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Why three? You only needed one.

Good Gandhi. My philosophy lessons were spent sitting in an outdated classroom, dissecting the logical fallacies behind the jury's decision in the OJ Simpson trial.


I didn't want to sound arrogant. :ph34r:


By day she is a heretical Alethi princess.


By night, she is Soulcaster-Woman! Criminals beware!

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I didn't want to sound arrogant. :ph34r:

By day she is a heretical Alethi princess.

By night, she is Soulcaster-Woman! Criminals beware!

Moral of the story: If you are a robber who has no qualms against raping and murdering wealthy women and you see one wearing a shiny Soulcaster at night, do not follow them! THE SHINIES WILL BETRAY YOU!

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Moral of the story: If you are a robber who has no qualms against raping and murdering wealthy women and you see one wearing a shiny Soulcaster at night, do not follow them! THE SHINIES WILL BETRAY YOU!


I think we need Jasnah Kholin to take a stroll down Portland's alleyways one night. I can name a dozen Epics off the top of my head who'd look real nice as quartz statues. :ph34r:

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I think we need Jasnah Kholin to take a stroll down Portland's alleyways one night. I can name a dozen Epics off the top of my head who'd look real nice as quartz statues. :ph34r:

Timeport, Nighthound, Quota, Lucentia, Nighthound, Lightwards, Nighthound, Electro, CorpseMaker, Nighthound, Timeport, Lucentia, and Nighthound?

Also, my first thought when Shallan remarked that the Soulcaster must be attuned to Lucentia? "But...why would you want to tune in to all that whining?"

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Timeport, Nighthound, Quota, Lucentia, Nighthound, Lightwards, Nighthound, Electro, CorpseMaker, Nighthound, Timeport, Lucentia, and Nighthound?

Also, my first thought when Shallan remarked that the Soulcaster must be attuned to Lucentia? "But...why would you want to tune in to all that whining?"


Hmm... I'd have emphasized Nighthound more, but that just about covers it. :P


Lucentia with a Soulcaster?





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How about we give her a Soulcaster so that while she's busy whining about the terrible colors some idiot chose without consulting her, Jasnah can creep up from behind. :ph34r:


Good idea... but if Lucentia got transmutated into diamond, couldn't she just turn herself back? :huh::o


Better to just run her through with a Shardblade. :ph34r:

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Another philosophy lesson? :P

Good call. Where's Adolin? :ph34r:


More about the Physical nature of Investiture versus its Spiritual and Cognitive components... but yeah, pretty much. :P


I was thinking Dalinar. Adolin would just start dating every female Epic in the game. :P

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More about the Physical nature of Investiture versus its Spiritual and Cognitive components... but yeah, pretty much. :P

I was thinking Dalinar. Adolin would just start dating every female Epic in the game. :P

Ooh, good point. Though I'm now curious about the shipping potential a Stormlight crossover would provide. Kaladin/Sam? Angry!Jasnah/Nighthound? Dark!Funtimes/Sadeas? All excellent ideas. :ph34r:

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Ooh, good point. Though I'm now curious about the shipping potential a Stormlight crossover would provide. Kaladin/Sam? Angry!Jasnah/Nighthound? Dark!Funtimes/Sadeas? All excellent ideas. :ph34r:


Szeth/Edgerunner is my OTP. :wub:

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Yessss. Though I now want a scene where Fortuity, furious at Adolin for stealing all the ladies, receives an impromptu lesson about the destructive potential of a Shardblade. :ph34r:


He'd be able to anticipate the Blade's movements, though. So we'd need to team Adolin up with Vin burning atium. (I'm sure after a night of being poked and groped Vin would be more than happy to help out. :ph34r:)


And Sam would do better with Lopen than with Kaladin, just for the record. :P

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He'd be able to anticipate the Blade's movements, though. So we'd need to team Adolin up with Vin burning atium. (I'm sure after a night of being poked and groped Vin would be more than happy to help out. :ph34r:)

And Sam would do better with Lopen than with Kaladin, just for the record. :P

Hmmm, who else can we sic Vin and Adolin on? And at what point should Dalinar meet Regalia? :ph34r:

I just barely met Lopen, so I don't know how right you are yet. :P Hes awesome so far, though.

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Hmmm, who else can we sic Vin and Adolin on? And at what point should Dalinar meet Regalia? :ph34r:

I just barely met Lopen, so I don't know how right you are yet. :P Hes awesome so far, though.


She's a teenage Mistborn with the force of a small army. He's a flirtatious Shardbearer who's been on almost as many dates as he's fought duels. They fight crime!  (I want Dalinar Kholin to fight Steelheart. That would be the most epic climatic battle in the history of literature.)

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She's a teenage Mistborn with the force of a small army. He's a flirtatious Shardbearer who's been on almost as many dates as he's fought duels. They fight *Nighthound! (I want Dalinar Kholin to fight Steelheart. That would be the most epic climatic battle in the history of literature.)

*Fixed. :P

YES! And then after that, we learn exactly how Sadeas and Timeport would fare against Dalinar and Voidgaze.

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*Fixed. :P

YES! And then after that, we learn exactly how Sadeas and Timeport would fare against Dalinar and Voidgaze.


If we could get every Sanderson protagonist to attack Nighthound at the same time, I would be a happy kobold. :ph34r:


In other news, I finally figured out what songs to feature in the Glamour post, so that'll be coming along with my next Dalles posts.

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If we could get every Sanderson protagonist to attack Nighthound at the same time, I would be a happy kobold. :ph34r:

In other news, I finally figured out what songs to feature in the Glamour post, so that'll be coming along with my next Dalles posts.

Adolin and all his exes? Shai with a "Nighthound assassin" soulstamp? I can live with that. :ph34r:

Taylor Swift, I presume ?

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Adolin and all his exes? Shai with a "Nighthound assassin" soulstamp? I can live with that. :ph34r:

Taylor Swift, I presume ?


I don't know why she'd have all those other stamps when it's so obvious "Nighthound assassin" is the only one she needs. :P


In the wise words of a red farm stallion: Eeyup.

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If we could get every Sanderson protagonist to attack Nighthound at the same time, I would be a happy kobold. :ph34r:


In other news, I finally figured out what songs to feature in the Glamour post, so that'll be coming along with my next Dalles posts.

That should do the trick, yes. :ph34r: All those possible crossovers.

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I don't know why she'd have all those other stamps when it's so obvious "Nighthound assassin" is the only one she needs. :P

In the wise words of a red farm stallion: Eeyup.

Obviously because she has one of those for everyone Brother Kabsal spoke to. He convinced them that killing Nighthound was the highest, most important Calling anyone could choose. :P

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Pretty sure he's been in contact with Edgerunner. :P

Hey, just because you didn't read Remington Hottie Badchull Springfield: The Completely Unbiased Biography by a Fangirl, doesn't mean Gordon didn't. :P

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