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Too tired to write Backtrack tonight, but here's a Glamour post. The plain-looking woman with the large nose I intended to be Taylor--I think "I Knew You Were Trouble" is appropriate for these two meeting. :ph34r:


Loved the post!  I'll try to get a Taylor response up tomorrow.  So excited :).

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I (as a spectator) am pretty excited for this Taylor Swift storyline. Also, I had no idea what kind of pics were floating around here in the Reckoner's RP! So racy! Though I'm glad things have been taken care of. 

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I'm not sure, that's probably a question for Edge or Voidus.  


On another note, I'm working on the powers for Euphoria's mysterious captor.  His powers are very clear to me in my mind, but I'm having difficulty explaining them.  Let me know how I did!


EDIT:  Of course, also let me know if you see problems of a world-breaking variety here, or if you feel there is overlap with another epic.  The most similar one I could find was Lockvault, but I felt the cognitive space (taking suggestions for other names as well) was sufficiently different from storage to prevent overlap.  


Insight [WIP]

Powers: Cognitive Space - Insight carries what he calls his 'cognitive space' around him at all times, and can transfer himself, and anything or anyone he touches, in and out of it at will.  His cognitive space is a shadow of the actual space he occupies, and because of this, he can observe the real world from it.  The cognitive space has about a half kilometer diameter, and moves with Insight, keeping him at the center.  If other people are brought into the cognitive space, the only way to leave it is if Insight touches them, or if they reach the border and Insight allows them to pass through it.  If Insight wishes for them to stay in the cognitive space, they will be trapped.


While in the space, Insight and any other occupants are invisible and intangible to the rest of the world.  They are completely incapable of being perceived.  They can hear and see what is happening in the real world, but sound is muffled slightly, and only objects or persons in the Cognitive space can be seen in colour.  Things outside of the cognitive space when viewed from inside of it are seen only in black and white.  Insight himself can 'half-shift' being in both his cognitive space and the real world at once.  While 'half-shifted' he can see and hear both spaces, and can be seen and heard in both, but becomes incorporeal, incapable of touching people or objects in either space.  His ability to become incorporeal at will functions as a prime invincibility, but it can only be exercised at will, and will not kick in automatically if he is put into danger.  Another property of the space is that the memories of living things who are present in the space become visible, hovering in the air around them, and Insight is able to view them.  

Insight has control over how time flows within the Cognitive Space, and is able to speed it up or slow it down relative to time in the real world.  This ability only affects him, and others within the Cognitive Space, and has no effect on the regular passage of time.  He can use this ability to travel quickly while in the Cognitive Space, or to take time to think or view his opponents or other parties in slow motion before deciding how to engage them.  He can only affect the flow of time when he is fully present in his cognitive space, and cannot do so when half shifted.  


This power has many applications, however most are defensive in nature.  Remaining in his cognitive space allows Insight to be invisible, intangible, and silent, making him an excellent spy.  Half-shifting, as mentioned above, can function as a prime invincibility, but limits how else he uses his power.  When fully shifted, he is vulnerable to harm from any one else who is fully within the Cognitive Space, and epic powers will function normally there  Offensively, he can make objects intangible by shifting them, place them inside a person, and then shift them back to the real world.  

Nothing problematic, I just would say that if a well placed sniper shoot can kill him it isn't really a prime invincibility. :ph34r:


Not entirely sure, at this point MV's almost certainly going back to Portland with Backtrack since Shiny will probably recognize Impact and report on what happened to her, she loves her sister but she's not going to help her take over the Dalles but neither would she want to join the city guard and have to fight her so Portland's the only option now, the plan being that once the turf wars there are finished she could convince Lightwards to help her get Impact back.

So the ships definitely on its way, although I don't know that it will ever be complete unless Backtrack gets his sunglasses back :P

A heart wrenching tale of two sisters falling in with two different wrong crowds.


If you share Nighthounds then I will compile every pug picture on the internet arranged by cuteness. :P

First I want all the pug pictures, then we can talk. :ph34r:


Alas! I wish I could deny it, but I cannot. 



Hope I don't get banned for this. :ph34r::P

Twi... that is quite the hand you got there.,, it also perfectly explains Autumn's recent behaviour. :P


Speaking of wise decisions….



Do you think Protector Pug needs a dress like this? 



Because I think she needs a dress like this. :wub:

Please, she's a warrior pug.


Edited by Edgedancer
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So I've been thinking about potentially starting up another thread as a crossroads and introduction area, it would be set in Bend which is kind of in central Oregon so it's a bit far out from all the other towns but could still be good as an intro town.
I've tentatively put the newly created Soulcaster in charge, I put up a page for him in the wiki but essentially he can remove peoples consciousness from their body so he can even cope with High Epics pretty well so good for keeping collateral low.

