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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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At the risk of hijacking this thread again, WHY do we have an upvote quota? This is very frustrating not being able to upvote great posts. I'm worries Odium is getting to me....

(And you know you're a Sanderfan when you make jokes like that. See? I can get back on topic! :P)


Without the ability to upvote, I feel so powerless. As if I could no longer suck in Stormlight, or if Aons no longer glowed when I drew them. I am nothing without my upvotes. :(

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Without the ability to upvote, I feel so powerless. As if I could no longer suck in Stormlight, or if Aons no longer glowed when I drew them. I am nothing without my upvotes. :(

As if I am a drab, as if I have no soulstone, as if my metals have burnt out.

as if my spren has left me :'(

As if I am *gasp* only human. Nooooo!!!!


.........and you know you're a Sanderfan when you don't 'like' something on facebook because you've used all your upvotes.  :wacko:

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Thank Awesomeness for the fisheye, by the way! He makes the profile pics for all the awesome people. Little do they know that his gifts come tainted, for an insideous pattern lies in the subliminal space behind all his creations! We are compelled to obey...to obey...to obey..

All hail Awesomeness, king of the Sharders...Liege to the Sanderfans...God of Photoshop...

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Thank Awesomeness for the fisheye, by the way! He makes the profile pics for all the awesome people. Little do they know that his gifts come tainted, for an insideous pattern lies in the subliminal space behind all his creations! We are compelled to obey...to obey...to obey..

All hail Awesomeness, king of the Sharders...Liege to the Sanderfans...God of Photoshop...


Awesomeness is a stick.

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What I'm talking about is a more watered down version of what Spook speaks. You make every verb end in ing, and instead of is it/do you you say wasing,don't becomes notting (from 'not) use the word 'of' a lot and mess with word order a little.

So instead of 'don't be silly" you'd say 'wasing the notting of silliness" or something along those lines. 'Notting the wasing of silly' would work too, its very flexible.

Another example, my sig translated would be 'if you're not careful, I'll speak slang'.

The coppermind also has a WoB explaining it, with canon examples.

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