It introduces the CMC, but they only get an episode or two (it's been a while since I watched the older seasons, so I don't recall the actual number), and Season 3 begins to focus on the CMC and a few other side characters. This is the first season I've seen that really focused on the CMC to the extent that they get….what, three episodes out of six?

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I wonder if under Schrödinger's model of quantum mechanics, yours and Edgedancer's posts are simultaneously spoilery and not spoilery until I open the tags. :mellow:


I wonder if Schrodinger's cat would like a bite of salmon. Because I think Schrodinger's cat would like a bite of salmon. (That's about how far my thoughts on that model go. :P

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