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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you memorize the story of Fleet. And want to find somewhere to perform it.




What do you see?


Close your eyes, idiot. What do you see?

That's the song of a man who is running.

In the driest part of the brightest day

The man set off from the eastern sea

And where he went or why he ran 

The answer comes from you to me.

He ran from the storm.

The man was Fleet, whose name you know!

He's spoken of in song and lore

The fastest man e'er known to live,

The surest feet e'er known to roam!

In times long past, in times I've known 

He raced the Herald Chan-a-rach.


He won that race as he did each one 

But now the time for defeat had come 

For Fleet so sure, and Fleet the quick 

To all that heard he yelled his goal

To beat the wind and race a storm 

A claim so brash, a claim too bold 

To race the wind? It can't be done 

Undaunted, Fleet was set to run


So to the east, there went our Fleet 

Upon the shore his mark was set

The storm grew strong, the storm grew wild

Who was this man all set to dash?

No man should tempt the God of Storms

No fool had ever been so rash


At first, Fleet did well.


O’er rock and grass, our Fleet did run 

He leaped the stones and dodged the trees 

His feet a blur, his soul a sun

The storm so grand, it raged and spun

But away from it our Fleet did run

The lead was his, the wind behind

Did man now prove that storms could lose?


Through land he ran so quick and sure 

And Alethkar he left behind

But now the test he saw ahead 

For mountains he would have to climb 


The storm surged on, released a howl

It saw its chance might now approach

So to the highest mounts and the coldest peaks 

Our hero Fleet did make his way. 

The slopes were steep and paths unsure

Could he maintain his mighty lead?


 Obviously not. You can never stay ahead. Not for long.


 No! The storm grew close, till it chewed his heels.

Upon his neck, Fleet felt its chill

Its breath of ice was all around

A mouth of night and wings of frost

Its voice was of the breaking rocks 

Its song was of the crashing rain 


Then the tip he reached!

The point he found!

Fleet climbed no more, but crossed the peak 

And down the side, his speed returned!

Outside the storm, Fleet found the sun 

Azir’s plains were now his path

He sprinted west, more broad his stride


But he was growing weak. No man can run that far without getting tired. Even Fleet.


Yet soon the race its toll did claim, 

His feet like bricks, his legs like cloth

In gasps our runner drew his breath 

The end approached, the storm outdone 

But slowly did our hero run. 


 More mountains. Shinovar. 


A final challenge raised its head,

A final shadow to his dread

The land did rise up once again,

The Misted Mountains guarding Shin. 

To leave the storming winds behind,

Our Fleet again began to climb.


 The storm caught up.


The storm again came to his back,

The wind again did spin around!

The time was short, the ending near

As through those mounts our Fleet did dash


It was right upon him. Even going down the other side, he was unable to stay very far ahead.


He crossed the peak, but lost his lead.

The last paths lay before his feet,

But strength he’d spent

And might he’d lost.

Each step was toil, each breath in pain.

A sunken land he crossed with grief,

The grass so dead it did not move.


Ahead, the sea, the race’s end.

Eyes barely saw, legs barely walked, 

But on he went to destiny.

The end you know, the end must live 

A shock for men to me you'll give 


He died. He didn’t make it. The end.


So you do know this story.


I thought you were making it up.


No, you were.


Then what is there to know?


All stories have been told before. We tell them to ourselves, as did all men who ever were and all men who ever will be. The only things new are the names.


So... Fleet. Was he real?


As real as I am.


And he died?


He died.




Upon that land of dirt and soil

Our hero fell and did not stir!

His body spent, his strength undone,

Fleet the hero was no more.

The storm approached and found him there.

It stilled and stopped upon its course!

The rains they fell, the winds they blew,

But forward they could not progress.


For glory lit, and life alive, 

For goals unreached and aims to strive

All men must try, the wind did see.

It is the test, it is the dream


So in that land of dirt and soil, 

Our hero stopped the storm itself!

And while the rain came down like tears,

Our Fleet refused to end this race.

His body dead but not his will,

Within those winds his soul did rise.


It flew upon the day’s last song

To win the race and claim the dawn.

Past the sea and past the waves, 

Our Fleet no longer lost his breath.

Forever strong, forever fast, 

Forever free to race the wind.


What does it mean?


It’s your story. You decide.


The storm caught him.


The storm catches everyone, eventually. Does it matter?


I don’t know.


Good. Then you have something to think about.


The End


Typed/voice typed. From memory.

*mic drop*

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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When your class was sharing good books, and when someone mentioned Cytonic you jumped like three feet, and were very happy for the rest of class.

and when you spent like an hour trying to convince your dad to go to Barnes & Noble to get the Lost Metal tomorrow. And you’re very sad that you can’t go today because you have plans. 

Okay apparently my parents got me The Lost Metal early yesterday morning as a surprise. And we didn’t even pre-order it or something. My dad just went to the bookstore and got the one remaining copy. :D

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12 hours ago, Boomslug said:

When you have read the Mistborn series about 20 times

YKYASW when you've stopped counting the number of times you've read mistborn and have pages 431 and 432 memorized.


(Vin yelling at Kelsier after killing Shan Elariel. 

Also when your brother offers you a marble and you start to say you only accept infused spheres.

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When your friend is talking about Romeo and Juliet, specifically the scene where the messenger is despairing because he can't read and asks Romeo for help (who responds, jokingly, that he also cannot read) and you're completely unsurprised because somewhere in the back of your mind you were thinking that, as a man, of course he wouldn't read.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

When your science teacher mentions Brandon Sanderson and you freak out.

Can we know what did he say about Brandon? 

And also... why the heck did your science teacher mentioned Brandon in class ?!

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On 12/2/2022 at 10:51 AM, Ookla Carried by the Wind said:

Can we know what did he say about Brandon? 

And also... why the heck did your science teacher mentioned Brandon in class ?!

He had an Ernest Hemingway quote on the board, and someone(*cough cough @Ookla the Confused*) mentioned him being prolific. The teacher was like, "Not that prolific... not as prolific as someone like, say Brandon Sanderson, putting out, like, three books a year."



Hehe. Or four.


Or when you watch the Wingfeather premiere and note gloryspren swirling around Leeli.

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20 hours ago, Ookla the Confused said:

When, in said science class, you are holding a small and shiny metal ball and contemplate swallowing it.

So that's where the missing one went...

Yes, I'm sure Mr. [REDACTED] gave us little bits of atium.

Also he kept calling them "spheres", so I put my face close to one and inhaled.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23/12/2022 at 3:55 PM, Shallan Stormblessed said:

When you're very confused by 1:58 of this video:

  Reveal hidden contents



I cannot see a video.

when you see four of those Wordstudy Bible Dictionary books and all your brain sees is the ‘Word’ and the fact that they are fat books and you freak out thinking that you found alternate cover versions of WoR. 

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