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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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44 minutes ago, UltimateArchivist said:

You know you are a Sanderfan when your newer friend asks what the Wheel of Time is and you respond with "There's always another secret."

xD I laughed way too hard at that-

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20 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

*realizes I post on here WAY too much*

When you have this conversation:

(spoilered for length)

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Person, seeing my shirt: “MISTBOOORRRRNN!!”


Person: “I love mistborn!”

Me: “Me too. That’s why I have a mistborn shirt.”

Person: “Have you read any of his other books?”

Me: “All of them.”

Person: “All-”

Me: “ALL of them.”

Person: “Oh…”

Me: “Oh.”


Is their "oh" mean "me too"?

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1 hour ago, S. Stormy said:

Is their "oh" mean "me too"?


If only…

I think it was a “oh dear me you’re crazy” which would be awkward but it’s ok because we’re friends. 

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. . . When your 85lb GSD makes "Wayne Trades" with the toys


Seriously, he done this for a while, but I just put it together. When Vixen has a toy he wants, he picks up a toy, runs to her, drops that toy and takes her toy, then walks away. Indoors, outdoors, doesn't matter


Vixen is the older sister, Black and Tan (Age 7) - she loves to chase things and hates bringing toys back

Sullivan is the younger brother, Sable (Age 6) - He likes to play keep-away and will only chase a thrown toy if she goes after it first




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YKYASW You are constantly anytime you need to say a random number you say 16 or (If the number needs to be high,)  631.

At this point, ive made hundreds of 631 jokes. hundreds. Maybe around six hundred... a bit more than that. Around six hundred and thirty one.

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On 4/17/2024 at 7:29 PM, Treamayne said:

Vixen is the older sister, Black and Tan (Age 7) - she loves to chase things and hates bringing toys back

Sullivan is the younger brother, Sable (Age 6) - He likes to play keep-away and will only chase a thrown toy if she goes after it first


They're ADORABLE, I love them. 

YKYASW you have spent hundreds of dollars on your Sanderson collection and it's theoretically worth thousands?? (Book collecting is wild, man.) 

When there has been a magnet of Shallan saying "I am plotting tax evasion" on your whiteboard for like a year. 

When you met some of the people most dear to you in the world on this website. 

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1 hour ago, Forts Board said:

YKYASW you keep refreshing Arcanum to see if any new C2E2 wobs have come in. And also when you want to keep telling your friends about the awakened metalmind you use called ChatGPT.


I will never see this the same again.

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On 5/1/2024 at 2:13 PM, One of the Ten Fools said:

YKYASW you find three chalk circles on the ground, and you immediately try to imagine how the rithmatic duel went. 

YKYASW you find sidewalk chalk and try to draw circles before realizing you would be a terrible rithmatist :P

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I drained my Steelmind on Saturday and now I am working hard to refill it.

Translation to boring-speak: I ran a Half Marathon on Saturday, and now I’m walking really slowly everywhere because of soreness. 

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YKYASF when you buy a book, read it, and then go, "Eh. Fairly mediocre compared to [X Sanderson Book]," even if it is by all other metrics a stellar fantasy novel.

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. . . when you are watching "How the Universe Works" ('Dark Secrets of the Moon' episode) and they say "Every time the scientists peel back the layers they find another secret" and your first thought is "even documentaries quote Kelsier."

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