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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Sorry, this doesn't count. I talk to all my books, not just the Sanderson ones. I have also been known to talk to sticks and other inanimate objects (I had a pet rock for a while).

I had half a dozen pet cotton balls in middle school. Yes, I know exactly how weird I am and I don't care; I went to be tested for schizophrenia wearing a patched overcoat older than my parents with an evergreen stick through the bottonhole and a home made stovepipe hat on my head.


I seriously have no idea where Brandon comes up with them. I can sit and brainstorm for hours, but never come up with anything other than blatant ripoffs of other magic systems.


I think the trick is to not make them *blatantly* rip-offs. Everything is a remix.


Delightful is correct! Everything has already been done, to one extent or another. The trick is putting your own spin on it, so that no one cares.

My best one was kind of One-Power-Meets-Surgebinding with some of the detail bits thrown in from other places (some from Lightbringer Saga's drafting, a touch of something sort of like Feruchemy, ect...). One of the others is basically Feruchemy crossed with Aon Dor--or maybe Forgery. Anyway, yeah, it's all been done, just make enough changes to put a new spin on it and keep it from looking like outright plagarism--my One Power/Surgebinding system doesn't really look too obviously like either anymore...although the wizards' organization is still a flaming blatant ripoff of the White Tower.


You know you're a Sanderfan when you try to break an awkward silence by talking about Brandon Sanderson and the silence gets even more awkward.

Have you considered joining the Knights Awkward?



Sorry for the long string of replies, you know you're a Sanderfan when a two week abscence from the 17th Shard means that you have more reading to do in order to catch up with your favourite threads than you've ever had to do in two weeks of English class.

Edited by Dankworth
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You know you're a Sanderfan when your brain is overloading due to making possible cosmere connections and all the questions are firing in your head one after the other and these questions won't go away until you get your answers but your only hope for these answers is to beg the creator for answers and hope you don't get RAFO'd too much...*breathes* so many questions :ph34r:  :wacko:  :blink:

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I had half a dozen pet cotton balls in middle school. Yes, I know exactly how weird I am and I don't care; I went to be tested for schizophrenia wearing a patched overcoat older than my parents with an evergreen stick through the bottonhole and a home made stovepipe hat on my head.

My best one was kind of One-Power-Meets-Surgebinding with some of the detail bits thrown in from other places (some from Lightbringer Saga's drafting, a touch of something sort of like Feruchemy, ect...). One of the others is basically Feruchemy crossed with Aon Dor--or maybe Forgery. Anyway, yeah, it's all been done, just make enough changes to put a new spin on it and keep it from looking like outright plagarism--my One Power/Surgebinding system doesn't really look too obviously like either anymore...although the wizards' organization is still a flaming blatant ripoff of the White Tower.

Have you considered joining the Knights Awkward?

Sorry for the long string of replies, you know you're a Sanderfan when a two week abscence from the 17th Shard means that you have more reading to do in order to catch up with your favourite threads than you've ever had to do in two weeks of English class.

I actually have 5-6 that work. I had one that was sand based that I really like, but then I heard about White Sand and got really worried. Fortunately, that one is completely different. Magic systems are so much fun.

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When you go around and try to figure out how you would steelpush yourself to a certain area.


"Lets see, I could push against that thing to get onto the roof, but if I was Mistborn I could just lurch myself to that thing...."


Or when you are faced with a problem and your first thought is to solve it with one of the magics in Cosmere.

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When you go around and try to figure out how you would steelpush yourself to a certain area.


"Lets see, I could push against that thing to get onto the roof, but if I was Mistborn I could just lurch myself to that thing...."


Or when you are faced with a problem and your first thought is to solve it with one of the magics in Cosmere.

Wait, you're saying that most normal people DON'T do this?

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When you go around and try to figure out how you would steelpush yourself to a certain area.


"Lets see, I could push against that thing to get onto the roof, but if I was Mistborn I could just lurch myself to that thing...."


Or when you are faced with a problem and your first thought is to solve it with one of the magics in Cosmere.

"Those certainly are a lot of boxes. Too bad nobody else came to help us move."

"No problem! Let's just call up a feruchemist! Then they can lift all the boxes in with super strength! Or maybe a Lifeless could do it all for us. Or we could have a Windrunner lash them to the back of the truck! Or even the ceiling! The boxes might be a little destroyed, yes, but think of the spectacle, Robert, the spectacle."

Edited by Mistrunner
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When you start looking down on your brother, because he has brown eyes.

When you get super annoyed at your friends for not getting it, when you randomly say rutabaga.

Hey Elsecaller, if you live here in Utah, you should come to the BYU cosmere club tonight! Here's the details.

Urgh! I wish I could go to college 4 years early just for that!!! Edited by The Honor Spren
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"Those certainly are a lot of boxes. Too bad nobody else came to help us move."

"No problem! Let's just call up a feruchemist! Then they can lift all the boxes in with super strength! Or maybe a Lifeless could do it all for us. Or we could have a Windrunner lash them to the back of the truck! Or even the ceiling! The boxes might be a little destroyed, yes, but think of the spectacle, Robert, the spectacle."

My first thought was to burn pewter.
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When everyone is taking different routes back to the parking lot and someone says "Well, I guess it doesn't matter which way we go; they'll all get us there." your first thought is "But...but...the First Ideal...'Journey before destination'."


Really happened on the way out of a restaurant yesterday.

Edited by Dankworth
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