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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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On 9/2/2022 at 0:31 PM, Shallan Stormblessed said:

You know. The universally known stick analogy. (spoken to the Rhythm of Sarcasm)


You might want to put some safety goggles on first. You have them on? Make sure that you do. Now go and find a 2 by 2 piece of plywood. Now pick up the stick, does the other end come with it? If you pick up one of the stick you must pick up the other end. Actions have consequences, good or bad.

This ends your science lesson of the day. *Disappears with a bow*

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

You might want to put some safety goggles on first. You have them on? Make sure that you do. Now go and find a 2 by 2 piece of plywood. Now pick up the stick, does the other end come with it? If you pick up one of the stick you must pick up the other end. Actions have consequences, good or bad.

This ends your science lesson of the day. *Disappears with a bow*

I read that as "Disappear with a bow." As in Cello bow, and I was very confused. I guess I must be a cellist.

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YKYASW your looking at graphic novels at Barnes and Noble and out of the corner of the eye you spot White Sand. And then you fall to your knees and gasp, picking up the books. And you’re really angry that they only have 2 & 3.
Also when your teacher writes the schedule on the whiteboard and abbreviates motor break as MB. I read it as Mistborn and somehow that didn’t seem odd to me.

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YKYASW you know your brother (who hasn’t even read any Sanderson) and his fiancée are sitting in Brandon’s theater room by the single picture the sent. And then you proceed to be incredibly jealous. Ha ha. At least I get to go to the convention in 2 months. 
(And yes this literally just happened. They are there right now and I don’t know how, what, why, or why I wasn’t invited. Ha ha.)

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Guys. I just raised my hand, and in response to the Winston Churchill quote "success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts" I said, "As the Saint always said, "True failure is choosing to fail". I DID SAY THAT!! @IheartKaladin4eva can attest to it.

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9 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Guys. I just raised my hand, and in response to the Winston Churchill quote "success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts" I said, "As the Saint always said, "True failure is choosing to fail". I DID SAY THAT!! @IheartKaladin4eva can attest to it.

I'm so proud of you! *crying happy face*

YKYASW your seminary teacher writes "BoM" (meaning Book of Mormon) on the board and your first thought is Bands of Mourning. And then you remember how you used to have the opposite condition.

Edited by Tani
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16 hours ago, Tani said:

I'm so proud of you! *crying happy face*

YKYASW your seminary teacher writes "BoM" (meaning Book of Mormon) on the board and your first thought is Bands of Mourning. And then you remember how you used to have the opposite condition.

That‘s great!

YKYASW you don‘t move fast at night so you don’t anger the shades.

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You know you're a fan when you blow hundreds of dollars on a kickstarter for four books and some themed goods sight unseen, then want to blow another few hundred on plastic Stormlight Archive figurines you know you'll almost certainly never use just a few months later. 

Also, catching yourself explaining characters from other media to people in relation to Stormlight characters. 

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9 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

May we have an example?

I compared a character from The Dragon Prince to Adolin. 

Then again the last season's climax was straight up Oathbringer's climax thematically and structurally, only with *Sadeas still around to rally his forces to do the dickhead thing for *Odium. 

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When you see the word "investiture" in one of the Song of Ice and Fire books and just subconciously assume that you are reading a Cosmere book, so you start trying to find Hoid, and then you get very dissapointed when you come back to the real world and remember that R'hllor is not a shard.

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