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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Not really a Sanderfan thing, but in reference to people's names, there is a scene in Terminator (Salvation, I think, the one with the female terminator), where one of the terminators is trying to kill the other, and for a few minutes you see the scene as they would, through a haze of red, with instructions flashing up in front of their eyes. The text kept flashing between 'Terminate' and 'Abort'.


Terminate A Bort... I'm heading the other way, thanks.

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When you compulsivly check the forums, even though no-one is on.

Wait. That's not normal?


When you are ashamed that hikes in higher altitudes are harder for you, because that makes you an airsick lowlander.


You know you're a horneater when you do one of the hardest hikes in you're state and the altitude never bothers you.  :P

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I spent a week in Yunan once. The kind of volunteering work that is perfectly normal in other countries but in China would get me arrested more likely than not :ph34r:

There's really not enough air there. Got dragged into a 9km hike when I end up short of breath just by talking too much lungs hurt. I'm definitely an airsick lowlander :(

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I'm pretty sure if someone yelled "delightful" I would turn around. I often do a double take when I read the word (especially in a Brandon book) because it's actually not all that common

But yeah. It's worrying.

How do you feel about the song Let It Snow? "Oh the weather out side is frightful, but my dear you're so delightful."

You know you're a sanderfan when, you start dreaming about Kaladin being something called a "truborn" which means he can use all the magic systems, Renarin becoming Hoid's new apprentice and being taught how to properly torment people, little girls running around dragging Nightblood behind them, and then the dreams turn to nightmares because, a) you're walking around naked in shinovar with Szeth trying to kill you, or b ) you go to a signing and Brandon is actually a jerk because when you ask him a question, he full out ignores you.

I really need a life. :(

Edited by The Honor Spren
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When you seriously starts to ponder what kind of Metalborn everyone you know would be.


When you think about how music would develop on the Shardworlds and what kind of tonal systems they would use. (Scadrial would obviously use 16 notes per octave, Roshar would have 10, 15 or 20, because 10 notes per octave is a bit small, I think 15 makes the most sense...) Also when you wonder how 80s Rock would be if it developed on the Shardworlds, if "Babe you are an allomancer" would be a hit  song (I will write it someday, promise), when you come up with the pick up line "Are you a brass compounder because you are hot" or "Are you a lurcher because I am drawn to you" .


Now we need a thread of terrible Cosmere jokes and pick up lines, don't we?

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When you seriously starts to ponder what kind of Metalborn everyone you know would be.


When you think about how music would develop on the Shardworlds and what kind of tonal systems they would use. (Scadrial would obviously use 16 notes per octave, Roshar would have 10, 15 or 20, because 10 notes per octave is a bit small, I think 15 makes the most sense...) Also when you wonder how 80s Rock would be if it developed on the Shardworlds, if "Babe you are an allomancer" would be a hit  song (I will write it someday, promise), when you come up with the pick up line "Are you a brass compounder because you are hot" or "Are you a lurcher because I am drawn to you" .


Now we need a thread of terrible Cosmere jokes and pick up lines, don't we?



And would they still call heavy metal 'heavy metal' or would they instead call it 'iron music' or something?



You know you're a Sanderfan when you are so dedicated ot the forums, you even read the Black Magic/Love Potion Babaji posts.

Edited by Bort
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You know you're a Sanderfan when you are so dedicated ot the forums, you even read the Black Magic/Love Potion Babaji posts.

You know you're a Sanderfan when you learn that Babiji is a Yogi Guru born in the year 203 and is supposedly still alive giving us all love potions or curses on a daily basis on the 17th Shard.
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You know you're a Sanderfan when you learn that Babiji is a Yogi Guru born in the year 203 and is supposedly still alive giving us all love potions or curses on a daily basis on the 17th Shard.


3YfOz4J.gifHoid is Babiji!!!

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Maybe, once it's finished, we should collect the Stormmeme archive, put it into an album and give it to Brandon as fan art. Would he notice the unusual number of pugs?

Did you mean to post that in the Sanderson memes thread?

You know your a sanderfan when you start wondering why they don't just use half lashings, to test how satellites work in space. ;)

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When you see a "MAG" sign in Cambodia and get excited that there's a local Mistborn Adventure Game group that you may be able to play with!



(The devastating truth about the MAG in Cambodia...because the reason it exists is quite sad)

In all honesty though, the MAG in Cambodia is the Mines Advisory Group, and they do amazing work clearing mines and explosive ordinance from the fields of Cambodia. These mines are remnants of the Khmer Rouge's extreme dictatorship (which killed 1.5 to 2 million people, or roughly 21% of the population), and there are still millions of them scattered across the countryside.

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