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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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- When you've purchased entire anthologies (Armored, Games Creatures Play, Dangerous Women, Unfettered, Altered Perceptions) simply because Brandon has written a story in them.

- When your first thought on getting an iPhone is "Now I can buy Infinity Blade, so I'll be able to read Infinity Blade: Awakening and actually know what's going on" (aside - that game is actually incredibly fun, and I would recommend it to anyone who has any interest at all in swordfighting games)

- When you picked up the Mistborn Adventure Game, even though the only people you know who are big enough Sanderfans to play with you live in another province, because at least there will be new Cosmere worldbuilding info.

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When you're watching the League of Legends tournament, hear Kassidan and automatically think Kaladin.

"            "             "            "            "             "            "             "     Orianna and automatically think Aviendha.  (That's more of a stretch, but it still happened.)



Also, how you know you're a Garfield fan:

You hear the commentator say "the Zanya's" and think he's saying lasagnas.

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You're reading Beowulf in English class, the teacher is talking about all the Christian references having been added after the original writing, and you're thinking Storming Hierocracy.

Actually Brandon did this in Elantris with a poem based on the style of Beowulf. None of the poem actually appears in the published book though. And we can't find the longer version of the poem. It's probably on a really old laptop.

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When your teacher says that you must show your work even if you already know the answer and you write down "Journey before destination."


And when you're watching a TV show and you're slightly bored because you already anticipate the next three plot points because, well... Y'know. Sanderson.

Edited by Curiosity
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Actually Brandon did this in Elantris with a poem based on the style of Beowulf. None of the poem actually appears in the published book though. And we can't find the longer version of the poem. It's probably on a really old laptop.

When you read this and think "I want that poem".

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Actually Brandon did this in Elantris with a poem based on the style of Beowulf. None of the poem actually appears in the published book though. And we can't find the longer version of the poem. It's probably on a really old laptop.

I mentioned it first! Do I get points or something?


Incidentally, to those wanting it, it's called Wyrn the King. That won't help you actually obtain it, but at least you'll know that it has a name other than "the poem."

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Wait so life is really a video game where important people are the named npcs and the rest of us are just nameless stupid villagers?

I would love to see how many important people were actually light eyes though.

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What about the other Politcal Leaders? Was the Queen of England an Epic? The American Presidents? Terrorist Leaders? Religious Figures?


If every named character in History was an Epic of various Power, it would explain a lot.


Neil Armstrong was an Epice, hey? That explains how he reached the moon.  :D

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When there's a massive storm in the area, and a couple days later your brother says "Did that wash up in the highstorm?"

And it takes you both a full minute to realise he said highstorm. And that that is not a perfectly normal word to use.




I use it frequently, at home and at work. 

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When you figure out, and begin gathering materials to make a Terrisman Costume that can actually store/tap Physical Strength. (Will post pictures if I can get it to work)

If you genuinely figured out how to tap the power of Feruchemy in the real world, you will officially be the Greatest Sanderfan Ever.

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