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Astoria is coastal, but it's also ruled by Her Majesty's Whining Lucentia, so another coastal city could be interesting. 


How could I miss Astoria :huh:


You could also go with a really tiny city up in northeast Oregon. There's a couple along 84 before the Dalles.

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Don't ask me about the purpose or tactical advantage sixteen pounds of cocktail weenies would provide. That's your job. :P


In other words, no. :P

Place them in an open position and your enemies will eat so much they can no longer fight. It's the perfect trap. :lol:


A couple of ideas:

-Frictionless shoes for added mobility

-Epic tech flamethrower that doesn't run out of fuel.


-Cloaking materials

-Homing rounds

-Tractor beam

-Self-cooling machine guns


Now comes the interesting question which of these need motivators and/or a ridiculous amount of power.

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Place them in an open position and your enemies will eat so much they can no longer fight. It's the perfect trap. :lol:


Now comes the interesting question which of these need motivators and/or a ridiculous amount of power.

I'd say the exosuits, cloaking materials and railguns wouldn't need motivators, although the exosuits would probably need a decent power source.

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I'd say the exosuits, cloaking materials and railguns wouldn't need motivators, although the exosuits would probably need a decent power source.

Sounds about right, although a Railgun sounds like it would eat a lot of power as well. Something frictin reducing might also be made without a motivator, although then the controls would probably be too complicated to learn it any time soon.

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Sounds about right, although a Railgun sounds like it would eat a lot of power as well. Something frictin reducing might also be made without a motivator, although then the controls would probably be too complicated to learn it any time soon.


From what I've read before one of the biggest problems with railguns is the friction overheating the rails, so a friction-reducing motivator would also make the railgun possible. I think.

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Also, What Happened in The Dalles Post 263 is up. I call it "In Which Kobold King Petitions to Have Impact's Name Changed to 'World's Sexiest Meteor.'" :P


EDIT: Also, I meant for Deathwish to use the phrase "muscles like Superman" in the last post. I'm still not sure whether to change it or leave it in there, implying that "Supman" is a feared strength Epic in Oregon, presumably infamous for the chillingly casual nod of his head as he asks his enemies "'Sup?" :P

Edited by Kobold King
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Good post, Kobold. Question for you - is Arsenal likely to remember Arvin Weeks (apparently high up in Vondra's intelligence system) and give him air clearance? Or is there likely to be a verbal slugfest that is only exacerbated when he finds out that Weeks is riding a sparking dragon? Or both? :D


In other news, fusion cuisine is quite excellent. For lunch, we made a West African peanut butter soup, alongside baked salmon seasoned with a smoky dry rub, and an asian salad of bok choi, mandarin oranges, green onions, and almonds. Just to make some folks drool.

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Also, What Happened in The Dalles Post 263 is up. I call it "In Which Kobold King Petitions to Have Impact's Name Changed to 'World's Sexiest Meteor.'" :P


EDIT: Also, I meant for Deathwish to use the phrase "muscles like Superman" in the last post. I'm still not sure whether to change it or leave it in there, implying that "Supman" is a feared strength Epic in Oregon, presumably infamous for the chillingly casual nod of his head as he asks his enemies "'Sup?" :P


I thought it meant "sup" as in the archaic English term for "dine," making him more of a Bond villain-type Epic who leads enemies into his secret sanctum and ties them to a chair before calmly explaining his entire plan over a glass of fine wine and a plate of filet mignon. :P 

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Good post, Kobold. Question for you - is Arsenal likely to remember Arvin Weeks (apparently high up in Vondra's intelligence system) and give him air clearance? Or is there likely to be a verbal slugfest that is only exacerbated when he finds out that Weeks is riding a sparking dragon? Or both? :D


I'm thinking that Arsenal will refuse, but Vondra will conveniently enter the center now and, having heard the message, will give Weeks air clearance. While Arsenal fumes, as Arsenal does. :P



I thought it meant "sup" as in the archaic English term for "dine," making him more of a Bond villain-type Epic who leads enemies into his secret sanctum and ties them to a chair before calmly explaining his entire plan over a glass of fine wine and a plate of filet mignon. :P


That works too. And now I want to see him in Calamity:


"Do you expect me to sit around making bad metaphors all day?"


"No, Mr. Steelslayer. I expect you to die."



Awesome Autumn post, by the way. :D

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I'm thinking that Arsenal will refuse, but Vondra will conveniently enter the center now and, having heard the message, will give Weeks air clearance. While Arsenal fumes, as Arsenal does. :P


Sounds good to me.

