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I guess to my mind this is not a retcon, just a different use of a power that Maill hadn't considered using in this way before.

For instance Impact using her momentum powers to hold her wound shut. Was is specifically mentioned she could do that? No, but it seems obvious on reflection (just give momentum to either side and the wound closes). It isn't a retcon, nor a power change, its a use for a power that is out-of-the-box. I doubt it occurred to all of us she could use it in this way, until she did (well me at least). Heck, it never occurred to me half the things you've been doing with Mary in concert with the others. Nothing is wrong with inventing new uses for powers on the go, even if perhaps the character should have known all along.

That's just how I see it, obviously you see it differently.

Maybe Mary just forgot? She has a lot on her plate.

As for the Metal, you can summon him I suppose, but once he has killed us all you won't have any enemies to RP against :P hahaha

Well the Destructors are retreating after this anyway, there wouldn't be need of him.

There is a difference between applications and mechanics. If you explain to someone that somehow doesn't know what a knive is you don't have to tell them all the things you can do with a knive but you should mention that it has a sharp edge and a pointy end. And there's the problem Mailliw himself described them as capable of growth specifically not changing size. A fire Epic that can raise temperatures can't automatically lower them to zero, someone that can grow and hulk-out can't automatically shrink like ant man and so on.

Sure, you can say that he simply made a mistake when explaining. However, that is still his mess up and at the moment you want to get out of that scot free and let me and Sirce sit on the damage. (compresing with enough strenght to crush a dome made out of something as strong or maybe even stronger than tempered steel is also somewhat a case of taking the whole hand at once.)

Worse yet, I mentioned it above but back from before you joined the fight Mailliw wanted to kill Mary by doing something that would actually have got Smasher killed. I didn't go "Ha, your mistake caused the death of your character" I explained the problem to him and let his cancell the action. Giving us the same option to fix what we did, really should be common curtesy, even if we weren't having this debate.


Aren't you the guy arguing that our planning means that it's fine to give characters more knowledge and time to think than they should normally have? :huh:


A yes, the burden of power. You have to resist the temptation while everyone else just uses your kindness to dance on your nose. :P  

(Disclaimer: The above was meant as a joke and not to imply I have moral superiority over anyone. :ph34r: )

There would be a need, making sure they can't return and do more damage.

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There is a difference between applications and mechanics. If you explain to someone that somehow doesn't know what a knive is you don't have to tell them all the things you can do with a knive but you should mention that it has a sharp edge and a pointy end. And there's the problem Mailliw himself described them as capable of growth specifically not changing size. A fire Epic that can raise temperatures can't automatically lower them to zero, someone that can grow and hulk-out can't automatically shrink like ant man and so on.

Sure, you can say that he simply made a mistake when explaining. However, that is still his mess up and at the moment you want to get out of that scot free and let me and Sirce sit on the damage. (compresing with enough strenght to crush a dome made out of something as strong or maybe even stronger than tempered steel is also somewhat a case of taking the whole hand at once.)

Worse yet, I mentioned it above but back from before you joined the fight Mailliw wanted to kill Mary by doing something that would actually have got Smasher killed. I didn't go "Ha, your mistake caused the death of your character" I explained the problem to him and let his cancell the action. Giving us the same option to fix what we did, really should be common curtesy, even if we weren't having this debate.


Aren't you the guy arguing that our planning means that it's fine to give characters more knowledge and time to think than they should normally have? :huh:


A yes, the burden of power. You have to resist the temptation while everyone else just uses your kindness to dance on your nose. :P  

(Disclaimer: The above was meant as a joke and not to imply I have moral superiority over anyone. :ph34r: )

There would be a need, making sure they can't return and do more damage.

Wait, your saying your not dancing on my nose right now?  :P


Edit: smiley 

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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Wait, your saying your not dancing on my nose right now?

That depends, is your nose germany? :P

(Given the lack of smiley, I'll ask just to be safe. Was this a serious question and if yes what are you referring to?)


Kobold, I think I just found a way to explain the core of the argument to you. Imagine that in the fight scene of Impact vs. Deathwish you first threw the grenade on the ground, then Voidus explained to you how Impact could survive the explosion, then you changed it into your first version that kills Impact. Just in this version you described Deathwish's PI as specifically needing the victim to take action themselves. Then lastly you say that you didn't mean it like that and just holding the grenade would be enough.

That's pretty much the situation we have right now.

Edited by Edgedancer
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That depends, is your nose germany? :P

(Given the lack of smiley, I'll ask just to be safe. Was this a serious question and if yes what are you referring to?)


It's nose of your business.  :P  

How could if forget a smiley? 

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It's nose of your business.  :P  

How could if forget a smiley? 

In that case I nose know, if I am. ;)


And new Metal post up.At least this time he didn't punch any of the new guys. :P

By the way Voidus, the muting of Bioterror was really just for the moment, so you're free to have him talk to everyone now or something just the Metal can hear, whatever you prefer.

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Okay, I'm kinda glad for this debate as it has given me a reason and a need to flesh out Smasher's personality more. He was the Destructor most lacking, I just never got around to it. I actually think this power fits him really well.