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So I've been thinking about potentially starting up another thread as a crossroads and introduction area, it would be set in Bend which is kind of in central Oregon so it's a bit far out from all the other towns but could still be good as an intro town.

I've tentatively put the newly created Soulcaster in charge, I put up a page for him in the wiki but essentially he can remove peoples consciousness from their body so he can even cope with High Epics pretty well so good for keeping collateral low.

You mean like hoew Corvallis with it's structure of immigrants was intended as a territory for introduction? I still think that any place we bother to do world building for will end up with its own story and that for introduction purposses some unorganized one shot would make more sense. Like a topic to collect such things like what Mailliw did for the Destructors.

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You mean like hoew Corvallis with it's structure of immigrants was intended as a territory for introduction? I still think that any place we bother to do world building for will end up with its own story and that for introduction purposses some unorganized one shot would make more sense. Like a topic to collect such things like what Mailliw did for the Destructors.

Was it? I came up with the idea of using Bend at the same time as Corvallis so not sure why I would have thought of another intro thread.  :wacko:

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Was it? I came up with the idea of using Bend at the same time as Corvallis so not sure why I would have thought of another intro thread.  :wacko:

Maybe or you mentioned Bend and I mixed them up in my head. That is totally possible. :ph34r:

Anyway, my point still stands. Once we sink our teeth into something we don't let go of it, just look at all the people in multiple locations. :P Way to much bloat for quick intorduction topics.

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Maybe or you mentioned Bend and I mixed them up in my head. That is totally possible. :ph34r:

Anyway, my point still stands. Once we sink our teeth into something we don't let go of it, just look at all the people in multiple locations. :P Way to much bloat for quick intorduction topics.

I could do it as just another setting I suppose but then it'd have to be Astoria levels of power since Soulcaster is kindof insanely OP.

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All right, you good people have convinced me. Convenient though it is, keeping my safehand uncovered is selfish of me. In the interest of protecting the children, I have put on a glove.





A black fingerless one with a cap that folds over to make the whole thing look like a penguin. Who knew modesty could be so whimsical? :P


5/10, not enough pugs. I was honestly expecting a pug mitten... :P



I could do it as just another setting I suppose but then it'd have to be Astoria levels of power since Soulcaster is kindof insanely OP.


I think rather than an "intro thread" the better idea would be to come up with multiple locations for various power levels. Have a location for low, mid, and high power level characters. That way, when a new comer joins, their character fits into the setting well. I'm not quite sure what the power level of the Dalles could be described as, but Corvallis has both ends of the spectrum, and Astoria is god-tier, as we all know. I think I'd call the Dalles mid-tier, but there's some powerful Epics in there too. I have a feeling that the low-tier setting will wind up rather underused, and there will actually be a need for multiple high-tier settings, but it can't hurt to give people options.

Edited by Blaze1616
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Twi... that is quite the hand you got there.,, it also perfectly explains Autumn's recent behaviour. :P


Edgedancer! Quit catcalling and get your mind out of the gutter! :P



Loved the post!  I'll try to get a Taylor response up tomorrow.  So excited :).


Awesome. Let's blow this town... figuratively speaking, of course. :ph34r:



So I've been thinking about potentially starting up another thread as a crossroads and introduction area, it would be set in Bend which is kind of in central Oregon so it's a bit far out from all the other towns but could still be good as an intro town.

I've tentatively put the newly created Soulcaster in charge, I put up a page for him in the wiki but essentially he can remove peoples consciousness from their body so he can even cope with High Epics pretty well so good for keeping collateral low.




It's not a bad idea, but the nature of things seems to be that threads grow in complexity as the thread goes on. I think it'd be better to simply have a city like Portland was, rife with Epic gang violence and with no starting hierarchy. Let the new players squabble one out for themselves. :ph34r:

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Edgedancer! Quit catcalling and get your mind out of the gutter! :P




Awesome. Let's blow this town... figuratively speaking, of course. :ph34r:






It's not a bad idea, but the nature of things seems to be that threads grow in complexity as the thread goes on. I think it'd be better to simply have a city like Portland was, rife with Epic gang violence and with no starting hierarchy. Let the new players squabble one out for themselves. :ph34r:

Hey, just calling things as they are, not all of us have to be oldfashioned and act like Arsenal. :ph34r::P


We are the all devouring chaos. Everything shall be consumed and destroyed. Nothing will remain in front of memes and the great Ps.

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To be honest I mostly wanted a new town so I'd have somewhere for Soulcaster once I came up with an idea for him but he's too OP for anywhere else, probably even Astoria.

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I like the idea of a new town (Sparks, another one?!), but Bend has complications. Team Paladin just passed through, eliminating the overlord - a fire Epic with flight and a Steelheart-esque prime invincibility in a fight that burned down half the town. Before that, apparently Sightline went through, killing every Epic that could die from an incredibly high fall.


