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The forcefield question basically came about because i suggested to Mailliw "hey why not squish this guy in a force field?" and Maill said "oh, id never considered foing that before, ok"

but Edge and Sirce had reservations, basically they consider that a retcon or changing his powerset, while i was under the impression Smasher could always have done that but just never has in-game because mailliw never thought of it. To me it seems inherent in forcefields that you can change their size, you know?

but its up to you guys, what do you think?

Does this mean he could squish people inside of his force fields, essentially giving him an insta-kill advantage? :wacko:

yeah, which is lame, but not so op in Astoria :P

and technically he can explode people with inside forcefields, so he already has one insta-kill option.

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Yes, Kobold. Blackhoof covered the basics. The reason Smasher hasn't used this power, if he even has it, is because he prefers to kill with his hands. He'd much rather use his incorporeality and density to crush hearts and snap necks, but Mary's blood powers are making it hard for him. So in rare cases like this, where he has no other option, he'd crush opponents. But in Astoria, that isn't much for most characters. If they have impenetrable skin, it'd just close around their skin and then stop, doing nothing but hindering movement. And so on.

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i like how the ponies make it look like Deathwish is the bad guy XD


He's on the right side, but it's hard to argue that he's a good guy. :P



yeah, which is lame, but not so op in Astoria :P


Firefight spoilers:


I'd hardly say it's lame, when Phaedrus uses it to such a terrifying effect. :blink:


EDIT: I'll vote for letting him squish people. It's a terrifying power, and our end goal is the destruction of Oregon.

Edited by Kobold King
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He's on the right side, but it's hard to argue that he's a good guy. :P




Firefight spoilers:


I'd hardly say it's lame, when Phaedrus uses it to such a terrifying effect. :blink:

I think he means lame as in a cop out and cheap way to kill. Not lame as in uncool.

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Who is going next in Astoria? I can't go next, I barely have enough time to finish sending out PMs to all of the people who do anything and writing the writeup and reading the docs and...

Sanderson Elimination overload detected. :P

Though I am loving it, I think the next game I GM will be a Quick Fix. Or perhaps co-GM something with somebody.

So yeah, I can't really write a post now. :P

Quick fixes are shorter, but require more effort in that shorter time. LGs tend to have more detail, but have the convenience of more time to accomplish it.

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yeah, this.

It is awesome and terrifying, but it is cheap and op :P but maybe necessary in Astoria, haha.


"Overpowered" implies an excessive amount of power for a particular setting or situation. Since it's hard to reach the upper power limits of Astoria, I'd say it's not overpowered at all. :P

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Really? Which one?


In the Destructors/Astoria fight, we've been discussing Smasher and are split on an issue. Namely, Smasher can, canonically, expand his forcefields after creating them. The debate is whether or not it would be logical and practical to also add in the ability for him to contract his bubbles' size after creating them. Opinions?

Should War Smasher be able to contract his forcefields?




I don't remember the specifics, but I think one of the main characters is a Fathvell.

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Jasnah knows how an Epic would apologize.

"I'm sorry I drove you to suicide. Here's some bread." Only it would have to be a less powerful Epic to still care. Backtrack, perhaps? :huh:


I've seen some theories going around that Jasnah actually has Aspergers or something similar--something that makes it very difficult for her to express emotions or sympathy. I don't know how likely that theory is--we still haven't gotten a PoV from her--but I kind of like it. It makes her seem less like a callous slontze.

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I've seen some theories going around that Jasnah actually has Aspergers or something similar--something that makes it very difficult for her to express emotions or sympathy. I don't know how likely that theory is--we still haven't gotten a PoV from her--but I kind of like it. It makes her seem less like a callous slontze.

I can see that. I haven't been reading her as callous, though. She clearly cares about Shallan, and about her family. She IS uncommonly rude to Kabsal, which is inexcusable, but I don't think she's callous. Arrogant? I would say so. Bitter? Absolutely. But a truly callous person wouldn't make a sincere effort to comfort their ward and steer them toward something meant to strengthen said ward's faith in something they no longer believe in.

