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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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1 hour ago, Chasmgoat said:

that makes sense, it is the most explicit book.

Yep. Still far cleaner than almost any other adult book though. I've never understood how he separated teen and adult.

Edit: Wait nvm I think there's WOB that says his multi-perspective stuff is always adult.

Edited by bridge7
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YKYASF when you and your friend (whom you are converting to Sanderson as we speak) are talking about the Cosmere boom he just started reading today and you find out it’s Rithmatist. Anyways, while talking about how because the Rithmatist is on Earth and therefore isn’t Cosmere, the following conversation followed. Please pay particular attention to capitalization.


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When lightsabers seem like cheap knockoff shardblades to you. (They can both cut through anything except for each other and another special material, except lightsabers take a while to cut through thick metal doors. Both are "summoned," except you need to keep the hilt of the lightsaber on you to summon it, while you can always summon a shardblade.)

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When every time you see your other friend who has read Stormlight, one of you says '__ days to Rhythm of War!'

When somehow, the way you said 'Mistborn' convinced someone to read it.  And by that I mean I said "They're from Mistborn" (in reference to part of a Halloween costume), and the other person said, "Cool.  I'm gonna read that."

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28 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

When somehow, the way you said 'Mistborn' convinced someone to read it.


15 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

I wish that worked for me.

I wish that worked for me too. To get my friends to read Mistborn I had to send at least 10,000 text messages saying "READ MISTBORN!" and even then they only actually read it when I handed them the book and said "read."

Edited by Ishar
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When your roommate is trying to get you to read his favorite bible quotes and your response is "Only if you sit next to me and read at least the prologue of Mistborn."

Or when your friend introduces you to his girlfriend, and 10 minutes later he is no longer a part of the conversation.

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