So actually, I guess Bend could work, but Soulcaster would have to be a new tenant. And there wouldn't be much of the town left to rule, unless he was after it for purely sentimental reasons.

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I like the idea of a new town (Sparks, another one?!), but Bend has complications. Team Paladin just passed through, eliminating the overlord - a fire Epic with flight and a Steelheart-esque prime invincibility in a fight that burned down half the town. Before that, apparently Sightline went through, killing every Epic that could die from an incredibly high fall.


So actually, I guess Bend could work, but Soulcaster would have to be a new tenant. And there wouldn't be much of the town left to rule, unless he was after it for purely sentimental reasons.

Drat. Guess a lot of people liked the name of it :P

Did anyone end up using Salem? It's midway between Corvallis and Portland so could still work for characters moving to or from either area.

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Coma, what do you think of my making Irritated Rebellion Leader a male ballet dancer instead of a mechanic? Those guys have to go through serious strength training, and his company's shows would put him within earshot of the Queens and other rulers. I doubt he'd overhear any sensitive information, but he'd be able to convince them of at least his own loyalty. Male ballet dancers are rare enough as it is, so he'd be valuable enough to be out of range of random acts of Epics, and the claim that he not only loves his work but channels negative emotions into his performances would make his extremely infrequent visits to Euphoria a bit more plausible. (And I can't come up with a decent powerset for Captain First World Problems. :ph34r:) Thoughts?

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I (as a spectator) am pretty excited for this Taylor Swift storyline. Also, I had no idea what kind of pics were floating around here in the Reckoner's RP! So racy! Though I'm glad things have been taken care of.

  an admin reader? :D

Loved the post!  I'll try to get a Taylor response up tomorrow.  So excited :).

When will we see the Elariel twins in the RP? I keep forgetting their Reckonersverse last name. :P

Does anyone in Thoughttown want to have a battle in the MEE attack? Otherwise, I think it's time to finish up.

Do you guys have any cool ideas for weapons an arms dealer like Diamond(I think that's his name) in Steelheart would have?

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Does anyone in Thoughttown want to have a battle in the MEE attack? Otherwise, I think it's time to finish up.


Not really on my end. Voidgaze and Disparo are still out there fighting miscalanous MEE members but nothing that need details.

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Do you guys have any cool ideas for weapons an arms dealer like Diamond(I think that's his name) in Steelheart would have?






Don't ask me about the purpose or tactical advantage sixteen pounds of cocktail weenies would provide. That's your job. :P 


In other words, no. :P 

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Do you guys have any cool ideas for weapons an arms dealer like Diamond(I think that's his name) in Steelheart would have?

Specifically weapons or Epic tech in general?

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Now Salem's a possibility. The only plans I'm aware of are for characters eventually moving there. Although Soulcaster might be a little OP for Paladin to take out and replace...


That is, if that is even a canon future anymore...

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I might wrap up the TT attack soon then, send a messenger back to the MEE with what remains of their forces.

 sounds good to me. Anything that does need to get taken care of(Fatebreaker's characters) can happen in some sort of flashback.  

Specifically weapons or Epic tech in general?

Either or both. I've had plans for a long time to get Altermind to send Flashpoint to a dealer to buy some weapons but then the meeting with the Empire came up and then the MEE, so now I'm ready for it to happen.

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Drat. Guess a lot of people liked the name of it :P

Did anyone end up using Salem? It's midway between Corvallis and Portland so could still work for characters moving to or from either area.


Salem should work. Keep in mind that "Corvallis" extends into Albany (like, half of it), so major events that occur in Salem are potentially viewable from Corvallis (explosions, etc.). The bubble is likely viewable from Salem, too. Not sure about Portland goings ons, but Salem being in between two currently used cities might cause continuity issues across threads, if we even care about that :P


For suggestions, one city I think could be fun is Eugene. It's the last major city in Oregon not used, other than Salem. Then there's Coos Bay, as we haven't had a coastal-ish city yet.

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Salem should work. Keep in mind that "Corvallis" extends into Albany (like, half of it), so major events that occur in Salem are potentially viewable from Corvallis (explosions, etc.). The bubble is likely viewable from Salem, too. Not sure about Portland goings ons, but Salem being in between two currently used cities might cause continuity issues across threads, if we even care about that :P


For suggestions, one city I think could be fun is Eugene. It's the last major city in Oregon not used, other than Salem. Then there's Coos Bay, as we haven't had a coastal-ish city yet.


Astoria is coastal, but it's also ruled by Her Majesty's Whining Lucentia, so another coastal city could be interesting. 

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A couple of ideas:
-Frictionless shoes for added mobility
-Epic tech flamethrower that doesn't run out of fuel.
-Cloaking materials
-Homing rounds
-Tractor beam
-Self-cooling machine guns

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