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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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This one has a bit of backstory, but when your senior English class is doing final speeches where the seniors can pass on their final bits of wisdom to the younger folk and a person offers the advice that, “the only opinion that matters is the one of the person in the mirror.” And you think, “Sja-Anat?”

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When you're watching High School Musical 2 and see Sharpay wearing a glove only on her left hand (perhaps it's a golf thing? idk XD) and immediately think that she's wearing a glove on her safehand and are confused, as last you checked she wasn't Vorin.

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—When you find yourself using words like "sanderfan"

—When people ask you why you don't like math, and you reply "because there's always another secret"

—When you find yourself swapping words like "Energy" and "Magic" for "Investiture."

—When your parents ask you why you're fighting with your siblings, and you say: "Why do men fight? Because Odium Reigns."

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when your strategy when you're going through a bad time is repeating 

Life before death

Strength before weakness

Journey before destination

over and over in your head like a mantra

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when you do two of your four book reports for your ap english class on sanderson books

and when you get distracted from writing that report because you go look up wayne on the coppermind and it leads to a huge rabbit hole of the cosmere

Edited by ash's_eyes
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When your little siblings are watching some little kids show and you keep thinking to yourself that the talking inanimate objects are Type IV Biochromatic Entities.

When you are tasked with putting those same little siblings down for their nap, and they ask for a story, and you tell them "The Girl who Looked Up" and "The Dog and the Dragon." And then later they ask for "The Girl who Looked Up" again.


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On 07/06/2022 at 9:50 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

When your little siblings are watching some little kids show and you keep thinking to yourself that the talking inanimate objects are Type IV Biochromatic Entities.

When you are tasked with putting those same little siblings down for their nap, and they ask for a story, and you tell them "The Girl who Looked Up" and "The Dog and the Dragon." And then later they ask for "The Girl who Looked Up" again.

Aw, that's so sweet.

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When you're a Sanderfan and also the oldest of six children, you do what you have to do.

Which also includes getting your ten-year-old sister (who has a VERY high reading level relative to her age) to read Mistborn. And then pestering her about it constantly to get her to read faster.

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59 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

When you're a Sanderfan and also the oldest of six children, you do what you have to do.

Which also includes getting your ten-year-old sister (who has a VERY high reading level relative to her age) to read Mistborn. And then pestering her about it constantly to get her to read faster.

You're the oldest of six as well?

my siblings have the average emotional maturity of a 7-year-old(if you average them together). They have read Alcatraz, but not any of the other Sanderson works.

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