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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When, upon falling sick in the middle of your exam period, think wistfully that it would be awesome to be a gold Ferring. You'd totally spend a few weekends sick to store enough health to make sure you're in good health during the exams.

Edited by Kasimir
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I think, barring deadly disease, Electrum feruchemy would be more useful.

By the way, possibly the most terrifying thing I can imagine is an Electrum compounder.


On the other end of the spectrum, Aluminum Compounders are among the most pathetic creatures, as they are completely useless and have the identity understanding to fully realize it.

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On the other end of the spectrum, Aluminum Compounders are among the most pathetic creatures, as they are completely useless and have the identity understanding to fully realize it.

I actually believe we have a WoB that there is a bit more to aluminum compounders than one would think. Maybe it was savants, though.

Edit: I just searched the database and found nothing. Only thing he said was that aluminum may be able to help cleanse other Investitures as well. So please ignore this and proceed.

Edited by GreyPilgrim
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What would be the most terrifying allomantic or feruchemical power to spike an Electrum compounder with?


Not sure about Metallic Arts, but such a person could probably swear the Rosharan Ideal "I will stand when others fall."

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When, upon falling sick in the middle of your exam period, think wistfully that it would be awesome to be a gold Ferring. You'd totally spend a few weekends sick to store enough health to make sure you're in good health during the exams.


Knowing Asian exams, you have my sympathies.


I actually believe we have a WoB that there is a bit more to aluminum compounders than one would think. Maybe it was savants, though.

Edit: I just searched the database and found nothing. Only thing he said was that aluminum may be able to help cleanse other Investitures as well. So please ignore this and proceed.


But that's potentially very useful. You could prevent anyone from forcibly Investing you, and the WoB mentions it could be used for other impurities, IIRC. So you could survive poisoning, being Lashed, maybe being Soothed/Rioted, and maybe you might be able to heal yourself if said impurities extend to disease.


I wouldn't say it's useless, just extremely hard to train to an extent where you'd be able to use it.


What would be the most terrifying allomantic or feruchemical power to spike an Electrum compounder with?


I can think of a few:

- Allomantic/Feruchemical pewter

- Feruchemical steel (a Scadrian version of the Troll Warlord in DotA 2 :P)

- Feruchemical gold


But the absolute scariest would have to be Allomantic atium. 


Edited by Ketek
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When you wonder if Swimmingly has a design for a soulstamp that he's going to get tatooed onto himself to try find out the end of SA ;)


When you wonder if you can Forge yourself so that you became BranSan's assistant instead of Peter Ahlstrom.


Sorry Mr. Ahlstrom, but you should know by now how ruthless we Sharders can be...

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That doesn't require forging. Just some hemalurgic spiking of Identity, duralumin allomancy, duralumin feruchemy, and brass allomancy. Steal Identity, compound Connection, Sooth suspicion.



It scares me how quickly you come up with these things.

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Oh, I'm compounding Zinc. Let me tell you, it's really hard to stick bits of bloody metal through your own thighs. I might have gotten HIV!

Well, it's a good thing I stole all those Breaths at gunpoint. Immunity to disease is so handy.

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Oh, I'm compounding Zinc. Let me tell you, it's really hard to stick bits of bloody metal through your own thighs. I might have gotten HIV!

Well, it's a good thing I stole all those Breaths at gunpoint. Immunity to disease is so handy.


You know you're a Sanderfan when you lock your doors at night every time you talk to Swimmingly.

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When you're not afraid, because the mists belong to you.


When you welcome the mists, because you want it to Snap you so you can be the Mistborn you always knew you were, deep down inside.


Oh, I'm compounding Zinc. Let me tell you, it's really hard to stick bits of bloody metal through your own thighs. I might have gotten HIV!

Well, it's a good thing I stole all those Breaths at gunpoint. Immunity to disease is so handy.


*Concocts plan to get Swimmingly thrown in a prison somewhere before breaking in and forcing him to give up his Breath in exchange for a merciful death*

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