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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you go to your school's Fun Friday and face painting is an option

and everyone else is getting to be cats and stuff

and your friend is painting

so you ask her to paint a shash brand on your forehead.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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When you speed read through Mistborn and WOK searching for the perfect scene to adapt into a full-length piano composition

And then find yourself eight hours later with 37 coppermind tabs open researching Thaylen script and other cosmere linguistics

All while listening to Black Piper's Kaladin album :P 

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38 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

When you speed read through Mistborn and WOK searching for the perfect scene to adapt into a full-length piano composition

And then find yourself eight hours later with 37 coppermind tabs open researching Thaylen script and other cosmere linguistics

All while listening to Black Piper's Kaladin album :P 

I feel you, it is so hard not to get lost in the massiveness 

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When your brother squashes tiny little firework things between his finger and thumb and it reminds you of firemoss...

Pop-its, bang pops, and all those other tiny little white paper things that pop when thrown at the ground will never be the same again.

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2 hours ago, Tani said:

When your brother squashes tiny little firework things between his finger and thumb and it reminds you of firemoss...

Pop-its, bang pops, and all those other tiny little white paper things that pop when thrown at the ground will never be the same again.

That was what I was thinking of.

When on the fourth of july everyone else has cotton in their ears and you have headphones on to listen to Oathbringer.

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When you lie awake at night trying to remember all ten Heralds(I forgot Vedel for a while) and all ten orders of Knights Radiant.

and all nine Friends of the ABC and all thirteen dwarves.

No, it wasn't keeping me up, I just tried to remember them to stave off boredom.


Also when you see a guy wearing a Life before Death shirt at an amusement park and spend the rest of the day hoping you see him so you can say I like your shirt and he'll notice your Sylshirt.

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When your first thought upon seeing the villain in the new Thor is "Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore white on the day he was to kill a king"

For reference, here's a picture: 


He's even got a magic sword that whispers and is black and creates shadows (which is basically bleeding black smoke).Hasbro Marvel Legends Series Thor: Love and Thunder Gorr Build-A-Figure  6-in Action Figure | GameStop


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On 7/1/2022 at 6:02 PM, Rune said:

When you find yourself trying to come up with how to make a Shower Fabriel while taking a shower and end up standing there for half an hour just thinking

I did this with a microwave, but I figured it out quickly (literally just a heatrial) and moved on to other kitchen appliances

I don’t really know if this counts as a YKYASW but one day I walked into my ELA class and put RoW on my desk and my teacher said, “Honey, that’s not a book, that’s a weapon.” 

When you passed a billboard that said the word Tien and you were filled with immense joy

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YKYASW you open The Way of Kings to check something, but you're on a random page, and you see "I remember writing something somewhere...he thought," and you think "Wait, he remembered writing?!" But then you realize "Oh, it's Axies the Collector. Nevermind."

3 hours ago, Friendly Cremling said:

I don’t really know if this counts as a YKYASW but one day I walked into my ELA class and put RoW on my desk and my teacher said, “Honey, that’s not a book, that’s a weapon.” 

This gave me a good laugh. I think it definitely counts.

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On 7/10/2022 at 1:19 AM, Ishar said:

When your first thought upon seeing the villain in the new Thor is "Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore white on the day he was to kill a king"

For reference, here's a picture: 

  Reveal hidden contents

He's even got a magic sword that whispers and is black and creates shadows (which is basically bleeding black smoke).Hasbro Marvel Legends Series Thor: Love and Thunder Gorr Build-A-Figure  6-in Action Figure | GameStop


Just watched that movie and OH STORMFATHER, YOU’RE RIGHT


and when he picks up the sword black veins creep up his arm. And it’s killing him. Not nearly as quickly as nightblood, but still. Gorr and Szeth both kill important rulers. And Szeth (WoR spoilers)


Is a Skybreaker, and dedicated to justice. Gorr wants justice for his daughters death. 


Funny story, when we left the theater after seeing Thor: Love and Thunder, there was a highstorm. A very mild one. Some would call it a thunderstorm. 

You know you’re a Sanderfan when you start looking for every similarity between a marvel character and a Cosmere character.

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On 7/13/2022 at 1:57 PM, Friendly Cremling said:

I don’t really know if this counts as a YKYASW but one day I walked into my ELA class and put RoW on my desk and my teacher said, “Honey, that’s not a book, that’s a weapon.”

YKYASW you wonder if the teacher was making a joke or also alluding to Oathbringer when all Dalinar takes to confront Odium is a book and Lift makes fun of him for it. 

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On 7/9/2022 at 11:19 PM, Ishar said:

When your first thought upon seeing the villain in the new Thor is "Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore white on the day he was to kill a king"

And Thor did a lastclap!

Sorry, I just watched it.

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When you're simultaneously amused and annoyed by the idea of the Secret Projects (particularly 1 and 3) being the books that launch Sanderson to his next level of fame/popularity as opposed to his more common beginner series in Mistborn ones, his fan favorite in Stormlight, or even Skyward. (If this happened, I'd imagine it'd be because of the quality of the books spread by word-of-mouth and their initial scarcity working together to create a demand for the books that launches them to the stratosphere.) 

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YKYASW you realize Annie is a combination of Tien and Shallan and she should get a Daddy Stormblessed.


YKYASW you're reading a book and the main character sounds like Tien* and the future love interest character says battles sound exciting and you think "NO DON'T SEND HIM TO WAR!!".




He was a frail lad of eight, though he looked younger than that. His hair was a mousy-brown color, thick and untameable despite all their efforts, and she loved gliding her fingers through it.


Owen stared up at her eyes with his deep brown ones, seeming to know she was fretting and in need of comfort.

Yeah. Tien. The name even ends in -en.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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When your mom is reading mistborn and she says she wants to make a mistcloak, and the first thing you say is “Yes! I have successfully converted you. Welcome to the cult.”

also at an earlier point in time when she says mistborn is getting good, and even though you were unloading the car you just turn around immediately.

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