Smasher grew up with sports. His dad had trained for the Olympics, but injuries got in the way. Smasher started flag football at a very young age, progressing to tackle as he grew. He also began wrestling in high school. He was one of the star linebackers in high school too. This is where most of his strategic knowledge comes from. He learned it from football plays. He isn't the best strategist in the Destructors, but adapts very well. He had had sportsmanship drilled into him by a couple of coaches throughout his experience and winning instilled in him from his father. His father drank quite often and, whenever Smasher lost a game, he would lash out at his son. Oftentimes, he beat Smasher with his belt or his fists. Smasher has a love of playing games and a strong desire for good sportsmanship. But his desire to win is even deeper. He thinks of battles as more practical and higher stake versions of sports. When he fights, he fights to win, but to win fairly. (Well, fairly as Epic powers run.) With Vanillas, he kills mostly with his hands unless an Epic is protecting them. He thinks it unfair to use forcefields to kill them. He gets a thrill from the fight and enjoys the adrenaline rush from hand fights. With most Epics, he tends to use his hands, but may use his incorporeality as well. If an enemy can't be killed with bare hands, he realizes that winning is the most important, especially in this high stakes game. In extreme cases, he will use his forcefields to kill if there isn't any other option but to lose. That's what's happening with Mary. He's already seen Hawk and Des die, now he's a but psyched out and knows that he can't beat Mary without his forcefields.

Does that explain him better? I'm quite set on the contracting forcefields now and we've worked out most of the details in the PM about the fight.

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There is a difference between applications and mechanics. If you explain to someone that somehow doesn't know what a knive is you don't have to tell them all the things you can do with a knive but you should mention that it has a sharp edge and a pointy end. And there's the problem Mailliw himself described them as capable of growth specifically not changing size. A fire Epic that can raise temperatures can't automatically lower them to zero, someone that can grow and hulk-out can't automatically shrink like ant man and so on.

Sure, you can say that he simply made a mistake when explaining. However, that is still his mess up and at the moment you want to get out of that scot free and let me and Sirce sit on the damage. (compresing with enough strenght to crush a dome made out of something as strong or maybe even stronger than tempered steel is also somewhat a case of taking the whole hand at once.)

Worse yet, I mentioned it above but back from before you joined the fight Mailliw wanted to kill Mary by doing something that would actually have got Smasher killed. I didn't go "Ha, your mistake caused the death of your character" I explained the problem to him and let his cancell the action. Giving us the same option to fix what we did, really should be common curtesy, even if we weren't having this debate.

Aren't you the guy arguing that our planning means that it's fine to give characters more knowledge and time to think than they should normally have? :huh:

A yes, the burden of power. You have to resist the temptation while everyone else just uses your kindness to dance on your nose. :P

(Disclaimer: The above was meant as a joke and not to imply I have moral superiority over anyone. :ph34r: )

There would be a need, making sure they can't return and do more damage.

the difference in the Impactwish fight is that they didn't want either to die unless it happened naturally. Kinesis is a minor epic pawn that Sirce has decided to let us kill, with no real story arcs or plans that would be interrupted by this, unlike if Impact died.

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the difference in the Impactwish fight is that they didn't want either to die unless it happened naturally. Kinesis is a minor epic pawn that Sirce has decided to let us kill, with no real story arcs or plans that would be interrupted by this, unlike if Impact died.


Just for the record, if Voidus had proposed a suitably cinematic way to finish off Deathwish, I very probably would have let him die. :ph34r:


I'm glad the debate's settled. :)

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Stay tuned for Taylor Swift's first come-back album post-calamity: What Happened in Oregon.  


EDIT:  Featuring hit singles: (1) I guess YOU had a Death Wish, (2) The Night You Hounded Me No More, (3) Love and a Numbers Man, and (4) I knew you were Hypnotizing me, but I just didn't care.  

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Stay tuned for Taylor Swift's first come-back album post-calamity: What Happened in Oregon.  


Featuring instant hits like:


  • "I Knew Nighthound Was Trouble"
  • "We are Never Putting This State Back Together"
  • "Mean Nighthound"
  • "I Wish You Would (Kill Nighthound)"
  • "Sparks Fly"  (explicit lyrics)
  • "White Horse Killing Nighthound"
  • "Bad Blood (Made Better Because It's Nighthound's)"
  • "Safe and Sound (Except for Nighthound, Because He's Dead)"

And many, many more!

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Stay tuned for Taylor Swift's first come-back album post-calamity: What Happened in Oregon.  


Only tangentially related to that, here's what I have for my ballet-dancing rebellion leader so far: 


  • He's tall, dark-skinned, and muscular from the training he's put himself through. 
  • He left Newcago partly because of the tyranny, and partly because ballet didn't get as much respect as other art forms. He chose Corvallis because he had heard many of the Queens enjoyed ballet and the company there desperately needed a male dancer. 
  • He has done ballet since high school. Other guys his age teased him for it, but he learned to brush it off. Nowadays, if you try to give him grief, he'll listen politely and point out that he could lift you over his head and toss you into a dumpster without breaking a sweat. (Not that he would, of course. Not in Corvallis.) He sees it as an underappreciated art form, and he takes it seriously. Part of his objection to Euphoria's employment is the fact that she essentially drugs some of the other dancers, and many in the audience, leaving them unable to truly appreciate a program for what it is. 

Thoughts? Concerns? 

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Looks like the game day for Portland and the Dalles is going to be over soon, any suggestions on how to sync up the various games? Amazingly all other games have started during today in Portland time :P

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Looks like the game day for Portland and the Dalles is going to be over soon, any suggestions on how to sync up the various games? Amazingly all other games have started during today in Portland time :P


Well, we might want to get an idea about when exactly Backtrack and MV will be heading back to Portland. Will it be late this evening, or will they arrive early in the next morning?

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Well, we might want to get an idea about when exactly Backtrack and MV will be heading back to Portland. Will it be late this evening, or will they arrive early in the next morning?

Well if MV ever meets Deathwish there might be some explaining to do, if they manage to avoid that I'd say they'd probably leave this evening.

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Well if MV ever meets Deathwish there might be some explaining to do, if they manage to avoid that I'd say they'd probably leave this evening.


Cool. (Is MV wearing the exact same clothes as her sister?)


Arsenal might be convinced to send them off with a simple car as a gesture of good will.

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