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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you try to write an interconnected series of (fantasy) books and realize it's starting to become a knock-off cosmere complete with world hoppers (except the mechanics are a little different)


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When you're singing Something's Coming from West Side Story in Choir and you get into character to sound excited by thinking about Wind and Truth

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YKYASFW you're at the health food store and, in the athletics section, you see a bottle that says "Protein Powder," but initially read it as "Roshar Chowder" and wonder how it got there.

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41 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

YKYASFW you have 17th Shard open literally 24/7 I do not shut it.

. . . When you have the Shard and Coppermind open on three different computers, and never close it on any of them too (Work, Telework (living room), and personal PC (bedroom)). 

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When you want to make a Stormlight meme but you need to make sure it's as accurate as possible before you share it so you spend twenty minutes looking up obscure references and small characters details only to finish it up with ten total words and a funny picture and hope to Adonalsium that it actually is funny as well as accurate.

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On 6/9/2024 at 8:54 AM, YouKnowYuno said:

YNYASF - when you start reading a Sanderson book without reading time and eventually you look over and realize its 3 in the morning.  

....this has happened more than I care to admit

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YKYASF when the sight of a "Hoid for President" shirt at work makes your day--and then subsequently allows you to make the other person's day when you reveal yourself as a SanderFan.

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