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Is see the Dalles is getting another one of its high phases, so much awesome stuff. I find it kind of funny that both Momentum twins are currently in contact with one of Kobolds character.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Though personally I'd prefer going on an awkward date to getting stabbed in the stomach. ;):P

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I don't know, I've been on some dates….. :unsure:


Just kidding. They might've been awkward beyond reason, but I'd never say getting stabbed in the stomach was preferable. :P


I guess "not being stabbed" is the one good memory that unites all your bad dates. :P

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Yeah, I noticed that too. Though personally I'd prefer going on an awkward date to getting stabbed in the stomach. ;):P

I think most people do. ;)

Except maybe Nighthound, he'd find it potentially amusing and would enjoy killing his attacker, especially if he can combine the two. :unsure: ...uhh Distraction cat go. :ph34r:


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I think most people do. ;)

Except maybe Nighthound, he'd find it potentially amusing and would enjoy killing his attacker, especially if he can combine the two. :unsure: ...uhh Distraction cat go. :ph34r:



Oh! Oh! What if Nighthound's awkward date happened to be with Fantomah? Say her powers aren't suited to taking on Nighthound all you want; as a Golden Age superheroine, Fantomah's primary power is New Powers as the Plot Demands! Nighthound had best prepare himself for a date that begins with awkward conversation….and concludes with him dangling over the mouth of an active volcano. :ph34r: 

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Oh! Oh! What if Nighthound's awkward date happened to be with Fantomah? Say her powers aren't suited to taking on Nighthound all you want; as a Golden Age superheroine, Fantomah's primary power is New Powers as the Plot Demands! Nighthound had best prepare himself for a date that begins with awkward conversation….and concludes with him dangling over the mouth of an active volcano. :ph34r:

Don't deploy the distraction cat afterall.


Sorry, kitty but I like where this is going. :P

Edited by Edgedancer
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Don't deploy the distraction cat afterall.


Sorry, kitty but I like where this is going. :P


Did I mention that in one issue, she merges three men into one, then takes him (them?) through a Nature's House of Horrors that includes not only the classic snake pit and stalagmite fall, but also her floating head that is now a giant glowing skull ranting about his (their?) sins? :ph34r:

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Did I mention that in one issue, she merges three men into one, then takes him (them?) through a Nature's House of Horrors that includes not only the classic snake pit and stalagmite fall, but also her floating head that is now a giant glowing skull ranting about his (their?) sins? :ph34r:

Tell me more about this godess of retrubition. ^_^

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Hmmm….she once made a volcano erupt so two Montague and Capulet-type tribes would allow their Romeo and Juliet lovers to marry, so if Nighthound messes with Voidgaze and Big Al…. :ph34r:


Careful, TwiLyght. Say much more about this and we might elect Fantomah the new Shipmistress. :P

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Nothing problematic, I just would say that if a well placed sniper shoot can kill him it isn't really a prime invincibility. :ph34r:


I should have said "functions like" instead of "functions as a prime invincibility."  All I meant to say is that he's invincible when he wants to be, but does not function all the time.  


I am thinking of removing his ability to affect the flow of time relative to real time, since it feels a tad over-powered to me, but I'll keep playing around with the idea.  


Coma, what do you think of my making Irritated Rebellion Leader a male ballet dancer instead of a mechanic? Those guys have to go through serious strength training, and his company's shows would put him within earshot of the Queens and other rulers. I doubt he'd overhear any sensitive information, but he'd be able to convince them of at least his own loyalty. Male ballet dancers are rare enough as it is, so he'd be valuable enough to be out of range of random acts of Epics, and the claim that he not only loves his work but channels negative emotions into his performances would make his extremely infrequent visits to Euphoria a bit more plausible. (And I can't come up with a decent powerset for Captain First World Problems. :ph34r:) Thoughts?


I love the idea.  I'm all for more male ballet dancers, haha.  Sounds good to me!


  an admin reader? :D

When will we see the Elariel twins in the RP? I keep forgetting their Reckonersverse last name. :P

Does anyone in Thoughttown want to have a battle in the MEE attack? Otherwise, I think it's time to finish up.

Do you guys have any cool ideas for weapons an arms dealer like Diamond(I think that's his name) in Steelheart would have?


I don't know about the twins.  I'm still reworking them, probably making them much less well-resourced, and more down on their luck.  The problem is I'd like space for Daerra's ambition to come out, so I'm still figuring out how to make that work.  I also toyed with the idea of making one of them a minor epic, but didn't like the idea of how it would change their personalities.  As of now, I think I'll leave them for the time being, especially since Taylor Swift is busy again in the Dalles.  


Also, T-Swift post :)

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