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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Today I was listening to a TEDTalk about how technology is replacing human interactions with clean, human-to-robot ones.


I snickered every time the speaker mentioned "connection".


And then they mentioned cultivating your relationships...

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When.... Well, no real way to phrase this concisely, so I'll break standard format and just tell the story

We're doing a persuasive essay on GMOs in my Language arts class, and today we had to do an impromptu debate to make sure we had actually done research the night before like she asked. I was in the middle of talking and for some reason (Freudian Slip?) I mentioned that you could "invest one organism with the genetic information of another to produce a variety of beneficial effects". Needless to say, most of the class was confused.

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So today I met someone named Nazh......


Did he try to buy a map?


Or try to make a picture of you?


Or did he have a coat? How wet was it?

She did none of the above. She didn't take particular notice of me, I think. My identity is safe for now. We may be one step ahead.

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Cosmere confirmed. All of our worst hopes and fears have come true. Ready the sticks for the defense against Odium.


It was argued, that the Stick is a splinter of Odium (see the "favorite sanderson villain" topic).

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When you go camping and start talking to a stick and all your buddies worry about you.


I only would worry if the stick answered you... with something else than "I am a stick".

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When you write a multi-page essay on why Mistborn is a classic for your English class

Edit: true story. We had to write a persuasive essay on what should be considered a classic after we spent a unit reading Shakespeare, etc. I chose Mistborn and got an A :P

Mistborn will be a classic. Simply for the way it was written. Sanderson had the entire trilogy finished before the first one went out for publication/distribution. It is the most complete trilogy I've ever read. I don't think anyone had attempted something like this before and I sincerely hope that future authors will take note and finish their stories before presenting them to an audience. Sanderson will usher in a new wave of writers, changing the way stories are told from now on. He will become a legend. He was the first. The rest of us merely followers. I started this off as a serious post but realized soon after starting that I was getting a little "occult-y" so I thought "In for a penny, in for a pound" XD 

Edited by theuntaintedchild
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