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I can see that. I haven't been reading her as callous, though. She clearly cares about Shallan, and about her family. She IS uncommonly rude to Kabsal, which is inexcusable, but I don't think she's callous. Arrogant? I would say so. Bitter? Absolutely. But a truly callous person wouldn't make a sincere effort to comfort their ward and steer them toward something meant to strengthen said ward's faith in something they no longer believe in.


To be honest, I'm not Jasnah's biggest fan as a character. She's cold, demanding, and self-righteous, with her lovable qualities too few and far between for me.


But I do think she sincerely cares about Shallan and for the other Kholins. She's not a bad woman, she's just... not exactly a character that I jump and down in my seat in excitement for, like some of the other readers on here.



I'm a bigger Szeth fan, truth be told. :ph34r:

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To be honest, I'm not Jasnah's biggest fan as a character. She's cold, demanding, and self-righteous, with her lovable qualities too few and far between for me.

But I do think she sincerely cares about Shallan and for the other Kholins. She's not a bad woman, she's just... not exactly a character that I jump and down in my seat in excitement for, like some of the other readers on here.

I'm a bigger Szeth fan, truth be told. :ph34r:

She is definitely cold, but some of what some might see as demeaning about her attitude reminds me of some of the best teachers I've had. One in particular, Mr. Schultz, was terrifying. Every statement made in his class would be answered with "Why?" from him. He nitpicked papers and asked impossible questions--but when I turned in subpar work, he wrote "You are so brilliant. You can do better than this" at the bottom of the page. Another prof I had in college would use Schultz's method of questioning, but on my papers, he'd frequently write "I would quibble with some of your points, but you supported them well" followed by a high grade. I'm pretty sure he gave me a 4.0 for his course partly because I used a prompt for an essay he didn't think anyone would use. (We had to argue which form of change we thought the US judicial system needed most, and he said we could also argue for no change because of unintended consequences. "But no one will do that, because people are scared," he said. I did it, and he gave me full credit.)

That's what Jasnah reminds me of, and probably why I'm fond of her. She leads Shallan to her own conclusions, even when she disagrees with those conclusions. She demeans Vorinism, but respects those who use their faith to do good in the world. I can definitely see how she'd rub some readers the wrong way, but I personally like her, even if I don't agree with everything she does.

I want to give Szeth a hug. Is there a place to give Szeth a hug? :(

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In Corvallis, could you have Chase or one of Rainmaker's allies check out Phoenix and find out he's an Epic? Silver Dragon and I are going to have him snap through his restraints and help Converter, but it would be easier if he snaps at Rainmaker or her proxy and then goes to help Converter to get back, as his character would really try to hold back his Corruption.


Edit: Chase having tagged someone nearby or the man he killed and alerting security would work great.

Edited by 18th Shard
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"Overpowered" implies an excessive amount of power for a particular setting or situation. Since it's hard to reach the upper power limits of Astoria, I'd say it's not overpowered at all. :P


Yeah, overpowered for Portland? Sure. For the Dalles? Definitely. Astoria, though? Not really. Most characters have PIs and they'd survive this.

So the vote tally from those not involved in the PM is 1-0 in favor of being able to constrict forcefields. Does anyone else have an opinions? We really want to sort this out.


To be honest, I'm not Jasnah's biggest fan as a character. She's cold, demanding, and self-righteous, with her lovable qualities too few and far between for me.


But I do think she sincerely cares about Shallan and for the other Kholins. She's not a bad woman, she's just... not exactly a character that I jump and down in my seat in excitement for, like some of the other readers on here.



I'm a bigger Szeth fan, truth be told. :ph34r:

Jasnah's not one my favorites, but she's definitely interesting to read. More so than Shallan, for me. WoR made Jasnah even more of a compelling character for me, but still not a favorite.

I've never been one of those who really liked Szeth. I mean, I get his sense of honor to the laws he's bound to and I pity him, but I'm not a huge fan of his character. I'll definitely be interested to see more about the Shin in book 3.

Besides Kaladin and Dalinar, who I'm pretty sure are just about everybody's favorites(:P Or maybe just mine), one of my favorites would definitely be Teft. As well as Renarin in WoK and Adolin in WoR.

