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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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You know you're a Sanderfan when you find out that Brandon promised one of your neighbors a copy of a book before it comes out, and you are really jealous because you want to become a beta reader or something and can't figure out how. (stops for breath, decides not to continue)

This only counts if you also consider breaking into their home to steal the book. :ph34r:

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When you promise yourself you'll go to BYU for college just so you can read the library's copy of Dragonsteel. Who cares if it's there for the creative writing majors?

Let's just say that I have ... taken a little look at Dragonsteel. It was a little look, I promise.


Dragonsteel Spoilers

You really clicked this spoiler tag? Really?

Edited by Xaladin
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When you see something with venture o. It, and you think, "hey, Elend started that business". And then you remember "wrong universe"

When you think about the book elantris whenever someone talks about mass conversion.

When you are a bit disappointed that your friends still haven't read any Sanderson books, despite you bombarding them relentlessly to, and I quote myself, "READ THE BOOKS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!" My friends are frightened by thick books, long books, and sometimes just plain books.(not that books are plain.) It's sad.

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Friends? What are these 'Friends' you speak of? Are they edible? :o


When you have nothing else to do at work but constantly clog the forum up with posts :D

Terrible destruction to eat friends! (Seriously, it's not good for their health)


When you go on a long hike, wishing every second you could burn pewter. Or at least be a steel or iron Ferring


Edit: Forgot to add "You know you're a Sanderfan when"

Edited by picksupchickens
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When you're out stargazing and call satellites "starspren."


When you can't go six minutes without referencing/quoting/acting like a character from the Stormlight Archives.


When someone pretends to break your fingers (long story) and you realize "I AM VIN!"


When you have mental images of what Sharders look like that may or may not be accurate. :ph34r:

Edited by Mistrunner
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When you see a bunch of pugs in the span of 12 hours and get this urge to look through Twy's Stormmeme Archive.

Saw a storefront named [forgot first word] Gallery Dark Eyes and wondered why darkeyes would even buy glassware or go to galleries.

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When you have the following SMS conversation with your mother who just finished Words of Radiance for the first time:

Major WoR spoilers...

Mom: Nightblood!!!! Where do I go from here????

Me: :)

Mom: Ahhhhhh!!!!! What good books!!!!

Me: Would you like to destroy some evil, Szeth-son-son-Vallano?

Me: Don't worry. Brandon is currently writing SA3. Two more Alloy of Law books come out soon. It's all good.

Mom: This is an amazing journey! I have not been this fascinated or engaged by a set of books in forever!

Edited by Titan Arum
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