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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Divine Breaths tend to change the appearances of Returned, making them into the Cognitive Ideals for their time. That's explains the handsome young men Tennant and Smith were--the Cognitive Ideal of a hero being a young and dashing man. John Hurt is a legendary actor, considered one of the greatest. And in a time when fans have constantly bemoaned how young the Doctors were, and how we needed an older man to take the role... Peter Capaldi. Each incarnation of the Doctor is shaped by the Cognitive perception of the fan base.


Cryin' Door, we have ourselves a Theory.

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Plus the Doctor has his own set ideals.


Daleks are splinters of Odium.


Hoid is the Doctor. Think about it.


The Doctor is trapped in the Cosmere, and it has such affected his given powers. He became Adonalsium. Whatever broke him gave him the Cognitive shadow of Adonalsium--Hoid. It is no coincidence that this was the Doctor's given name. 


The Cosmere is timelocked, and all his worldhopping is him trying to put himself back together so he can leave. He is without the TARDIS.

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Plus the Doctor has his own set ideals.


Daleks are splinters of Odium.


Hoid is the Doctor. Think about it.


The Doctor is trapped in the Cosmere, and it has such affected his given powers. He became Adonalsium. Whatever broke him gave him the Cognitive shadow of Adonalsium--Hoid. It is no coincidence that this was the Doctor's given name. 


The Cosmere is timelocked, and all his worldhopping is him trying to put himself back together so he can leave. He is without the TARDIS.


Now I can imagine a confrontation between Hoid and Odium.


"Oh, you like to thing you're a god. But you're not a god. You're just a parasite eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others. You feed on them."

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When you create a World of Warcraft account just so you can get the Survivor's Bag of Coins and make several characters at one time. (I have a Rouge Nightelf named Lestibournes who only speaks in High Imperial, a Human Rouge named VinVenture, an Orc Warrior named TonkFah, a Human Warrior named Pewterarm and I know I made another but I can't remember right now.)

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"Tell me how you know God exists."

"I once spent the greater part of a year being digested."

I'm assuming that's the quote you used? :P

No, I used the quote "You'll find god in the same place you're going to find salvation from this mess," Wit said, "Inside the hearts of men." Edited by Samh9
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When you wonder if a lurcher could rob your house by Ironpulling up to your balcony and remember that "Oh wait, a Windrunner could do that so much more easily!"


Plate your house in aluminum and keep some larkins in the house. That ought to put your mind at ease.

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When your favorite author's after Brandon are Robert Jordan and Rothfuss.


Edit: Oh and all I would do to totally destroy your fortifications would be take a large rock and lash it up really high and then lash it straight down on your heads. Even if the larkin takes the stormlight it will still be moving at an incredibly high speed.


Edited by QuiteLeftInch
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When you mention something about 'an author' and a family member immediately asks 'are you talking about Brandon Sanderson?' And they're correct.


Upvote for the obvious reason and also because your one family member remembers his name (from repeated mentioning, I can imagine)!

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When you're watching Avatar and you realize that Airbending powers and windrunning powers sorta do the same thing, and really want to see a fight between Kaladin and Aang. And then later have an in depth conversation about who would win in a fight, a mistborn or the avatar (Assuming no atium or avatar state).

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