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In Corvallis, could you have Chase or one of Rainmaker's allies check out Phoenix and find out he's an Epic? Silver Dragon and I are going to have him snap through his restraints and help Converter, but it would be easier if he snaps at Rainmaker or her proxy and then goes to help Converter to get back, as his character would really try to hold back his Corruption.


Edit: Chase having tagged someone nearby or the man he killed and alerting security would work great.


Rainmaker and Co. are pretty busy at the moment focused on Converter, but maybe after they've subdued her they could deal with Phoenix?  I'm not really sure how what Phoenix is doing though that would warrant them checking him out, since he's just walking around acting like a normal person (haven't checked the thread in the last few hours, so if you've posted again recently I stand corrected).  


The Chase thing could work since she's less involved, but you'd have to talk to Winter about that.  



Yeah, overpowered for Portland? Sure. For the Dalles? Definitely. Astoria, though? Not really. Most characters have PIs and they'd survive this.

So the vote tally from those not involved in the PM is 1-0 in favor of being able to constrict forcefields. Does anyone else have an opinions? We really want to sort this out.


Jasnah's not one my favorites, but she's definitely interesting to read. More so than Shallan, for me. WoR made Jasnah even more of a compelling character for me, but still not a favorite.

I've never been one of those who really liked Szeth. I mean, I get his sense of honor to the laws he's bound to and I pity him, but I'm not a huge fan of his character. I'll definitely be interested to see more about the Shin in book 3.

Besides Kaladin and Dalinar, who I'm pretty sure are just about everybody's favorites( :P Or maybe just mine), one of my favorites would definitely be Teft. As well as Renarin in WoK and Adolin in WoR.


Jasnah is actually one of my favorite characters, but because of her flaws, not in spite of them.  I don't mind Dalinar, but I HATE reading about Kaladin.  For some reason his viewpoints drove me nuts! I'd prefer Shallan, Jasnah, or Adolin any day.  Kaladin was definitely my least favourite character in the book, which is why I have trouble rereading WoK.  I fully acknowledge this is all personal preference, and has nothing to do with his overall quality as a character.  


WoR Spoilers (sorry Twi)

Shallan's viewpoints on WoR were a much needed break.  By the end, I started not minding Kaladin nearly as much, probably because I was less exposed to his view point.  I was still getting stick of the whole 'military hero' plotline, and he mostly just came across as extremely entitled to me.  Granted, I know that it is a double standard to say I like Jasnah because of her flaws, and dislike Kaladin because of his, but I do.  I just didn't like reading about him struggling to overcome his flaws. 


I also hate that it seems like Brandon is working towards a ship between Kaladin and Shallan.  I love Shallan so much, and I will be soo upset if she ends up with stupid Kaladin.  


*Kaladin rant over.  Sorry to any Kaladin fans, I did not mean to offend.  I can see why people like him, but I definitely do not.  


Also, you do have a Jasnah viewpoint in the prologue of WoR, and I can't wait for more!  I don't think she has Aspergers, since she's much too socially competent for that.  I'd argue she, like many academics, has focused so much on logic and reason that she has divorced herself from her emotions, and is likely at times unaware of her own feelings.  It's a common coping mechanism for people with a more logic-based personality type.  

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In Corvallis, could you have Chase or one of Rainmaker's allies check out Phoenix and find out he's an Epic? Silver Dragon and I are going to have him snap through his restraints and help Converter, but it would be easier if he snaps at Rainmaker or her proxy and then goes to help Converter to get back, as his character would really try to hold back his Corruption.

Edit: Chase having tagged someone nearby or the man he killed and alerting security would work great.

Chase would notice the guy you killed dying, for sure. How she'd react is up to Winter.

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Yeah, overpowered for Portland? Sure. For the Dalles? Definitely. Astoria, though? Not really. Most characters have PIs and they'd survive this.

So the vote tally from those not involved in the PM is 1-0 in favor of being able to constrict forcefields. Does anyone else have an opinions? We really want to sort this out.


Jasnah's not one my favorites, but she's definitely interesting to read. More so than Shallan, for me. WoR made Jasnah even more of a compelling character for me, but still not a favorite.

I've never been one of those who really liked Szeth. I mean, I get his sense of honor to the laws he's bound to and I pity him, but I'm not a huge fan of his character. I'll definitely be interested to see more about the Shin in book 3.

