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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you subconsciously think that every old man, court jester or storyteller in a book is Hoid. Seriously, I routinely think I spot Hoid in the books I read. He's everywhere.

When you see the words, "It's the journey, not the destination" in a book and nearly have a heart attack.

When random song lyrics remind you of Kaladin or other characters.

When all your friends, who haven't read the Cosmere, know certain release dates of upcoming books because you can't shut up about them.  

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I found an old dream release schedule for Brandon's works in an old notebook of mine. I think it's from 2016 or 2017, but I'm not sure. Either way, it's before The Apocalypse Guard was taken off the slate and Skyward was announced. The release schedule with some added thoughts:

2018 - The Apocalypse Guard (Someday I still want to see this, even if it's one of the books the Shard gives out)

2018 - Rithmatist 2 (HA!)

2018 - Alcatraz 6 (...four years later?)

2018 - The Lost Metal (...four years later...)

2019 - The Apocalypse Guard 2 (Replace this with Starsight and I'm right on the money. But according to Dan Wells, he has ideas for a sequel!)

2020 - The Apocalypse Guard 3 (Nope.)

2020 - Stormlight 4 (Ay, I was right!)

2020 - Elantris 2 (HA!)

2020 - Dark One 1 (...well, Dark One Volume 1's original run was in 2020... This prediction was made when Dark One was still going to be a YA book series. I thought it might be the follow-up to Apocalypse Guard)

2021 - Dark One 2 (Nope, but we did get a second run of Vol 1)

2022 - Dark One 3 (No, but we're getting Dark One: Forgotten in October!)

2022 - Stormlight 5 (What an optimistic sword wielder I was...)

2022 - Elantris 3 (knowing what I now know about Sanderson's schedule, I'm not sure how on earth he would have accomplished this)


I have DOZENS if not hundreds of little prediction lists like these. All of them are wrong, of course, but I guess you know you're a Sanderson fan when you create these instead of just doodling like a normal person. 

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You know you are a Sanderfan when you dream of the title and cover reveal of Stormlight 5. And that a release date in early 2024 is announced at the same time. And that you wake up hyped as ever.

If anyone's interested, the cover depicted (SA5 spoilers?)


a dragon flying out of a stormy sea. Felt really BOTW-like, now that I think of it

I don't remember what the title was, but it was cool. (I think; in a dream, I would find anything really cool as a title.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

YKYASW your teacher asks everyone to find an inspirational quote about goal setting, and instead of searching "inspirational quotes about goal setting" and picking one, you search "Brandon Sanderson quotes" then frantically try to find ones that fit.

And end up picking three separate quotes instead of just one.

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On 8/31/2022 at 7:05 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

When you use the stick analogy for a devotional in seminary.

You know. The universally known stick analogy. (spoken to the Rhythm of Sarcasm)


When you are playing Killer Froggy and you scream Death Rattles as you die.

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YKYASW your teacher assigns an english assignment and you immediately wonder how many Brandon Sanderson quotes you can fit into it.

But more importantly YKYASW people get annoyed with you because you were talking about cognitive shadows in church.

Edited by That1Cellist
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I'm pretty sure this has already been brought up, but YKYAASFW when you spot Hoid in non-Brandon books.

(It was actually an iconic character from the series I was reading and that I was supposed to recognize, but I missed all the blatant giveaways because my brain had decided it was Hoid)

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