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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When, upon waking up with lines on your arms from fabric pressing into them, you decide to see if you have allomancy.

When you are supposed to write your name on your cup, but you write some random thing on it in the women's script instead.

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3 hours ago, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

When, upon waking up with lines on your arms from fabric pressing into them, you decide to see if you have allomancy.

When you (gently) scratch your arms to get Kelsierness.

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When you see the letters SF on a sign for the library and your brain automatically translates it to ‘Sanderfan’ until your friend goes “ sci- fi, huh, that one’s new” and then you feel like a complete idiot. :ph34r:

also when one of your friends gets an earring ( I swear it looks exactly like Vin’s!) and you go up to them and say “ nice Hemalurgic spike, don’t trust any weird voices that you hear in your head” completely forgetting that this dude hasn’t read Mistborn and being confused at the weird look he gives you

Edited by Cinnamon
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On 10/19/2022 at 6:17 PM, Cash67 said:

Your laptop looks like this and the only reason you left space is because you are anticipating the swag boxes



the best thing thats gonna happen next year is all of the monthly books and swag. the first week of every month I'll just be anticipating it

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23 hours ago, CosmicShard8002 said:


the best thing thats gonna happen next year is all of the monthly books and swag. the first week of every month I'll just be anticipating it

You’re only waiting until then to anticipate the joy of the swag boxes?


Yeah when I ordered these stickers my family went “don’t you have more stuff coming later?”

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45 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

You’re only waiting until then to anticipate the joy of the swag boxes?


Yeah when I ordered these stickers my family went “don’t you have more stuff coming later?”

I've been anticipating them since my Dad got them as a birthday present. The first week will just be extreme anticipation, so much so that my friends will notice probably. Then I'll continue to fill their brains with brando sando while they have no clue what I'm saying

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You know you're a Sanderfan when you use "Scud!" as an exclamation.

You also know when you begin to suspect one of your teachers of being Hoid, and when you're comparing your family members to certain characters (my older brother is Marsh, BTW)

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You know your a sanderfan when your device doesn’t even try to autocorrect words like Sanderfan, Stormlight, Mistborn, Allomancy, Chasmfiend, Hemalurgy, Roshar, Scadrial, BioChromatic, “Honourspren, Stormfather, Nalthis, etc. 


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14 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

You know you're a sanderfan when you force your Latin teacher to read Stormlight. By the way, Odium means 'hatred' and Notum means 'famous' in Latin.


Odium is technically an English word, but unlike most others it was stolen wholesale from Latin without any changes.

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You know you're a Sanderfan when you:

1) Read SteelHeart in one night

2) Your computer doesn't bother to correct "Brando Sando" anymore

3) When you almost squeal every time you think of a certain scene or character from one of Brando Sando's books. (Literally, I almost exploded in class one time when I thought about Raoden and Sarene)

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I have 15-ish tabs open on my phone. 

- 4 are 17th Shard threads/subforums

- 2 are Coppermind

- 1 is Arcanum (I guess that kinda counts as Coppermind but whatever)

- 2 are Brandon’s website

- the others are just boring stuff like emails and schoolwork and stuff. 

Does that qualify me as a fully-fledged Sanderfan?

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4 hours ago, MysticalShadows said:

I have 15-ish tabs open on my phone. 

- 4 are 17th Shard threads/subforums

- 2 are Coppermind

- 1 is Arcanum (I guess that kinda counts as Coppermind but whatever)

- 2 are Brandon’s website

- the others are just boring stuff like emails and schoolwork and stuff. 

Does that qualify me as a fully-fledged Sanderfan?



YKYASW you see "Ishi" in the Bible (Daniel 2:16 iirc) and get distracted from your Seminary class thinking of Ishar

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You know you’re a Sanderfan when you hear loud thumping and immediately brace yourself, thinking “where’s the thunderclast?”


YKYASWY are consistently distracted during church imagining a dark force appearing behind the pulpit and your immediate reaction is to then imagine yourself in full Shardplate fighting it.

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