Besides Kaladin and Dalinar, who I'm pretty sure are just about everybody's favorites( :P Or maybe just mine), one of my favorites would definitely be Teft. As well as Renarin in WoK and Adolin in WoR.

If he can expand them he should be able to contract them IMO.


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In the Destructors/Astoria fight, we've been discussing Smasher and are split on an issue. Namely, Smasher can, canonically, expand his forcefields after creating them. The debate is whether or not it would be logical and practical to also add in the ability for him to contract his bubbles' size after creating them. Opinions?

Should War Smasher be able to contract his forcefields?


This isn't totally the debate that we have been having, but it is one facet. Here is a rundown. Mailliw had Smasher rush across the battlefield while intangible and start to strangle Kinesis, my character, by turning himself, or just his hands and arms to tangibility again. After this post of him killing him without much say, I put forth that Kinesis wouldn't let himself be strangled without putting up a fight.  With his teleportation powers, he could have hit Smasher or his hands and done SOMETHING to try and stop Smasher, not just sit there and die. Once we established that Kinesis, or perhaps Mary, would have done something, Mailliw decided to renege this option.  He then moved onto the forcefield idea.  I don't especially mind if he has the power to change his forcefields, but it is the implementation that I do not like.  As Mailliw pointed out, Smasher prefers to use his hands in combat whenever possible, which is why he has never used this new power. Against an Epic like Kinesis, one who has no Prime Invincibility, who Smasher doesn't really see as a threat, he wouldn't normally use a power that he has been keeping secret until this time. It just doesn't make sense. 


So, that is the specific scene that is being debated. Now, for the bigger picture. The Destructors are losing against the Astorian forces.  Mailliw was having them call retreat, and this is to be their parting blow against Astoria before they attempt to get away.  So, if they are asking for a formal surrender, they aren't going to get it if they attempt to kill another Epic. It wouldn't really make sense for Mary and the other Astorian Epics to bargain with the Destructors if they try to kill their forces, and only then come forth to "parlay," as they say.  If they are going to try and high-tail it out of there, they will be leaving in Jeeps and trucks.  Having Smasher attack to get a kill and then try to get away also doesn't seem to make as much sense.  Jag and Smasher are already outside the main battle until they reengage.  Why would they want to draw attention to themselves if they are going to retreat. Astoria is surrounded on three sides by water, which is Winterspell's domain.  They also have Mary, who can basically go anywhere in the city instantly.  On top of that, they have Deathgale, who can fly above them much faster than a Jeep or truck. Based on all of this, the true decision we are faced with is if it makes sense for Smasher to even attack Kinesis in the first place. 


So, really we are faced with multiple polls or decisions:

1) The obvious one of giving Smasher this power.

2) It doesn't make sense in his plan to get away. 

3) If the second one is a yes, is using an offensive forcefield power that he has kept hidden until this time against a minor Epic seem in character for Smasher.

4) If he does attack Kinesis, can Kinesis sense the forcefields that Smasher places down with his spatial awareness power. Even if he can't move them, could he sense them in place or sense the air where it is displaced.  That doesn't even mean that he has time to react, but it is a potential point that we would like to address.


There may be more points to look at, but these are the ones that I have at this moment.  For all intents and purposes of the first one, I think he could have the power, so that raises it to 2-0 for Smasher's new power.  The thing that we am against is the implementation of said power and the ramifications of such.


Now, if Kinesis is in a position that he can only logically die without the intervention that would be against the "rules" so to speak, I am totally fine with him dying.  He came into this fight as a pawn to lose. However, if Smasher wants to kill him, he needs to get around a lot.  He has already tried to send Jag at him at the same time, but Jag isn't getting anywhere. (This is concurrent, so he doesn't have much to go on with how Kinesis operates as he hasn't seen him for more than a couple of minutes and Smasher was distracted while he was using his powers). However, for the Destructors, this is the fourth or fifth option that they have thrown to try and kill Kinesis.  They have used different strategies, rewritten posts, and even used a little outside of world knowledge.  Again, if everybody is okay with this: Kinesis dies.  However, if we are needing to go this far out of the way to make it happen, is it really worth the trouble?



