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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you're playing signs and everyone's going around the circle saying what their sign is, and one guy goes "Bridge 4" and you, him, and one other guy all do the salute in sync, leaving the rest of the cast concerned and afraid.

When you notice scars on your arm and go "WOAH I LOOK LIKE THE FREAKING SURVIVOR" and start giggling in class.

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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


A lot of these were months ago and spur of the moment. The one I can remember is someone said something about a stick and I wanted to say "I am a stick." where can I post them?

Edited by Xiahida
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@Forts Board, here ;) spoilered for length.


AndrewHB (paraphrased)

Is Niccolò Machiavelli's political theory--the ends justify the means--incompatible with the Knights Radiant's First Oath?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

No. Although many of the Orders of Knights Radiant would find Machiavelli's theory, that the ends justify the means, incompatible with additional oaths and/or values of that Order, there are some Orders who could accept a Machiavellian. (Brandon said that the Skybreakers are where a Machiavellian could find a home.)

Footnote: A follow up question was asked in the signing line.
Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing (Dec. 3, 2016)


I wondered if I could follow up to that Machiavelli question. Would Elsecallers be a-- one of those other, uh-- one of those...

Brandon Sanderson

So, yeah. Elsecallers are fairly compatible. Like, Elsecallers feel like the journey is... the journey is the entire species, right? And that the journey is the destination. *inaudible*

Footnote: Referenced question was asked in the General Q&A.
Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing (Dec. 3, 2016)


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YKYASF when you’re walking down a hallway wearing a bridge four shirt and a guy wearing a Szeth hoodie nods at you and you nod back and keep walking feeling infinitely cooler.

EDIT: the guy happens to be in one of my theatre classes. So I got to hear him give a monologue as King Hamlet (the ghost). He was still wearing the hoodie. My brain decided Gavilar. 

Edited by Ookla the Believer
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Probably has been done before in some way, but: YKYASFW you join the 17th Shard for the sole purpose of being an Ookla. For one thing, why on earth would you join the Shard if you weren't a Sanderfan? There's WAY too many geeks 'round here for most normal people! For another, you have to understand what Ookla Season is to really appreciate being an Ookla, which requires that you spend a lot of time on the 17th Shard.

Also, YKYASFW one of the top criteria for a future spouse is that they must at least have read the Cosmere and tolerate it, because it would be misery to make a whole lot of Cosmere jokes to someone who can't understand them.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

Probably has been done before in some way, but: YKYASFW you join the 17th Shard for the sole purpose of being an Ookla. For one thing, why on earth would you join the Shard if you weren't a Sanderfan? There's WAY too many geeks 'round here for most normal people! For another, you have to understand what Ookla Season is to really appreciate being an Ookla, which requires that you spend a lot of time on the 17th Shard.

Also, YKYASFW one of the top criteria for a future spouse is that they must at least have read the Cosmere and tolerate it, because it would be misery to make a whole lot of Cosmere jokes to someone who can't understand them.

Factual though.

YKYASFW you send weekly Sanderson email to your brother on an lds mission.

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  • 3 weeks later...

YKYASFW you check to see how many pages are left in your book and are sad because there's only 300 more, so the book isn't going to last much longer.

Also, YKYASFW you're more excited for Christmas next year than you were for it this year because SA 5 comes out next year and not this year. 

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When you sometimes sit on the floor at 3 am and act out a similar conversation to "I am a stick" but with a bead of metal...

I shouldn't eat this

But you could be an allomancer

But I shouldn't eat this

But magic

But I might die


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