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Theory of the Cosmic Gene Pool.

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This is going to be a long theory so I will dive right in.

Part 1: Similarities:

So in this we have the major Cosmere planets and their nationalities and looks.

Roshar: Alethi- black hair- looks like Fjordell, Horneater- red hair- no relations, Riran- dirty blond- looks like Aonic, Makabaki- no relations yet, Reshi- hair is just plain weird- Idrian.

Sel: Aonic- dirty blond= Riran, Fjordell- black hair- Alethi, Jindoeese- possibly Makabaki

Nalthis- All around- dirty blond and brown- Riran and Alethi, Idrians could be related to Reshi.

Scadrial- Blackish-brown hair, Alethi.

Part 2: Explanation:

So my theories is that Worldhoppers populated the different worlds. So in the Dragonsteel series we will be seeing a lot of mixed nationalties because Yolen is where life originated.

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Also, since it has been established that Shards have created humans based on the ones that inhabited their world before they were Shards. Its possible, seeing as it seems all of the Shards either knew or knew of each other before they were Shards, they are all from the same world. So it is possible that more the just Ruin and Preservation made humans on their Shardworlds, possible that all of them did. It is also likely that they all used the same blueprints, which would explain the similar looks of people from different Sharldworlds.

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