What's at stake here? What does he stand to gain or lose either way?


The stakes are the lives of Kinesis, Smasher, or any of the other characters in the collaboration right now.  If he simply walked away from the fight, he wouldn't be losing anything, just gaining a power.  By attacking, he potentially loses his life, possibly his hands or any other part that he turns tangible, or his ability to get away.  But he does gain the new power and the death of a minor Epic on his hands.


Yes, Kobold. Blackhoof covered the basics. The reason Smasher hasn't used this power, if he even has it, is because he prefers to kill with his hands. He'd much rather use his incorporeality and density to crush hearts and snap necks, but Mary's blood powers are making it hard for him. So in rare cases like this, where he has no other option, he'd crush opponents. But in Astoria, that isn't much for most characters. If they have impenetrable skin, it'd just close around their skin and then stop, doing nothing but hindering movement. And so on.


We have explored the potential options for what Smasher could do and Mary or Kinesis have made it hard for him at each turn.  So Mary or Kinesis haven't actually done anything as of yet, but to all of the previous methods that Mailliw put forth the Astorian Epics have all completed counter-moves that make Mailliw unwilling to go that route.


I think he means lame as in a cop out and cheap way to kill. Not lame as in uncool.


This is Astoria, so there are lots of cheap ways to kill and O.P. powers.  That is fine by me for Smasher to have, but implementation is my main concern.


"Overpowered" implies an excessive amount of power for a particular setting or situation. Since it's hard to reach the upper power limits of Astoria, I'd say it's not overpowered at all.  :P


Again, the above stance.


One thing that may not be clear initially is that we are honestly trying to work this out.  We don't want to turn this into a fight or feud, so sorry if it seems that way, but we are all trying to keep this cool. Both sides are going to adhere to the decisions that are final.

Edited by Sirce Luckwielder
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All right, in regards to Kinesis v Smasher, from an objective point of view if Smasher has the ability to adjust the size of his forcefields, increasing and decreasing makes sense. I went and read his profile in the Epics of Oregon thread and it does not mention this ability. In the Astoria posts, does Smasher ever comment on it? "Yeah, I can manipulate them" or anything of that nature? If so, I'd have to judge based on what he says. If he says "manipulation" or "change size" or any other phrase that does not explicitly specify "increase size", then it's reasonable to say he can do both increase and decrease. If he has explicitly specified increase, though, the question becomes whether he'd lie about it, or intentionally withhold the information. That then brings me to my next point...


Is it in character? Is it in character for him to lie? Is it in character for him to use such a power when he clearly prefers more brutal methods? Any question such as that should be redirected to his Player, as I would hope the Player knows him best. So I think both issues renege to Mailliw, personally.


In Corvallis, could you have Chase or one of Rainmaker's allies check out Phoenix and find out he's an Epic? Silver Dragon and I are going to have him snap through his restraints and help Converter, but it would be easier if he snaps at Rainmaker or her proxy and then goes to help Converter to get back, as his character would really try to hold back his Corruption.


Edit: Chase having tagged someone nearby or the man he killed and alerting security would work great.


Winter's going to be a while, as the SE game isn't over (and won't be for a while, from what I gather). Plus Chase was conviniently (and I think intentionally) placed away from any action. Though Chase would realize another vanilla had been killed, I'm not sure if she'd be able to sense that you had killed them away from the action currently happening (a lot of vanillas did just die in a short period of time, yours included).


In terms of the other Queens noticing, they're kind of busy with Converter right now. It would be out of character for either Blossom or Buttercup to worry about you unless you made a more noticeable mess, though you said that was out of character?

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Who is going next in Astoria? I can't go next, I barely have enough time to finish sending out PMs to all of the people who do anything and writing the writeup and reading the docs and...

Don't worry, I'm taking the next post.


To add some to what Sirce said. First of, while it didn't happen in the RP, Mailliw did specify the forcefields growing as a seperate mechanic, sperating it from plain changing sizes, in one of the specification rounds we (and especially me) like to do here. It should be in Question 5 page 88. He has since argued that he simply worded that badly and just didn't think of it at the moment but that didn't really change that he gave me that information.


Which brings me to the point that before we started the fight we agreed on how much we know about each others powers, Smasher's powers we settled on as well known. Leading me to build Mary's strategy on the specifications Mailliw gave us before. When he first proposed the forcefield crushing idea my first response was that in the accordance with the retcon it would make sense for Mary to make precautions against this by covering the inside of the dome with blood, so kinesis simply gets pushed into the blood and transported instead of crushed. Even though the response was worded more politely, it more or less boilded down to: No, you're not allowed to do that. It's your fault for that the strategy of your characters that is based on the flawed information you got doesn't take in the new possibility we just added.


As far as the out of character knowledge goes he mentioned here are a cople of points.

-Some assumptions about Mary's power, both on a part we agreed on not being known and on what she did to keep track of what's happening around their combatants. Not that bad in and of itself but given that his first approach was to have Smasher stick his hand into Mary's (obviously blood filled) chest it does make the flat out no I mentioned above a tiny bit frustrating.

-Kinesis' powers. They know literally nothing about him, not even that the teleporting he does is his power and not for example Winterspell's. For all Smasher knows he could kill him perfectly fine without Mary or he could have some power that makes his forcefields useless. Again not that much of a problem in itself, but I have a very hard time believing the explanation that he uses the power rarely if he jumps that lively on it, especialy with him trying to take that as a justification of it being a secret power. Now, normally I would say when he reveals secret powers is his matter and if he does that after this whe it was properly established I'm not going to say anything... but right now it doesn't really match the tell and the show and looks more like a handwave to get another kill to me.


Then there's also the fact that I'm admittedly a bit reluctant to let them score a kill that is as debatable as this, (not against justified kills as in the case with Dustdevil) because this entire fight is only possible by me abiding to fair play and not instantly winning by summoning the Metal, which Mary could do whenever she wants. It's not an end I want but that doesn't mean it isn't possible... and thinking about it Smasher revealing a new insta kill power makes it rather hard to justify not summoning him in character.

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I guess to my mind this is not a retcon, just a different use of a power that Maill hadn't considered using in this way before.

For instance Impact using her momentum powers to hold her wound shut. Was is specifically mentioned she could do that? No, but it seems obvious on reflection (just give momentum to either side and the wound closes). It isn't a retcon, nor a power change, its a use for a power that is out-of-the-box. I doubt it occurred to all of us she could use it in this way, until she did (well me at least). Heck, it never occurred to me half the things you've been doing with Mary in concert with the others. Nothing is wrong with inventing new uses for powers on the go, even if perhaps the character should have known all along.

That's just how I see it, obviously you see it differently.

Maybe Mary just forgot? She has a lot on her plate.

As for the Metal, you can summon him I suppose, but once he has killed us all you won't have any enemies to RP against :P hahaha

Well the Destructors are retreating after this anyway, there wouldn't be need of him.

Edited by Blackhoof
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As someone who still doesn't understand the argument, and has only kind of been keeping up with Astoria...


I'm in the same boat. From the current debate, though, I'm leaning against forcefield contraction.

That power fits Prof, his darker side anyway. He's a researcher, a planner and a plotter who doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Literally and figuratively. Crushing people in forcefields makes sense for him. Smasher, on the other hand, likes brutality. He enjoys getting his hands dirty, so crushing people in forcefields isn't something he'd do. He hasn't done it so far, so why bother making it a secret power he had all along? It's unlikely he'll do it again, so making it a power of his for the sake of this one fight seems like a very mild Big Lipped Alligator Moment.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I'm in the same boat. From the current debate, though, I'm leaning against forcefield contraction.

That power fits Prof, his darker side anyway. He's a researcher, a planner and a plotter who doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Literally and figuratively. Crushing people in forcefields makes sense for him. Smasher, on the other hand, likes brutality. He enjoys getting his hands dirty, so crushing people in forcefields isn't something he'd do. He hasn't done it so far, so why bother making it a secret power he had all along? It's unlikely he'll do it again, so making it a power of his for the sake of this one fight seems like a very mild Big Lipped Alligator Moment.


Hmm... you know, I think you make a good point. I'd like to tentatively change my vote to against forcefield contraction.

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